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  1. Hi Jess, I live in Huntingdale so next suburb to you. I'm 34 & my youngest is now in pp. we've been in perth for just over a year now & also looking for new friends. if you fancy meeting for coffee & a chat feel free to pm me. Laura
  2. Hi ladies jumping on your thread. I'm Laura 34, & moved to Perth 16mths ago too with my OH & boys. Were originally from Doncaster. Working in Subiaco & live SOR in Huntingdale. Settled into work but looking to make new friends. Would live to come to your meet up when it happens.
  3. Hi, We have just employed our first Au pair who will start / stay with us in August. We have never been a host family before and are really looking forward to the experience. We have 3 children. I'm a nurse & OH works away so needed someone who was flexible with my shift pattern. We used http://www.thebestaupair.com/ who help us no end.
  4. Hi guys, We're Laura & Pete. I'm a nurse & hubby's a truckie. We're both in our mid 30's & have 3 boys 9,8,4. We live in Huntingdale so in the next town to you both. We're from Doncaster, South Yorkshire and moved over here in Dec '12. We've both fell in love with Perth and feel we are settling in well but are always looking for new people to meet. If you fancy a chat / BBQ sometime drop us a message. Be nice to hear from you both.
  5. Hi, I moved over here in Dec'12 & started looking at shipping companies around Sept time, although I didn't actually book anyone until mid Nov. It worked for us. At the end of the day quotes are free & gives you a good idea of the expected cost. They can maybe help you look at the items you don't necessarily need. I used Whites & were more than happy with them. Shipping companies offer real good advise & my advise is plan early, but don't necessarily book until you are ready. Good luck & enjoy the adventure!
  6. tis a small world isn't it? We moved here in Dec'12 so all is fairly new to us still. Absolutly loving it though! Hope you guys are settling in.
  7. Eee by gum...lol we're from Doncaster, now living SOR in Huntingdale
  8. Hi guys, we'll be coming!! Me, hubby & our 3 boys. I'm really looking forward to it.
  9. Lorna - did you get my PM. I txt you my number so you could let me know when & where you'd arranged to meet up. I suppose it's too late in the day now...not to worry
  10. Hi Lorna, Count us in. I'll PM you my number for time / place etc. Are we doing a picnic/bbq? Laura x
  11. Hi, I'm Laura (33). We arrived here 4 weeks ago with my hubby Pete (36) & our 3 boys 9,8+4 & would love to meet some new friends. Has a definate date been set yet? We are free on weekends so no trouble which one with us. We live SOR, not too far from CBD so no probs getting to Kings Park either. Keep posting everyone & lets set a definate date!!
  12. Hi, I'm Laura. I arrived in Perth 2 weeks ago from South Yorkshire, UK with my husband & 3 boys (9,8,4). We rented a holiday rental via Airbnb in Bertram (highly recommended) & have managed to secure a long term rental in Huntingdale which we move into on Friday. We are looking to meet new friends so please get intouch. Also....Merry Christmas to all on Perth Poms:christmaswreath:
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