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Everything posted by pegg

  1. Can i just ask a little question how much deposit is needed to secure land - is there any help to buy land ? anyone ? ;o)
  2. Well you will see plenty of kangaroos over here ;o)
  3. feel your pain @GreenFamily ) yep we thought wed have a very nice amount in bank ….. EEk gone now - its the stage waiting for jobs , but i was so pleased when we got a centre link payment ! phew! But working now ;o)
  4. i think it will all come together just fine ….. think positive and enjoy the zoo )
  5. we thought it was same price as Coles etc …… But you know what - im gonna give it another go , like to do a bit of saving here and there )
  6. Never tried sup boarding , however as mullaloo being our local beach i was thinking maybe nice to mooch about there , whislt son is getting into bodyboarding close to shore . But yes expense is another major thing - board / paddle etc . Hopefully by the end of this month i will have had a couple of sessions with an instructor - then back on it ………. That feeling sat on the beach watching guys n girls enjoy the suf just makes me wanna get out there ) But yup keep you posted ;o)
  7. We felt Aldi in WA a little bizzare ….. For in the recession in the UK - it was a battle for the purse / cheapest supermarket won ! So aldi and liddle where really ahead there and so many people shopped there as money was tight . However , here around Perth i have spoken to many a person that is struggling due to lack of work ….. minors boom - and prices went up but never came down etc ! So , now we have an Aldi to help those dollars go a little further . But no , gadgets and things you dont need maybe cheaper - however FOOD is not , infact Coles seems cheaper . In the UK an Aldi shop compared to say Tescos - the saving could be £50-£60 easy ….. But here , nothing . Not sure if over here there are different competition laws or its all a different approach. Anyhow just a few thoughts , but nope Aldi didnt do it for us ;o)
  8. Hey @FOL … board - i wish buddy , we have had bill after bill this past month ….. just trying to scrape by ! So unfortunatly the board i wanted is gone …. but there will be plenty more ! Being a family …… well family/kids come before play im afraid. But will let you know when i get sorted …… Also the S***ks dont seem to bother me now , but i am going to have a refresher lesson i reckon with an instructor - just to see how i feel as ive not surfed for must be 2 years now . Also spoke to the chap at Alkimos surf shop - decent chap , he also thought a couple of refesher lessons would be a good idea ……… Argh just dont want to go back on a foamy ;o) Anyhow , will keep ya posted …………. Oo also have yo tried sup boarding ?
  9. wow ! kings park was the first place we visited once we arrived here in Perth …. last time we came was 5 years ago , And wow so impressive ) Nice pics
  10. We thought like this and applied for so many jobs …. 4 years past and nothing ! So we thought - we need to be there in person , As not getting anywhere from UK….. …….. So sold everything - put every penny into getting here ( on perminent visa ) . We are here we have a job - but in is permenant temporay at pmh ….. which is good , as alot ot work being offered . But no job contracts offered - also alot of false job leads …… Australians prefure to keep you guessing rather than just saying NO ! I supose what im trying to say - sometimes you just have to go for it ………… Like in surfing - you have to swim to the wave , the wave aint gonna come to you ) Good luck guys , and do what you feel is right ;o)
  11. i would look at the car for sales websites over here and check out prices of landrovers etc over here . Then you can get an idea if worth it or not )
  12. Its because the costs keep going once you arrive - accommodation, car, insurance bits n bobs , lease bond etc ………….. So definatly £25k Its the unexpected things like - we where stopped from working for 8 weeks due to Aphra , so this really wiped us out - EEK ! Infact we lived on pot noodles for 2 weeks ;o)
  13. I would say thats pretty spot on …. adding all up i reckon were around £25k
  14. if youre ever around mullaloo park give us a shout )
  15. Prob is - Its $10,000 for new builds only . And i think you maybe able to apply for help $3000 on older properties…… But some really nice projects out there . I think if we could secure a particular property we've spotted wed stay here forever ) But one step at a time i supose .
  16. i spotted it on anoher facebook thread - and im sure it was regarding warehouse works etc …. But worrying . I supose this is why its best to try and get your face noticed a little.
  17. Ha ha , i know what you mean ….. But yep you have to be honest and say what you feel , alot of problems here that people shy away from . We love the ocean …. so for us Australia seemed the best place , but might not be forever - who knows ! Although if we could get a mortgage weve spotted a fab little house - doer upper ) But hey , enjoy your renovation )
  18. This sounds perfect we are only 4 km away - thankyou )
  19. Just putting this out there ….. My wife works as a nurse an I'm enjoying time with our 3yr old untill she starts school etc and we are ,managing fine and the family time is superb ! Anyhow , i was reading ( cannot remember where ) that employers for certain jobs are taking on only Australian citizens - no visa's … not even permanent ? Also my mower man ( only use mower man as i cant afford a lawnmower ) was saying the same , as times pretty damn tough - so this is what is happening ? Just wondering if anyone else has experienced or heard this ? I know times are hard as ive been volunteering with a homeless project in freo ….. But yep just putting this out here ! Hey , also its spring !!!!!!! YES!!!
  20. aww @elfie that difficult - good on you guys for getting through it )
  21. oh and just one last thing …. remember that alot of people say " they are going to do this or that " - but you guys are doing it ! It is very brave and youre making the most of life ! And anyhow you cn be back in the UK with 24 hrs ….. sooooo chill have a wine on the plane and enjoy ;o)
  22. Its natural to be scared …. just dont let fear take over x where are you planning to live once arrive ? nor or sor ?…… saying that as we planned on south freo , but ended up north - mullaloo ! Still love freo though x
  23. You know @louloubelle we had all emotions running up untill the final few days , mil said if we go that we should never come back ….. my parents didnt mention it …… BUT those last few days , well it was like our own funeral/wake kinda thing ( hard to explain ) …. But it seemed all the things that wanted to be said where said , like they would never see us again ???? We organised lots of family days out and nights at pub etc . But the final goodbye was so hard , both sets of parents breaking down - but breaking down with love , they just said be safe and they would miss us …… but all we felt was sheer love ! And also the mil who said dont bother coming back is coiming out in december for 5 weeks !!!! ) I think also make sure they know how to skype … wats app is also goo on phone to send messages and pictures . But it is going to be hard , but you have one life and hey Australia for now …. France next and hey who knows where else !!!! The worlds a smaller place now ) Good luck , we know how hard this bit gets …… And when you get here - best advice i got was take your time …… dont rush into everything , relax and take it all in ! Oh and check out the sunset on the beach , it all seems worth it then ;o)
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