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  1. 5-a-side league on Wednesday evenings at South Lake Leisure Centre, just off of the Berrigan Drive exit of the Kwinana Fwy.Decent standard, lads in mid 20s - early 30s.Give me a text on 0409307249 if interested.ThanksChris
  2. Hi all, My girlfriend and I have been looking at new (off the plan) apartments recently, with a view to putting a deposit down soon. There seems to be a commonly held view that, when the state budget is announced in the coming days (2 pm on Thursday, I think), the existing stamp duty exemption, which is for the first $500k, is to be reduced to $400k. Does anybody know if you enter a contract before the budget is released (i.e., by paying the 10% deposit to the developer and signing the contract) you will still be able to lock in the first $500k waiver? Many thanks in advance. Chris
  3. Casual game of indoor 5-a-side at the Loftus Recreation Centre (near Leederville) this afternoon at 4 pm. Cost is c. $5-6. Have a couple of spots free so let me know if keen I'm on 0409307249 Thanks Chris
  4. Hi guys, Are we still up for this on Friday, or has it died a death?! If still keen, can I suggest the Breakwater at Hillarys at 7:30?
  5. chrisuklfc

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  6. Yeah it's well run. Not sure what league we're in yet though! I'm free this Friday as well if that works for anyone?? I'll be pretty low key though as getting up early doors on Saturday morning to go for a surf down Mandurah way.
  7. Friday 22nd it is. Bring people if you like Charlotte I work in Malaga so I'm easy either way. And either way I'll be driving, unfortunately!
  8. I play football myself on a Tuesday. Do you play at Lords in Subiaco? I've also started playing on Thursdays. How about Friday 22nd?
  9. Hi guys, Good to hear from you all - even you, Goat, who I reckon must have had an ale too many at that point! How about meeting up for a drink next Wednesday evening (20th)? It seems like most of us are north of the river and near the coast, so meeting at the Breakwater in Hillarys probably makes sense? I've never been but I've heard it's supposed to be a decent place. Charlotte - no worries, get involved Chris
  10. Hi Adam, Apologies for the delay in getting back to you mate. Everytime I've remembered to get back to you, I haven't been near a computer - until now! A drink sounds like a plan. I'll pm you my number. Cheers, Chris
  11. Hello, I've been in Perth for almost four months now and am really enjoying life here so far. I'm 28 and lived in London for five years prior to moving over here. Interests include playing and watching football, going to live sport events and music festivals, nights out at the weekend, lying on the beach and, more recently, surfing (I am rubbish!). I've got a good set of mates here but always keen to meet up with someone locally for a beer on the odd week night here and there. I moved to Scarborough in late January (was living in Burswood before that). Anyway, let me know if you're in the area and keen for a beer at some point. Cheers, Chris
  12. Hey Jode and Candice, I've been here two weeks, having arrived from the UK on the 2nd and working on a 457 visa up in Malaga. I'm initially from Milton Keynes (but don't hold that against me!) but lived in London the past five years. I'm living in Burswood, near the casino, and loving it so far - even though I was sent up to Karratha last week!! It'd be great if we newbies could meet for a drink or two? How about Saturday next week (24th) at 6ish? Chris
  13. If anyone fancies a game of 5-a-side footy at Leederville (the Loftus Recreation Centre on Vincent Street) this afternoon, drop me a text. It's 1:30 - 3ish, a friendly game of 5s, decent standard and only costs $5. Great way to meet people. PM me for details Address: The Loftus Recreation Centre, Vincent Street Leederville WA 6007
  14. Hey all, I hope you're still having the odd night out here and there as it'd be great to get involved! I'm 27 from Milton Keynes and have been in London for the past five years. I can't wait for some sand and sun! I move to Perth on Friday (2nd Nov) and will initially be in Burswood, to the east. Hoping to get a place in Subiaco at some point. Hope to meet some of you over a beer soon! Cheers, Chris
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