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Everything posted by pegg

  1. @Scotty81…… we feel your pain - honestly !!! we had to wait 7 weeks for my wifes job ….. and watching money (our life savings ) disappear was so hard . But , where not to bad now - as manage ok on one wage and ill try and find something when littlest starts kindi . Not sure what advice i can give apart from enjoy whats here for free , enjoy the sunsets and the ocean …… im sure youll find work soon. So, sending positive thoughts your way ;o)
  2. well i do hope do care abit about this ….. Well last week we found a beautiful seal on the beach o an evening stroll , we spoke to other people who passed by and told us - seals do not normally rest on beach like this . So we called an animal welfare number and those guys kept an eye on him through the night. And by morning he was rested … and back he swam !!! Pretty nice , and also the caring nature of all involved )
  3. Hey @FOL … so picking up my board monday from soul boards , scarborough……. nice second hand board ive found ! Any how - right back to your original question when you started this thread "Any Surfers " ? So yes , buddy if you can spare any time would love to meet up and get in that water …… its been too long ! Also anyone else ???
  4. Ah , ok @Arwen might take a look at this ….. i used to sail as a child , so might be worth a look )
  5. we booked "endless summer" appartment in scarborough … really good value and a fantastic base. you can book via stayz …. fly bb ….. etc etc . But nice little base )
  6. one tip …. dont rely on email !!! Best bet is telephone … face to face etc etc - but yep weve been there ;o)
  7. Cheers @Arwen … the prob we have our son isnt isnt interested in surfing or sea activities … and the club have said he will be able join "little nippers" - but hes just not interested - Kids ! But yeah , we would love the idea of the surf club and help with the beach etc …. so we will see )
  8. Hi all , just a quickie ….. Do any of you guys have any experience of surf clubs ? ive been speaking with chap from one and deffo think we need to enroll as a family . I think it will help us meet more folk and give kids an insight into Aussie ocean activities ) So, yep just really if any of you guys are members of clubs etc ???? cheers guys )
  9. We where thinking about this ….. i know its early days , but we where thinking of buying a holiday let / flat in scarborough , and just rent a family home for us - as to buy where we are would be prettty pricey . But then if we did go back to the UK …. Or Greece …. or wherever we could still rent out holiday let. just thoughts thats all )
  10. brilliant will take a look @Arwen thank you
  11. weve been enjoying the Houghtons … funny as its my father in laws surname , so we sent him a pic ! and said wed buy him a bottle if he visits . As for our beer/wine buying - i still cant get my head round the drive thru system …. so funny ! but we just visit whitfords or local in kallaroo ) i do enjoy a coopers .
  12. Hi @Arwen well the school runs a surf life saving club …… And they do alot of dune repairs as well as the usual life saving bits and bobs , so hes interested in this. He loves nature and wildife basically being outside - so we need o look more into this further. In the UK he used to enjoy boxing at a local club where i trained ….. So i might get the gloves out and head to a club in Joondalup. But weve had two great phone calls from the school and there responce to make our little man happy has been great !…. we know it will take time , but willing to do wahtever it takes to help move things along )
  13. Yes @Deb i might try later station and cat bus , see how it goes ….. mornings getting lighter though , im sure ;o)
  14. So, we have just had a very positive email from school with a great plan - So pleased we contacted school , next plan is to get son into a club or something hes interested in ) Will keep you all updated )
  15. Its a 15 minute walk from train to hospital , done it once - but in daylight …… other option is to go to perth underground and get on cat bus - 2 minute walk. So leedavill - 15 min walk …. or underground , then bus , then 2 min walk mmmmmmmm not sure , hopefully will meet other staff once in a routine .
  16. hey , yeah not sure on price - will take a look …. getting on train is pretty easy - just 15 minute walk after
  17. Yes , @Arwen we are going to do this asap …. we knew it would be hard for him , but tricky as he dosent want to be singled out " as new boy that needs friends " . But we will email coordinator and get this sorted )
  18. Ok, so weve been here a few weeks now and this is our sons second week at school. He is year 7. When we visited schools we here assured on both we viewed that a buddy system would be used - However after day one we found out he was left on his own to find his own way around the shool !!! Very daunting indeed. But , he asked where classes where and being the new kid - he said everyone was friendly and helped ….. But we where annoyed as left him with lady who we presumed would help him settle and she didnt - she just said " heres your first class see ya later " anyhow he said he made a few freinds - but now 1 week on he says alot of the boys ignore him and he feels like a spare part …. just standing there ! Hes not really massive into sport , but he will give it a go and have a laugh , but hes such a sensetive boy we do worry . We hate the thought of him having no true friends like he did in the UK and now we are thinking have we chose the wrong school ?!? feel abit let down by school as from the start - they did not do what they said they would do !!! So we keep going to the beach in the evenings …. getting out seening more Western Australia , and he loves it - he just needs mates ! Any advice - please give !!! we just want him to be happy !
  19. thanks for that, thats good to know
  20. Hi guys , So ive commuted once but will be commuting 5 days a week from whitfords station to leederville. My worry is, its pretty dark at the moment , and i have to walk from leedaville station to princess margerat hospital. To get to shifts i need to get on train around 6.00 am then obviously walking from end station in dark ….. and also leaving at night some times . Im probably over reacting or worrying over nothing … as i do not know what its like this early in the morning . Just any tips or feedback would be helpful , thankyou … Lisa
  21. or are you still waiting on take out coffees at the dome !!!! they can take an age ;o) all good though )
  22. Talking of coffee….. i fancy doing a barista course , really get to know coffee ! !!!
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