I am a hairdresser with 22 years experience .. i have worked here for 4 years nearly . I have to say sometimes i cringe when i am asking people for payments in the shops i have worked at since being here , at one it was nearly $200 + per client on average or $ 400 + for straightening etc , but on another note the products at wholesale are well over double the price compared to Uk and also wages etc .. the prices are probably comparable to London but then most of us don't come from there and earn london wages or have ever paid those prices and yes at one of my old Town salons i worked we served Tea in china cups and also a glass of wine etc . I have also worked in Rural village salons .. ambience is lovely but i used to have clients that folowed me around and were more worried about me cutting their hair rather than the salon itself .. of which i am glad .
I have loved Hairdressing here and there , i love the industry and still enjoy doing courses cutting , colours, col correction etc ...