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  1. That seems to Work! I'm on 27k in the uk multiply by 2.5 gives me about 67k aud. my nursing salary in oz should give me about 65k so that works for me I could certainly live on $177k I'd love to give that a go through research I've estimated average outgoings for us as a family of 4 to be about $5K per month, this is just very average living tho, $500 pw rent, utilities, bills, petrol, food shopping, we have no debts in the UK and don't plan on lavish holidays once in oz or going to fancy restaurants but that suits us.
  2. Hi, everything going to plan we should be in Perth in the next year! We'll be coming on PR visa. Just wondering as a nurse am I best trying to get a job before we leave the uk or best to wait till we arrive? I don't want to be applying to loads of jobs only for them to select nurses already in oz but then I also don't want to arrive and can't get a job! Il have 7 years experience in adult nursing,mainly respiratory. I've done courses in chronic disease management, palliative care, critical care, iv training,cannulation. From experience do you think il have a good chance at securing a job quickly? Would it be an idea to forward my cv direct to hospitals or would they just dismiss that? Thankyou
  3. Hi, my husband and I are hoping to move to bunbury in the next year or possibly 2, having researched for months I have looked at north Perth and south and I really like the look of bunbury. We were possibly thinking dalyellup. our kids will be 2 and 6 therefore school for one and daycare for the other,any advise on those? Not sure our budget will stretch to private schooling therefore are there any good public schools around dalyellup or ones to avoid? I would be hoping to start on a salary of 65k, my husband works as a security officer which I doubt he'd get a job as therefore he'd be hoping to get an average type job with salary of about 35k. his only experience is in security, 3 years working as security in stores, large events, CCTV etc and before that just working In stores as sales staff etc, is it likely he'd find it really difficult to find a job? We will be brining around $30k in savings and hoping to rent at about 450-500 per week, would love the typical 4 x 2. We have estimated our outgoings to be between 4k and 5k per month including rent,food,bills,cars,activities. Does this seem realistic? We are not looking to move and lead a perfect rich lifestyle. In the uk we work full time to pay bills and get by ok with a family day or 2 out to cinema each month etc. we'd just be looking at that life in Australia too, nothing too fancy just an average family life, enough money to pay bills and get by each month without struggling. Are there jobs available in bunbury or will we struggle? Thankyou for reading.
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