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Everything posted by tensovereignfold

  1. Does anyone know any distributors of PV equipment here in Perth ? I am working for a renewable building company and current prices for PV installs seem expensive ...... Any ideas or contacts greatly appreciated. james
  2. Well done yorkies ...... hope were not to far behind you !! Enjoy the next few weeks
  3. Hi All, The answer is probably already here somewhere but here is our latest quandry .... I have looked into shipping costs and companies and they all seem to be about £4,000 for 20ft container so I looked into packing a container ourselves (getting it dropped of and picked up only) now i know it means a lot of manual labour and a very well organized itinerary (good job mrs jacko has OCD !!!!!) However after getting the original estimate of about £1,000 the company in aus that would be taking the container have said they refuse to handle personnel effects ......... Has anyone else self packed their container if so how did they find it and who did they use ??
  4. Lozza, thanks for the reply. they were my initial thoughts although having spoke to some people it may not be the case - fingers crossed. please let me know how your hubby finds it.
  5. ha ha - i was talking tea brews BUT now im well excited about the brew your own - it sounds like a right idea
  6. so no-one missing anything too much - that's good to hear and hopefully a brew still tastes like a brew The wife has been told her beloved soaps are a few months behind so she has vowed to stop watching them soon !! lol
  7. Just thought I'd ask all those who have left this small island what they miss the most (apart form family and friends), the great British home comforts or just things you cant buy or afford to buy ...... I guess things like a hot bowl of chicken soup while watching it rain cats and dogs will not be there !!!! Also what is it they you really enjoy and didn't think you would ??
  8. HI guys this is interesting - we are moving over in Jan. I have always wanted to build my own property and am wanting in insight to building in Aus. Is it a much better option financially to build ?? I have been looking at properties in and around perth and reckon with the sale of our uk house we would be looking at buying something around the 500K mark so would have a decent chunk to put as the deposit based on about 80 % BUT I think finding our dream house with that budget will be hard so am thinking this may be a real option. Are there any major pitfalls to avoid or costs that always crop up ??
  9. Does anyone work as an estimator, if so what was it like to get a job ??? Were moving over in January on the wife's visa (all gone through - thankfully), currently I have my own business and lately have started to get involved in project managing large (£1m +) individual renovations. This has opened my eyes up to a potential new career over in Aus. I have really enjoyed dealing with contractors, getting quotes and watching the buildings come together. I have just enrolled on a Prince2 course and am looking at what courses i would need to get an estimating job .... All feedback would be very welcome Thanks
  10. Hey Stu, Where about's in "the gate" are you ? were looking at making the jump at the end of this year.
  11. Hi everyone, First time posting here so please forgive me if the answers are already on here somewhere ......... The wife, bambino and I are immigrating at the end of this year and no doubt will be posting lots of usual questions NOR or SOR etc later however the 1st major hurdle is OSCAR our amazing boxer dog. He is like our first child and can no way be left behind - BUT having read up on getting animals over there it sounds horrific small cages, no contact etc and we don't know what to do ........... Has anyone got any experience of taking pets with them. We know its a 30 day period and their is a place now in Perth but from what we can see we can only visit 1hr 3days a week - this is heart breaking for my wife as he really is her shadow. Any one anything can tell us would be fantastic ?????
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