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Everything posted by Gibbo

  1. Hi Yeah Sunday at 11am is good for us x
  2. Hi Yeah that sounds good to us. What time is good for everyone 1pm? Mel
  3. Hi Ben We have been here 5 weeks and had a couple of get togethers through Perth Poms which have been really positive and met up with people ( which has helped with my sanity). We'd love a get together ( 2 kids aged 6 and 4) where and when were you thinking? cheers Mel
  4. Hi Darren Count the Gibsons in! see you tomorrow
  5. Hi Were meeting at the park (look for a purple gazebo). The time might be changing to a little earlier but the actual time hasn't been confirmed yet. I will keep you posted as soon as I know. looking forward to seeing you tomorrow x Mel x
  6. Hi Yeah we can make it earlier. It would actually help us out aswell. We're free anytime. thanks
  7. Hi Darren Were still up for it. See you there. The Gibsons
  8. Hi We are also a family of 4. I've been here a month now with the kids (age 4 and 6). My husband came out a month before me to find a job and house. I know exactly how you feel. This place is beautiful but if I could move my friends and family out here it would be 100% perfect. We would love to meet up with you for picnic/BBQ and maybe a few cheeky beers. We live in Kallaroo which is a stones throw from Hillarys. My eldest has started Springfield School and settled in really well. Seems a nice little school. im desperate for some girlie company. I had a wide group of friends back in the UK and its hit me hard not having them for company. im not working at the minute either so I'm keeping my self busy with my 4 yr old when Matt (husband) has gone off to work. i don't know if you would be interested but were meeting up with a few families on Saturday at Burns Beach at 3pm. Why don't you pop along. You never know could be the start of a social life again. Ha ha. Hopefully hear from you soon. Mel
  9. Hi Shame about the weather ay! But yeah we can do next Saturday same time and place. See you then Gibbo
  10. Hi. I'm just double checking that tomorrow is still on (weather looking a bit ropey). We can still make it if everyone else is still up for it. Cheers
  11. Hi Elizabeth Im currently renting in Kallaroo. I've been here 4 weeks with my Husband and 2 girls 4 and 6 yrs old. I feel the same as you. Love Perth and the area we live in but I am in desperate need of a girlie chat and laughter. I'm not sure how far away You are from Kallaroo but I'd love to meet up and have a natter. Halfway maybe? Hopefully here from u soon Mel x
  12. Hi Sounds good. We will be there at 3pm.
  13. Hiya Were from Chesterfield. I think my husband replied to you before we got out here. We're here now and living in Kallaroo. Where abouts are u?
  14. Sounds great. We'll be there. Wife and kids arrived 2 weeks ago and I've been here about 6.
  15. Philly Meds referred in December, visa received mid April. Rumour has it the backlog is clearing?! Good luck.
  16. Gibbo

    UK TV's

    Debs, just read that you can get set top boxes and they will work. Most TVs are set up to pick up uk digital channels which is different to Oz. Some can be changed to pick up Oz but most can't. Don't let this put you off taking the Camel. Legend...
  17. Gibbo

    UK TV's

    Debs, that's the best TV I've ever seen!! I want one!
  18. Gary, we're off on holiday tomorrow. I'll give you a shout when we're back to link up for a pint. Where do you fancy? Chesterfield Arms does a good pint? I'm an accountant (retail) but don't let that put you off! We're power saving now so we can get out in Sept/oct. reckon I'm going to go out first to try and line stuff up.
  19. Gary We're at Walton at the minute. We should grab a beer before we go out. Is your Mrs from Old Whitt? What school did she go to? She may know my OH. I told work on Friday so it all feels very real now. Waiting to exchange on house and then its the final countdown.
  20. We got our visas on Tuesday this week!! I come from Ashover, OH comes from New Whitt, both near Chesterfield. Would be great to share a light beverage with you all. We're aiming for September.
  21. I dropped MOC an email (see previous thread) and just received a standard letter advising me to speak to my Case Officer. I left a voice mail at about 5.30 in the morning and checked my emails when I got to work. I nearly fell off my chair. I've found it difficult to check but from what I've read it does appear that they are getting through the backlog. Best of luck and keep smiling. It will come through
  22. Great news, the email has finally arrived! Just need house to complete and we are on our way!!
  23. Cheers. I'm checking on a daily basis. Think me and OH are going mad .
  24. Thats good news. Just out if interest, when you get your visa, do you get an email or do you have to keep logging in to check?
  25. Charlie This is useful info, i think we're going insane. Had the meds back in December (8th I think?). I was told 1-2 months processing time but still we wait. Think that's all we are waiting on for finalisation. We've sold our house and move out in a few weeks so I hope it is all clear!! It's a real test on patience. Good luck.
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