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Everything posted by kimmy

  1. Get dressed up and come to mine lou xxx
  2. hi 6weeks In and loving it so far! has anyone met up anywhere yet???
  3. hi sue thanks for mentioning my classes, where is the poms in oz meet up or have I missed that?? thanks kim
  4. hi im from secret harbour, have been here 6weeks now, we went to meadow springs today actually to the Quarry adventure park, kids loved it! not too far for us to go 15mins in the car, hope your settling in ok,is hard meeting new people but if you want a cuppa sometime message me x
  5. well we have just had our last xmas in England, my hubbie missed it as he works away. it was a bit strange as couldn't get the kids a lot as all has to go in the case, we don't have our own furniture as ours in now in Australia in storage! All my hubbies family came to mine, so I had to cook for 14 of us with very little pans etc...... and all squeeze round a tiny table! they all came, ate the food, sat for an hour then left!!! so then it was just me, my kids and my dad! it was ok but to be honest I am quite looking forward to xmas in the sunshine! From what I have seen on the internet the Christmas markets look lovely with all the lights and im looking forward to not being freezing cold! the weather has been rubbish here wet,wild and windy! So I am actually really looking forward to next yr at the beach, pool and then maybe a barby later on or I will prob do the traditional dinner later on when its cooler! And if I crave a cold, family xmas we will come home and let everyone else cook for a change lol!!! hope you all had a great xmas! next major thing for me is my 10yr old gorgeous black Labrador flies on new yr eve, fingers crossed for me she will be ok! cant believe we only have 9days left in the uk EEKKKKK!!!
  6. kimmy

    Not long now

    hi we are the same 3weeks today we will be on that flight, is very hard, kids last week in their school next week which is going to be hard for my daughter who is 9, she is going to be very sad! I am worried,nervous, feeling bad on grandparents etc.... hoping we are doing the right thing! we are renting our house too when we leave! I do like my little town and know so many people but I am looking forward to our new adventure, lifes too short to worry isn't it! good luck and maybe see you around
  7. kimmy


    we are going to secret harbour in jan, which schools do your go to and how do they like it???
  8. Hi we arrive 6th Jan, I have very mixed feeling at the moment, nervous, excited, sad to leave friends and family. Mixed feeling about schools etc as just been to parents evening at home and kids are doing so well so just hope that continues in perth! We are starting off in secret harbour! I am finding myself walking around at home thinking arghh I love this place etc.... anyone else feel the same as me??????????????? I know we will all love it when we arrive! I have joined a website called weekendnotes it is fab and sends you great ideas of everything possible to do around perth, have a look everyone! good luck to you all xxx
  9. we are kinda camping out on mattresses on floor, borrowed table, chairs,sofa etc.... but we aren't going till jan, decided to send out stuff so there when we get there, we have sent it earlier than normal coz of xmas etc...... our house seems very bare now!!! be glad to get it all back in 2mth time xxxx
  10. when we did our reccie in march we popped into a rental place and she said to do a rental pack, which my husband has done basically your telling them about yourselves,your job in England and the jobs your applying for etc pictures of your house in England and how you kept the garden etc, we included pics of our kids and the dog, references, basically your selling yourself to the owners lol, KISS ARSE!!!!! we have a lady hoping to secure a rental for us before we arrive and she has our rental pack to show the owners etc and we have a friend to look round them for us and get the applicaton forms etc.... might be worth doing one, especially as you haven't got a job yet! we are lucky that my husband isn't changing jobs so don't have to worry about that part! hope this helps!
  11. hi quick question for those of you that have already had their dogs in quarantine, do they let you dog out in the paddock area or do you have to pay the likes of dog walks to do that??? surely they aren't kept in the kennels all day, please tell this isn't true! our do is going to Sydney new yr eve as perth is closed! getting nervous for her now!
  12. My friend there in secret harbour said it has been raining for mths, just what you wanna hear when you are about to emigrate!!! but it has been your winter and surely should expect some rain!!!! not like england we had winter from last oct,nov through till about end of april bbbbrrrrrrrrr. and do you think once you have been there a while what you think is cold is prob quite warm for us and the kids would be running around in t-shirts!!!!
  13. we are due to secret harbour in jan so see how we like it, my friend loves it there, i love the little village i live in now bit its not for everyone some people would gind it too quiet!!! is sad when i see people find it soulless though!!! everywhere in this planet is soulless if you dont make the effort and get out there!!
  14. just realised you dont leave till 31st oct, hope it all goes ok!!! will soon be here for us too, scarey ****!!!! lol
  15. i understand what you are or prob now have been through!!! i am the same at the moment, leaving england in Jan really want to get a rental sorted before we go, everyone telling us we need to chill out a bit etc etc but not that easy is it when you are just about to leave your house,family, everyone you know behind!!!! rentals are MAD in WA!!!! def need to start an agency up!! be good to hear how things are going for you now!!
  16. ahh thanks for that info, we are paying so much already for her im not sure my husband will want to pay an extra 450 might have to pay for it myself lol, We have to pay to get her from sydney to perth in jan too and perth is closed from beginning of november!! will look into it, thanks!
  17. our dog is going to Sydney in jan do the quarantine send you those pics or did you employ someone as an extra to do that???? our dog is gong with petair but not sure what will happen once she is there, I presume they walk them or let them out to run around etc???
  18. We are doing the last xmas with all the family too this yr, with hardly any stuff lol, bring a plate and chair with you going to be weird, bit sad in a way but everyone saying last time but hey no ones saying we wont come back one christmas to visit!!!! sometimes it sounds like we are going and never coming back to visit! xx
  19. hi me and my husband went in march to have and look around we stayed in mandurah and loved it, we looked all around the areas sor and have a friend in secret harbour so have decided to start there and see how we go, its a nice little place and is right in the middle inbetween mandurah and rockingham!! our dog flies out new yrs eve, quite worried about her but praying she wont miss us too much!!
  20. hi elfie we are moving to secret harbour in jan might bump into you there soon, how long have you been there and do you like it???
  21. we are in same position as you our container arrives on 14th oct and we fly out 5th jan, we have boxes everywhere, stuff that going stuff that's not as we are living here in our house we barely any things till jan lol, we are yet to sell our house and maybe rent it, so yes im kinda nervous now and wake up thinking OMG in 3 mths we will only have 1 day left!!! I am looking forward to it but cant help thinking whether we are doing the right thing! im sure we are and hope we all love it!! where are you heading too???
  22. Think we booked it from the airport before we flew, with hertz, we hired it for 10days,im not sure how much it was as my hubby paid for it, will ask him though and get back to you, might be cheaper to hire it for a few days until you get sorted as you will need a car to get around! good luck!
  23. thanks everyone for your help, our dog is a Labrador but quite a small one only weighs 22kg, think might end up getting petair to do it all, as im sure we will have a lot of other things keeping us busy the amount we will have already spent I suppose another $300-400 as nikki has said is not that bad.
  24. Hi guys bit of advice on the transport of my dog, we are hoping to send her December to be ready to come out of quarantine January, now I know she will have to go to Sydney as perth quarantine will be closed. Does anyone know if its cheaper to then fly out ourselves to Sydney and pick her up and get her on the same flight back as us ( if this is possible?) or just get the like of petair sort it out for us???? half of me thinks let them do it as we will have enough to do unpacking and sorting rentals, settling in etc but if its a lot cheaper might be worth one of us going to get her??? does anyone know of anybody that has done this??? thanks kimmy x
  25. have you thought about hiring a car?? we booked one from the airport for our stay, sure you could hire one for a day or two??? might be same price as a hotel?? or do you have to wait for office hours to get into your rental???
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