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Everything posted by katiecuts

  1. Hi Linda@no9. Do you feel anymore settled now or still like me and not sure that we are "living the dream" 'cos it sure doesn't feel like it to me. My hubby just thinks that if I find work everything will be ok so that's about as far as our discussions go. I suppose if he and my children love it he can't understand why I don't
  2. Thank you to all of you for your very kind words of advice and even that has made me feel a bit better just knowing by the sounds of things that I'm not the only one this has happened to and it all makes more sense feeling this way now and hopefully in time it will all seem more normal. Good luck with your move SJT hope all goes well and don't let my colly wobbles put you off most people here love it as soon as they arrive as I'm sure I will eventually. :smile2:
  3. Hi, I moved her in October 2012 with my husband and 2 children and they all love it here but I can't settle and don't even know why. I can see that this is a beautiful place to live but wake every morning in an absolute panic and sick feeling. We have made loads of really lovely friends. Has this happened to anyone else or is it just me or has anybody had the opposite where you came here and settled well and after a while of living here became unsettled? It's really confusing how I feel.
  4. There is a brand new high school (yes that's what it's called) that has just opened this January in Baldivis but at Baldivis Primary they have year 7 so she would be in that year until they finish for the summer holidays which is in December until early Feb. Everyone else in that year will be her age so it won't matter. Most housing areas have a few parks nearby. I moved from a really busy place in the Uk so Baldivis did seem quiet and not much but houses but now I have been here a little while it's really lovely for families and the people are really friendly and welcoming. There is a small shopping centre for your food shopping and essensials but the main shopping centre would be Rockingham which is a 10 minute drive away and that is where a lovely beach is too. They are expanding Baldivis and there is loads of new shops going in so within the next couple of years we should have most things here. Hope this helps if you have any more questions let me know.
  5. Hi, We moved to Baldivs in October 2012 & we found that Baldivis Primary is a lovely school but it depend on where your rental is and if your in the catchment area. Good luck with your move.
  6. Hi, It's my son's birthday next week and we want to do a family day out somewhere good, can anybody reccomend a good day out. We have already been to Caversham wildlife park and Adventure world so anywhere but these two places (which were great days out if anybody was wondering). Thanks Katie
  7. Hi, I emigrated from England 4 weeks ago and I am living in Baldivis. I am starting up a mobile hairdressing business. I do ladies, mens, children and OAP's so if you are in the Baldivis area and need a hairdresser please feel free to get in touch. Kind regards Katie
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