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Everything posted by perth2013

  1. You lot of Perthites and are amazing and full of so much info and help. Thanks for spending the time to reply to my thread, I so appreciate you all:) x
  2. Hi, I am not in Perth yet but I will be going through a similar process (British nurse trained in UK moving to Perth from NZ). I would say from what I have researched that Amanda should go ahead and register with APHRA. ...Good luck. Also if this helps register with amazingcareers.co.au and John of God hospital. Also seek.co.nz is a good one..you will be alerted to jobs that suit your requirements.
  3. Hi, I keep hearing about increasing shark attacks in WA. Is the coast patrolled by helicopter?? We are a family that enjoy multiple watersports and I am getting totally put off putting even my big toe in the water. Full respect to what magnificent creatures live in the sea but whats the reality of shark attacks there? Also some of you guys have scared me crazy with your pictures of red backs, mouse, wolf, huntman and dog eating spiders...are they really everywhere or can you get your house sprayed and rarely see them?
  4. Hi, Just wondered if Kallaroo was a nice safe family friendly place to live. Also does anyone send their children to Springfield primary school in Kallaroo and how do they find it? I read on the reviews that Kallaroo school is a good one and along with all the academic side it has strong focus on music and the Arts which is important to us. :smile2:
  5. I feel sick, I could cry, thats ruined my brekkie! how the hell am I gonna cope!!! however the photos are amazing
  6. Thanks for the encouragement. We are looking for a laid back lifestyle, family friendly, the great outdoors, cycling, beaches, windsurfing etc. We thrive on warm weather so to us Perth ticks boxes. We are also struggling with wages in NZ as my husband is working 12 hour days 6 days a week for sunshine wages. The idea being closer to the Uk is great and Northern Bali which is spectacular for diving and culture. I think the best thing to do is disregard all the negative comments from others and check it out for ourselves... We definately dont want to go back and live in the UK thats for sure.
  7. I have been told by friends in the eastern states of OZ and other places that Perth is brassy, full of executives, rough mining bogans, isolated and dull. like the land of the living dead!!! I am shocked to hear all this...someone please tell me they are wrong?. Are the locals friendly to migrants re work opportunities etc? is it a nice place to raise a family?..we are confused and afraid that we could be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire!
  8. Hi, well **** scared of them too but I guess most people are! red backs are shy and we have a similar spider in NZ called a Katipo . Huntsmans are scary hairy massive things move like lightening and provided there not on me or jumping out at me from the glove compartment or in my crash helmet I'm ok. I stayed at a campsite in Byron bay once and this aging hippy traveller had a huntsman as a pet...freak!. Funnel webs bloody well stay over the eastern states!! SHARKS now they better behave cus we love to windsurf, SUP and dive. yikes!!..its an exciting country eh! x
  9. Well that settles it then, I have no other concerns.. over and out! happy days
  10. Thanks for your replies, I really appreciate that and its great to get feedback from folk that are already there. Now next issue is snakes especially that death adder! ha ha I'm such a worry wart.. I'll get over it! x
  11. Thanks Cheshire Cat, you put a smile on my face
  12. Hi, I have just been reading an article on perthnow and some further research suggests that Aboriginal gang attacks are getting worse all over Perth or are they just random isolated events?. I imagine them to be very hostile especially as historically they were treated so badly by the Europeans. Don't get me wrong I embrace new cultures and as a nurse I will be caring for the indigenous people a lot in WA. Since having a baby and soon to continue raising a family in Perth I am concerned about this. I am probably just overreacting!! My husband is fine about it being from Manchester but I am from Sheltered little Somerset. I would be grateful for any feedback from those that live there. Many thanks.
  13. Hi we are only going to rent short term in Melville area to look around while not working..If I land a job in Freo or Murdoch it will be ideal. If I get a job up in Joondalup then we will look at Kinross or something. It all depends of course where my husband is going work too. Love to hear what the hospitals are like. Many thanks.
  14. Hi yes we heard that, no worries I am sure there's plenty of work for welders in the city and surrounds. Thanks
  15. I am a surgical nurse 37 (from somerset)and moving over to Perth at the end of 2013 with my husband 29(manc) a welder and our 2 year old son. Wondering if there is anyone working at either of the hospitals mentioned and could possibly give some advice on the working environment etc. Also been keen to know about recommendation for a pre school for our little man 2 days a week. My husband is also very keen to hear about any FIFO experiences too for the future. I think he would prefer to be near his family at the beginning. We are moving over from NZ so not too far to travel. We are planning on a short term rental in the Melville region to start with and then have a look around. Sooo excited and look forward to making friends and begin our new life across the ditch :smile2:
  16. Hi, I have lived in Nelson NZ for 5 years, met my English husband here, got married, had a baby boy who is now 2 We feel its time to move on and we are obsessed with moving to Perth/WA and if we dont go we will regret it. Just wondered if there are any Poms which have moved from NZ to Perth and how have they found it? We are not bothered about isolation and we are very adaptable/opened minded that embrace different cultures...:smile2:
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