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Joe Milo

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Everything posted by Joe Milo

  1. Hello I’m wondering if anyone knows of any Asbestos recruitment agencies based in WA? I’m an asbestos Surveyor in the UK and I’m looking to enquire about a job over in Perth. To give you a bit of a background on my situation.. I have already used my Working holiday visa, so I’d have to go down the skilled visa route. I hold a P402 certificate in asbestos sampling and surveying and currently have 18 months experience working for a company in the UK. I have a family with 2 young children and we are hoping to secure a move by the end of 2025. If anyone has any contacts, advice or useful knowledge it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Joe
  2. I agree, I'm going for a qualification that will benefit me and my family regardless of whether it's on the list when the time comes. Truth be told I don't want to wait for that many years but what other choice do I have if I want to get to Aus? with regards to New Zealand, I could deal with the cold there knowing it had a means to an end but after some time thinking I don't think it's very practical or fair to move the kids twice in such a short space of time as well as put me and my partner through the move/visas twice. My quickest route in is through a skilled visa which like you say I'm looking at 5-8 years IF my profession is on the list at that point. In 5 years I will be 33. My auntie and uncle moved out at 37 with four kids (aged 12years to 18 months). The idea of a move isn't going to just evaporate for me. Australia is where my heart is. Believe me I have tried to forget it for the past four years. Before I even seen it for myself I was obsessed with the place, after living there for a year it felt more like home to me than my own town. It took a good 8-10 months to come out of a depression when I had to return to the uk (2months of which I was still in Aus when I knew I my time was running out)
  3. I'm thinking of studying electrical installation. Eventually could lead to installing solar panels, electric car chargers etc.. the future is heading in that direction and I'm sure global demand will increase. My partner is a stay at home Mum at the moment but maybe she would be better at something like hairdressing/barboring.. saying that she'd probably make a better electrician than me as well
  4. @pegg thank you again, I really appreciate you taking the time to help advise me. Yes we have considered moving away from our home town in Cheshire. And it's something we may well do during the next couple of years. @ali unfortunately not. I'm currently a window cleaner. I was a photographer for a car dealer pre covid but they made cuts. I've got an amazing resume.. but not one thing on there would help with a visa application. im looking into electrical installation although I've had the worst start ever as I looked at a training course and almost ran into a scam. I gave them some personal details but I don't think I gave enough to lose any money. Bank and authorities have been informed so I need to try and move on from it now.
  5. They would do anything for me bless em, both my auntie and uncle (nurse and bricklayer) have said they would sponsor me if that was a possibility but they don't think it is. I will do whatever it takes to get back where I belong. If it takes me years then so be it. Like you say where there's a will there's a way. Thanks again for chatting to me
  6. Hey, thanks for getting in touch. I've already been over on the working visa I'm afraid... and so has the wife! Shame as I feel like I wasted my opportunity. lol I remember how bad Aussie telly was - think I even seen an advert for eggs!? Just telling people to eat eggs Im also open to the 'new zealand' way in if anyone has any useful info on the details of that it would be something I'd consider
  7. Thanks so much for the info, at least I know where to look now when the day comes! with regards to the 30k figure.. that's a bit of an eye opener but I guess the motto for us is save save save from here on. We are pretty good with money anyway but we are looking at saving 6k a year at least to fund a move. Good to know. Your last statement is one I truly do appreciate. My uncle has told me the same thing. Same shxt different country. Some things I experienced for myself over there were not as I imagined. Being English and finding work. The amount of fines you're likely to pick up! Hidden speed cameras. Slow roads. Laws on open beers in public etc. Pubs being overly strict (in comparison to U.K.) I also seen some of the disturbing side of the drug culture and young kids, which I would have to go out of my way to shelter my own kids from. For me, I feel like the UK makes me very unhappy. British media are fear this fear that, doom here gloom there. I live in a small town where nothing changes. The sky is grey, the winters are cold. I'm nesh as anything. During my winter in Aus I was wearing 2 pairs of trackies in June/July when it was 16 degrees and at Christmas I'd wear pyjamas to bed. My English friends couldn't believe that. I feel an attachment to Aus as a country, the beautiful scenes, the wildlife, the sunshine. I know to some it may sound cliche but I genuinely feel happier in the sun and the heat never bothered me - in fact I thrived in it. If my life was no better off than in the UK then that would be fine for me as I know Aus will always give me the weather. Leaving family is not something that would be an issue for me at all. If anything I've felt homesick since leaving.
  8. Hey, Thank you for your response. As it stands neither mine or my wife's are on the skilled occupation list. I'm intrigued to know where to look for information regarding skilled jobs that are currently in demand. I often find a league table/ladder of sorts but I don't know if what I'm looking at is official. I agree that I need to take a career path that I will enjoy and that will benefit me and my family regardless of whether it gets us into Aus or not. Also, what kind of costs are we looking at for the application process if we go down the skilled visa route? With agency? Without agency? I hear it's an expensive process and I should probably start saving for it now. i wish I could shake the 24 year old me and say start getting your qualifications now you dope and you'll be back there before you're 30! - but I might not have met my wife and had my kids so I guess everything happens for a reason. I was so depressed about coming back to the UK that I blocked AUS out of my mind until now. I want this so badly. I look at my kids every day and I want it for them. My family moved out in 2003 and I've seen first hand what kind of a life my cousins have as a result.
  9. Ayup/how's it going?' Im looking for info on visa requirements. I'm 28, wife's 25, 2 young kids (18months and 3months). We are desperate to get out of the UK. My preferred destination is Perth or just WA in general. 5 years ago I spent a year in WA living with family and travelling/working on the WHV. I was based south of the river 10 mins from Freo. My uncle and auntie are Australian citizens. We aren't sure if there's a way they can sponsor me to come out and live there - if anyone could clear that up for me I would appreciate it as I can't find much info online without sieving through a load of dead end shxte. Im exploring all options and currently trying to decide what career path to take here in the U.K. One that will come under the skilled jobs list and hopefully pretty high up on the wanted down under list. At the moment I'm swaying towards electrical installation/engineering. We have a 5 year goal to get out there. Any advice on what you think may be sort after jobs in the next few years. Also if anyone knows any professions with a short training time/quickest qualifications or has any tips in general on a quick way in starting from scratch? Any responses would be greatly appreciated.
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