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Everything posted by Adjutant

  1. By "English Style" bacon, do you mean where bacon is pumped full of water to add weight and cost to the consumer (meaning you actually get less bacon compared to the weight your being charges for) which then pours water out when you start cooking turning it into a stew unless you drain it all out. Not sure why this is something you'd be actively seeking ?
  2. I know the feeling. ... unfortunately. House price getting reduced .. Again .. this week, hoping that it will help.
  3. I'd love to hear how you get on as we may have to do the same. We thought we would be sold by now, but nothings happened. We may be forced to move without having sold the house, so need to explore opotions. Anyone got any views on selling a house with no furniture in it ? If we have to move we'll need our furniture, but an empty house always makes rooms feel smaller and could put people off.
  4. We are looking at Secret Harbour as well. We know Perth and have family in Mandurah and the Hills as well and whilst its still a paper based exercise, it does seem to tick a lot of boxes, espcially if your budget is beloe $550k for a house. Long commute to town if you work in the city, but hopefully being close to the beach, possibility of a pool, reasonable scholls etc and quiter suburb with a good community feel will be a good thing. Just need to sell the house in Edinburgh first ....
  5. There's increasing talk about government intervention to de-value the dollar to offset the impact on the manufacturing and tourism sectors that have been negatively impacted by the high value of the dollar that could see a rise of the GBP vs AUD. Whilst the government denies this course of action, this is coming from the same goverment that promised (the night before the last election) they would not introduce a Carbon Tax, which subsequently did within days of being elected. So it leaves the public and markets wondering what will it actually do ... and as all economists know that expectation is a greater driver of market movements than actual actions. DISCLAIMER: Do not base financial decisions based upon speculation ..... but who knows!!
  6. But what area doesn't have bogans? I have heard they are about to build Homewest central in golden bay though that could further increase the bogan and 'original' Australians
  7. Thanks for the feedback. We'll only have a budget of up to $500k and Secret Harbour seems to have good 4x2 housing accessable to the beach (and possible pool), reasonable schools etc. Any thoughts on suburbs that may fit that category with better commuting times?
  8. Our place has been on the market 2 months, but despite intial interest its gone quiet, we are told due to school holidays. Depressing as in the last 2 years two houses in our street of the same type and price range sold in under a week.
  9. Hi, Does anyone have any advice / experience on commuting from Secret Harbour to the city centre? We are looking to move out later in the year and are considering Secret Harbour as it does seem to have a good community feel to it, but it is a long way from the city and I'm not sure if the commute would be too long. The best commute seems to be driving to Rockingham train station then train to the city. The train journey seems to take about 30 mins, so allowing for driving to the station and walk to office its probably about an hour. Does that seem about right ? How do people find the journey etc? Any experiences on the commute, or living in Secret Harbour in general would be appreciated. Cheers
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