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FOL last won the day on August 7 2021

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  1. Good on you still being able to check in. I reckon I would have checked out by now
  2. Be careful though. What if the ship something illegal? Or they don't clean their stuff peoperlyand the entire container needs to be treated. Who pays for it?
  3. Can't imagine a school in hillarys being bad. Expensive neighbourhood. Can't comment on the racist part. Never heard of ir before to be school specific.
  4. How's life these days verystormy? Are you also active on the main pommies forum?
  5. Hi there, still lurking around now and then
  6. Putting the bulk rubbish outside, weeding a bit and some family time. Still can't get used to the whole verge collection and associated scavaging hunt.
  7. FOL

    Mystery road

    The followup season wasn't nearly as good unfortunately.
  8. Both areas are fine really! We live in between those two areas. Travelwise greenwood/kingsley is a bit better I reckon especially at peak traffic. As it gets busy starting at whitfords to reis highway. Just use google maps with depart/arrive by times to see commute times. Whitfords dog beach is super crowded, I don't like it. Quinns is very quite. no idea about high schools, sorry! Crime is everywhere, but those suburbs are pretty good.
  9. In all pro-vaccination arguments (whether optional or forceful) the pro vaxxers make a distinction about those people who can't due to health reason, so that's no argument. Besides that, carry on with the discussion
  10. Oh wait, in spirit of this topic; Just another day in the home office hehe. It's almost midnight, just finished a 3 hour business call. Time to sleep.
  11. Are you describing weather in Perth or where you live now? Today was the first sunny and warmer day in nearly 2 months. We've copped almost a month of rain every single day, with a 26 record and only 10mm short of all time record (around 270mm in a month).
  12. FOL

    Mystery road

    Yeah same here, on netflix
  13. Stop watching the news mate AFAIK it isn't that bad. p.s. life in Perth is good,
  14. FOL

    Mystery road

    Anyone seen this mini TV show? Recorded in WA, it was pretty good!
  15. My memory is terrible LOL, I can only remember two... We liked Hunter & Barrels in Whitfords, but it's gone. Never been to the CBD one, but it may still be there. Matilda Bay for a fancier dinner without kids was nice.
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