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Everything posted by MEGAGO

  1. Hi we've been here for nearly 5 months now (me husband and 2 young boys) we really miss grandpa/dad in law. We plan him to stay for 6 months I believe he needs a visa for that. Any recommendations of travel agents to use back in the UK to do his visa and flights. Thanks
  2. As soon as we landed we look for houses the next day we were not so lucky with the agents we had a very good portfolio I would say Just crazy here. We tried looking for local papers and gumtree too for private landlord and horray we were offered the house and took us 2 weeks. Goodluck
  3. Hi chris welcome we live in hillarys just next to the boat harbour and close to sorrento very nice area. We are on a temporary accomodation until our house to rent is ready next month.goodluck
  4. My husband used his former boss and colleague. Goodluck
  5. No ..... Been here for a month now loving it so far
  6. Just too far for us really. My friend is an Australian she prefers to send the kids outside ellenbrook no never heard any bad feedbacks of the school. You can have a look on the educ website that's how we based our search for houses and get some idea goodluck
  7. Thanks TheRocks yes we are in the catchment area. Glad to know that your son loves it there.
  8. Thanks Arwen will do that
  9. Forgot to add immunisation records too thanks
  10. Hi everyone finally after 2 weeks here we secured a house in hillarys and so close to the primary school which is a bunos. I have 2 young boys that are eager to start school soon. I contacted the school already now waiting for them to get back to us hopefully soon. I have the boys previous school records, passport , birth certificates and our tenancy agreement anything else? Thanks
  11. We initially wanted to rent in Ellenbrook and aveley and we have two young boys so has to be close to school too. We viewed houses and drove round the area it's really nice up there but it's not for us unfortunately. I have a friend in Ellenbrook but she send the kids in the neighbouring suburb outside ellenbrook and aveley. Not really of help lol sorry
  12. Hi we've been here for 3 weeks i know its not that long but loving it so far. It's best when you are here and experience it yourself. Goodluck to the big move
  13. We got our 457 visa last Dec my husbands employer did all the hard work and used a visa agent to do our visa like you we just email them all the docs they needed only took 2 days and our visa was granted. Goodluck
  14. Hi Trav1 Congratulations on your visa. Ours was approved first week of Dec and booked our flight few days after will be flying on mid Feb and loads of things to do so nervous but excited. Goodluck
  15. Goodluck to you all Ian We will be in perth mid feb and we are all nervous but excited for the new adventure....
  16. We will be flying on feb via emirates ( flights booked already ) from glasgow though hope you find someone to accompany your mum best of luck
  17. Congratulations !!! We too are so happy too we lodged our visa last tuesday and approved last thursday removal will be here next week early xmas preesies for us
  18. Viber is also good if uve got a smartphone its free too
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