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Everything posted by ozymandias

  1. hi druid, we would have been happy enough with that as it is a great house and it would have been a matter of convenienve for us so we felt the possible monetry loss would have been worth it for the family benifits, i am feeling miffed that the agent bluffed us off.
  2. hi liloharry, thanks for reasuaring me that it is possible! the agent did not ask the owners permission on our behalf and are giving us all manner of excuses. We have found the owners great to deal with re repairs, so felt they would be open to considering our breaklease at least. will have to look into how to deal with agent from here on out!
  3. Hi Weedolly, My understanding is a break lease can occur at any time during a fixed term contract with the owners consent, no notice required, just owners consent. The agent is telling me I can't at all (but then they have a vested interest in me paying over the odds rent untill my lease expires). I am leary of just taking googles advice so I was trying to see if anyone with actual experience of a break lease had any pearls of wisdom for me. thanks ozy
  4. I get your logic, I have less than 30 days left, and they have already started advertising and have had a viewing, but would prefer to move during the holiday time and not be moving kids during term time, getting back to routine will be hard enough. If I get stuck paying the lease out so be it. What I want to know is: are they just trying it on with me if I am technically allowed apply for a break lease on a fixed term lease at any time. I would prefer the extra rent in my pocket!
  5. Hi guys, Have a fixed term lease which is due to expire soon, we are not renewing and have informed agency of this. I found something nicer in the area (and cheaper with pool) and asked rental agency about a break lease to snap this nice property up straight away and move over kids holidays from school. Property manager said no no no fixed term lease etc etc. In the process of trying to establish another query with a member of staff in the agency she said the breaklease was not being considered as it was not for enough time ie 6 mths, 3 mths etc so not worth their while. Does anyone have a definitive answer: can a person with adherance to due process (notice in writing etc) break a fixed term lease? If so is there a time limit requirement? I am worried our property manager is trying to keep high rent being paid (by us greenhorns) for max term when prices in the area are droping. Would really appreciate any advice ozy
  6. hi, has anyone any experience with the child support agency? does anyone know if they have an success getting maintenance payments from non oz based parents? Thanks ozy
  7. thanks ali, do you know anyone with kids in the area? Or relative to the school your kids attend, would these ratings be ok? Online reasearch does not seem to give me much of a feel for any school, worried about making a decision based on the web alone. ozy
  8. hi, looking for some local reports on schools in the Thornlie or Maddington areas, thornlie senior high & maddington primary. Anxious to get kids settled asap. Are the schools ok? Would the have good facilities & active parents groups? Thanks Ozy
  9. SaffanZimbo, You should work for WA tourist office. I am planning a reci trip for June and your post got me thinking about things to do outside of Perth. Had a look at some of your suggestions and they sound great. I have older kids but would definately appreciate an update when you get back as to what was worth a visit etc. thanks for all the great ideas, I hope you guys really enjoy your trip. Ozy
  10. Hi, No way to check medicals on line as far as I know, was refered last year for about 3 months, I thought I would go out of my tiny mind. Mood swings daily; hyper each morning before I would check on DIAC page, then depression when no update. Weekends were worse! There was also the nawing guilt that my refered medical would cause us not to get visa and I had wasted 5g's on application & dream. Rang MOC a few times, firstly just to check they had actually received the medicals. There was a huge backlog at the time so when I realised the others refered on the same date were all processed and getting visas I rang again. The staff can not tell you the outcome but I was very politely persistent and finally got dealt with. I used to follow Medicals thread on sister site poms in oz and several others there were similarly refered for ages. They had a great spread sheet at the time, not sure about now but it might be worth a look. I have been absolutely no solace I realise but I understand your frustrations so feel free to vent anytime & best of luck with it Ozy
  11. HI, Wondering if anybody has kids who applied for or participated in the sport specialist programs? Have a sports mad teenager and wondering if it is worth applying for the trials? Any advice would be appreciated. Ozy
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