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Posts posted by Jen_PFR

  1. Linda@no9, never a truer word was spoken!! We have had any number of professional cleaning companies in to clean our properties. They fall into one of two categories - either they do an ordinary job the first time (in which case, of course, we never use them again) or they do a reasonable job the first time, we get excited, we book them for another property cleaning - and they do an ordinary job!! It is really disheartening.


    One example - last time I asked a company to scrub the kitchen and bathroom floors (tiled areas). I specified 'scrubbed', as this was a hands and knees job, and we had another property turnover in the same weekend, so we were flat out. Anyhow I went to check on it, and I'm so glad I did - not only had they obviously not been scrubbed, but there were dirty water marks left all over the tiles. I even took photos (which of course I can't find now!). Yes, so I ended up washing the floors myself and being most annoyed. That's $150 and two hours of my life I'll never get back....and that was just to sort out the floors!


    So yes, I agree - the professional cleaners probably won't do as good a job as you would, sadly :confused:

  2. Great advice Suzy Q, about getting your short term rental landlord to give a reference - we do this all the time for our tenants. The RE agents like it too, because it's easy, one local phone call and they find out if the prospective tenants pay the rent on time and keep the place clean. These are the only two questions they ever seem to ask me - I think I'd fall over from shock if they asked anything else!!

  3. Good advice, verystormy. Also, check with your short term accommodation provider as to how amenable they are to cut your stay short. For example, we always do a fixed term lease with our tenants, but if they find a long term rental early, we are usually more than happy for them to move out early. As an example we have a young couple with a couple of kids who were in one of our properties until 20 October, but they will be moving out on 6 October as they've found somewhere. All they did was send an email asking us if it was possible, and we agreed - easy! :biggrin:


    I personally think it's so hard at the moment for anyone to find a rental, the least that short term accomm providers can do is be a bit flexible, particularly when you're talking about people who have just moved from half the world away.


    In terms of your question about hating the property, is there anyone you know in Perth? The reason I ask, is because we come across this quite often. We're more than happy to show our properties to friends/relatives etc on your behalf, that way you can get a 'report back' from someone you trust. I would imagine most short term accomm providers would be similarly helpful if asked. One less thing to worry about then!



    Jen :)

  4. Where exactly are you going in the Pilbara? I was in Karratha recently and had a tour of the art exhibition centre there - I was impressed, wouldn't have expected something like that up there in what is basically an industrial town. (Interestingly, I understand that BHP Billiton owns a large proportion of the centre.) You could also perhaps do a tour of one or more of the mines - Karratha for example has a salt mine - I guess it has to come from somewhere!! Everything in the Pilbara seems to be larger than life, it's fascinating the scale that things are built on.

  5. * Quick update on this one - Famiglia is no longer available, but our 3-bed villa Grande (also in Balcatta) is available from 28 October - Jen *


    One of our three bedroom villas located in Balcatta is available from 21 October - just go to our website (www.perthfurnishedrentals.com) and click on 'Famiglia' for more info on the property. Happy to answer any questions via PM or email.



    Jen :)

  6. We travelled to Exmouth, with an overnight stop in Kalbarri then on to Exmouth the next day .... I would have struggled with another full day of driving after those two days - you might want to give yourself a little longer to get her so you can have some rest stops


    Ali you've reminded me of my childhood - we used to do Perth-Exmouth in one day - 14 hours of driving, of which my dad would do 13 hours, and mum would do one - we went up there about four times. Ah happy days! I remember we only stopped for fuel twice on the way, and Dad wouldn't let us drink anything, as we'd need the loo!

  7. Not sure if this was aimed at me but if so I just had a quick look on google and found this.



    If we had a decent selection to choose from in Scotland (Bbrrrrr....) I would like to think you would have a lot to choose from in sunny Oz. My husband is offshore at the moment but I do remember him saying we shouldn't buy a cheap one as they really are rubbish and it must be ducted with a hose. Hope this helps!!


    I agree, this looks like a good option, and the fact you can move it around means that you can shift it from the living to the sleeping areas.


    Just one thing, this one is also ducted with a hose. Any portable refrigerated air con unit will need ducting, as they all do produce significant moisture, so do the wall installed ones, you just don't see the runoff pipe most of the time as it's installed. :wink:




  8. Hi guys :) In terms of furniture - what is your budget? If you're looking for cheap and cheerful (and self-assemble furniture won't cause a relationship breakdown!) then you can try the following:-







    I must admit I don't know about renting furniture, sorry about that.


    In terms of buying cars, my husband seems to think that www.carsales.com.au is the way to go.


    Good luck with it all!



    Jen :)

  9. Hi Piscine75 :)


    I can't really help with the shrinkage issue, but in terms of fading, yes clothes will fade all year round in Perth. Even though it's not hot, there is always UV light that fades the clothes - just like if you don't put suncream on, you'll get burnt. It just takes a bit longer!! There is a hole in the ozone layer which is directly above Australia, which has a huge impact on the level of exposure we all get to the sun.


    I always turn clothes inside out before hanging them on the line, and some things I always dry inside on a clothes airer - things like bras etc, as the sun does wear out the elasticised parts fairly quickly.


    Hope this helps!


    Jen :)

  10. We tend to find that we get about the same level of enquiries all year round, regardless of season. That said, the main school holidays are over the Dec - Feb period, so there is a greater demand for that time. We're already getting queries for early to mid next year, so I would advise finding something and booking it in as early as is practical, so you know you're sorted.


    Perth at the moment has a fairly impressive shortage of all kinds of accommodation, even the hotels are heavily booked up, so you do want to get something sorted once you know your arrival dates etc.



    Jen :)

  11. Hi :) and congratulations on the job offer!!


    The only accommodation you'll be able to get from overseas is short term/holiday let type accommodation. In WA you can't rent a property for the long term unless you have viewed it in person. If you're looking for somewhere within close commuting distance to the city, you could maybe check out our website at www.perthfurnishedrentals.com - all our properties are fully furnished and close to the Perth CBD.



    Jen :)

  12. surhythms, get your OH to try Trilogy - they're based in West Perth (sorry you'll have to Google them as I don't have their details to hand). They contract a wide range of IT support services to a lot of the state government departments, so I'm sure your OH's experience will be very desirable to them!

  13. Hi Lou, and welcome!


    You absolutely can get hire cars with baby capsules and booster seats for older children in them, you just need to specify what you need. You can often arrange to actually pick them up from the airport as well, so you fly in, get your luggage, and pick up your car. You may not want to do this (due to jetlag etc!) but it's definitely an option.


    One thing to keep in mind, I am aware that there are a number of regulations around booster seats etc - in terms of they have been mandatory for kids up to particular ages. Unfortunately I don't have children so I'm not aware of the specifics but I'm sure someone will be along shortly who can give more details!


    I am one of the posters here that provides short term accommodation so please feel free to click on the link in my sig, or send me a PM.



    Jen :)

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