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Everything posted by jackboots

  1. Good luck with it all .. i do feel for you , i have a friend who's husband had 40 made redun 2 weeks ago ( no notice ) and then last week him and another load have been given theirs as well .. so distressing for people :{
  2. Margret river hideaway or prevelly cottages on stayz ...iI'll post some li is later
  3. White Christmas .. Scrooged .. love actually.. Muppet Christmas carol ..wizard of oz .. love them all ..
  4. Shhhhh .... don't tell everyone about Baldivis
  5. I love both for different reasons ... but when people sickness as I call it kicks in , it kicks hard
  6. I get the same . Yesterday was my devil on my shoulder day I miss family , friends and yes even lifestyle at times ... it always amazes me that some people don't get like it at all .
  7. I think shoal water is lovely and time factor for a rental you won't go wrong ( traveling time. For free would be easier and shorter ) .. If we had the money we would live in shoal water we think it's lovely .. We live in Baldivis ( which we love we are in settlers ) and it's where we head for dog walks .. Sunday stroll , fish and chips or the boat ramp cafe. There is penguin island near bye .. Miles of beach .. I suppose it just depends on what you want .. Meadow springs is on the way to MANDURAH so then you get in your car and drive over to silver sands or down the foreshore , both very different.
  8. Shoalwater is a beachside suburb 10 mins away from Baldivis , meadow springs is about 25 mins .. Depends on which way your heading to work .
  9. All the best for your new adventure:)
  10. Cath , have you seen Adams they do free delivery and have great sales
  11. Congratulations , always a relief when that part is over
  12. Yup .. look at something different if it's a foot in the door .. go make friends with an agent ... look at gumtree or the homebound websites Remember the house you rent isnt always the one you would buy !! Have you looked at Baldivis , Singleton , Shoalwater ,( Waikiki beachside ) or harrington waters .. all add ons to the area's you have mentioned
  13. yes .. as do M&S , New look , Adams and many more
  14. Mandurah foreshore , next to the English sweetie shop ! omg .. the curry sauce is yummmmmy ....
  15. There are a family of them that live in warnbro sound ( so i have been told ) , usualy spotted nr Port kennedy or safety bay etc .I sat on Rockingham foreshore two weeks ago on Friday and they were playing quite close to the beach , Magical .. Mandurah usually and also the Swan River near South Perth .. Though im sure they are everywhere ..
  16. Hello and good luck with it all ! plenty of gyms around in WA
  17. jackboots


    Just had a major bomb session this weekend indoors and having the yearly outdoors and roof and shed , garage etc done next week :) Spring is here !
  18. coopex from bunnings for outside windows /patios etc .. and spray bombs inside , and then go awol for a few hours :0
  19. We have three friends who did the move unfortunately they don't post on here two have got positions in Albany and port headland by choice maybe pop into http://www.pomsinoz.com our sister site , also a bigger audience . Good luck !
  20. Another bump ... any help advice or info anyone would like to add to , its great for helping each other out
  21. We sat on Rockingham foreshore on friday afternoon and watched dolphins playing in the shallows .. MAGICAL ... i have never seen them so near or there before . We have done some nice boat cruises from Mandurah on dolphin tours , Rockingham do them and you can go to Bunbury to feed and see them .. We have just booked our whale watching tour to go on next month , so excited !
  22. Went to peel zoo today .. nice for little ones .. lots of birds ..petting area , snakes , Dingos and tas devils .. then a picnic at Pinjarra . was a lovely warm relaxing day
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