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Posts posted by Jen_PFR

  1. Yep, the smoke smell woke me up at 6am this morning - I'm near Karrinyup. One of the annoying things about it is that if you hang any washing out, it ends up smelling of smoke!

    Hopefully no-one is at any risk from it. The windy weather won't be helping the firefighters' efforts to get it under control.

  2. Hi CandyCoo! Welcome to PP. I'm sure that your husband will sit up and take notice as it gets closer to the time... at least I hope so ;)

    Don't panic, it will all work out in the end. Feel free to ask questions here, we're a friendly group and happy to help out :)

  3. The only way I could see you getting your daughter enrolled is to have put her in a private school? This actually frees you up a bit, as private schools don't require you to live in a particular area or suburb - you can live anywhere. This makes things a bit easier with respect to finding a longer term rental or property to purchase - you can look at areas surrounding Claremont as well (eg Karakatta, Swanbourne, Cottesloe etc).


    To get an idea of rental prices and also purchase prices, go to www.realestate.com.au and put in these suburbs, and make sure the box which says 'Include surrounding suburbs' is ticked - this will give you an idea of pricing and availability. (Just be aware that searching for rental properties and properties for sale will be two different searches - check the tabs up at the top left to make sure you're searching the correct section.)

  4. Basically just assume everything bites. This includes plants as well (eg. oleanders). I worked with a lady from India who used to walk to work. Anyhow, one day she came in and she was eating some berries she'd just picked off a shrub on the way to work!! :shocked: She didn't understand when everybody in the office just about had conniptions. It was a native plant which I couldn't identify, but trust me - don't eat random stuff!

  5. Typically the private schools in WA have a broad range of criteria when looking at school enrolments. Things like whether the child is the same religion (proof of baptism, first holy communion, confirmation etc required), whether either of the child's parents are an 'old boy' or 'old girl' of the school, how long the child's name has been on the waiting list, etc. If I were you I'd email the schools you're interested in and ask - alternatively, check their websites (if they have them - most private schools do) to see if this info is on there.

  6. Hi Andy, I'm an old fogey and my dancing days are past me, but have you considered meeting up with any of the people staying in backpackers' accommodation in the Perth CBD? They're usually around your kind of age and are also typically over here for a good time, not so much a long time - might be right up your alley in terms of going out and having big ones :)


    Just an idea!!


    Jen :)

  7. Keep an eye out for jobs on the state government website, they periodically advertise for project mgmt. roles in regional areas. Make sure you look broadly across the different departments, as most of the departments would have a call for these kinds of roles, but only the larger ones would tend to need them in regional areas (think Dept of Health, Education, Corrective Services etc). The web address is www.jobs.wa.gov.au

  8. Just an addition to Bibbs' post - the other spelling you may see is 'ocker' (rather than okka). Someone who's ocker will wear short footy shorts and will have a broad Australian drawl, and use terms like 'she's lower than a snake's belly' and 'yous' as the plural of 'you' ('Do yous guys want another beer?'). Mick Dundee is a good example :)

  9. The chances of you securing a rental when you're not in the country are as likely as someone knocking on the door this very second to tell me I'm a distant descendent of Rockefeller and they've just found a warehouse full of cash, a time machine and an envelope that contains the identity of the author of the Voynich manuscript and it all belongs to me.


    As we're giving out awards, can I just say that this cracked me up. Thanks for the giggle portlaunay :biggrin:


    LD, portlaunay is correct - finding a furnished apt in Freo is difficult. If you do find one, maybe you could post the details so others know somewhere to start their search in the future?

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