Wow I came back at the right time. Congrats on 11 Year’s Ali!!!
We’ve just ticked over 4 and have to say I’m with you on so much of what you said. DH has been back once, unfortunately a funeral, and I am due to go back for the first time in a few weeks for my Dads 90th. If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t be going back! We’ve also been lucky in that both our families and some very good friends have come to visit.
We’ve been extremely lucky in that we have a lot of family here (his side) but we’ve made some amazing friends some of which I met on this very site!!
Perth offers some awesome opportunities but you are so right, it’s not the UK with sunshine. If I were to offer one piece of advice it would be to not assume that we are culturally alike. We may speak the same language but culturally there are still massive differences to adjust to. For example Aussies are blunt, seriously blunt (still lovely though,they just say it how it is and tough if you don’t like it ?) and that can take some getting used to for the unsuspecting Pom!
I wouldn’t change what we’ve done for the world. It can be hard at times but I love this place!!!