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Everything posted by pegg

  1. @Steely pathfinder was top of my list but funds spoilt play - did you go for diesel or petrol ? Glad youre settling in ok ………… And hey can you believe this winter !!!! Sunshine all day - wow ;o)
  2. pegg

    So….week 3 !

    @louloubelle , it was just paperwork - oh and make sure your "fit for work " form is recent - as goes out of date after 3 months ……. But yep just paperwork and comunication is a mare ( getting back to you etc ) But yep one tip - dont email - ring or visit in person , this is what weve been doing and it really is the way ! emails do not seem to be read ) keep positive , make sure you have some cash in the bank for when you come to tied you over and get prepared to be "happy from morning till nightfall"…….. its all good )
  3. Again , why im so glad we sacked our agent after one week ! yep that does seem steep , but im no expert ;o)
  4. Hey guys , So week 3 - prob wont do another update for a while ….. but wow - we have found the promised land x You know along time ago i was told "fear is a prison " - And yep , so true - dont fear , be free and live life ! Anyhow back to update ! So we arrived in scarborough and loved it , ace base to get everywhere - if you love the surf scene ( "lords of dog town" and all that) you will love it , place feels alive x We fell head over heals in love with freo …. gosh it felt so raw …. so alive also , really loved this place - and south freo …. pure lush . In fact, so much so that we visited south fremantle high school and - wow truly amazing , again we where blown away ! Weve caught up with friends in Bunbury for a few days ( heading back down next week ) …. which was great , really really like the feel of Bunbury , very homely and a nice slower pace …… But the trusty 2004 subaru forester we bought served us well and got us there and back ( and every where) safe and sound . Jobwise - "Lisa" a paeds cardiac nurse secured a full time caual post - fantastic pay - great hours , But since then another job offer in Joondalop makes things very tempting ! Also word of warning to you nurses ! if you think the nightmare of APHRA ends once you leave the UK , please - it carries on …. more red tape … more paperwork etc etc so jobs are there - just waiting on APHRA ! … But not long now , and the sun is shining x Myself "Paul" who is a builder and fitness instructer ( although very far from fit at the mo ) am just going to get kids settled … see how we manage with money - but hope to get back into working with people in need / homless etc …… But we will see - no worries ;o) SO right now , We are now in a great rental 2 minutes from Mullaloo beach , galahs squarking in the garden and have wonderful neighbours . Our boy is starting Ocean reef high scool after half term ( yr 7 ) and our little girl starts kallaroo pre kindy simlar times. The weather is amazing , we pass the ocean every day …. we run to the beach , we have coffee on the beach , we sit and just watch the sun set on the beach ….. wow we love the beach ! I know its still the honeymoon period but hey we are here and we are embracing every moment of this wonderful country ( well the wonderful diverse people of this country )……. We have been treated so well , that it makes me think would we treat overseas people the same in the UK ? im not sure sometimes . But this post is really for you guys that are thinking of making the move or not ? But for us …. who get rich from personalities we meet here and richer still from the sun and the ocean - life is good ! And if any of you guys fancy a cold one …… well we are in mullaloo living the dream guys xXx and youre more than welcome xXx And remember "fear can be a prison" ……….. Oh and the great "Dr pepper ad " - Whats the worst that could happen ;o)
  5. pegg

    Hello poms!!

    Exciting times ….. )
  6. we've enjoyed v burger ….. but reckon you wont beat making use of the bbq"s skattered around ! beaut !
  7. Hey , we stayed in Scarborough when we first arrived …. holiday let "endless summer apartment" ….. Any how scarbs is a great base !!!! We now live in Mullaloo , got kids kindy and high school sorted - and we are loving every single second of it ! Feel free to ask us any questions …… Loads of help on this forum anyhow, But yep ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY !
  8. im glad its not just our bank account taking a hamering ! brill @Steely !
  9. yes lots of pre kindies about in the areas
  10. Hi guys , trying to figure out pre kindi for our daughter ….. Any advise on places in area ? Im pretty sure where going to settle in Mullaloo . cheers guys
  11. We visited Ocean Reef High School yesterday ….. And everything the deputy head of middle school said was spot on , we were really impressed with the school and the children .
  12. i think its always worth sharing your experiences good or bad …… gives folks an idea
  13. Thats good @JaseandAnne , well wife is cardiac nurse in paediatrics - And got work sorted , So this is a massive weight off our minds ….. Im a builder , but had enough of that - so , for me ill look for abit of p/t work .. anything reallly . Also get the kids sorted into school etc . But we didnt come here to get rich ….. we just want to eat well , live well ….. and enjoy the Sun ! ( although we do seem to be drinking more beer - fantastic )
  14. @JaseandAnne …… yes they want it deffo !!!! …… Although a chap did say that salesmen have to work hard there for targets etc ! But , yep all good ….. just wanted to big up a dealer that was genuinly a good experience , so really hope car is good. Also hows work for you buddy … have you sorted work yet ?
  15. ohh and also , thought i would mention …. whilst we where in area yesterday we thought we would take a look at everyone on perth poms favourite garage "john Hughs" !!! Jeeez , So anyone that is looking to buy from a garage - this place was horrendous ! we only nipped in - but there where geezers everywhere trying to get us to buy a car, didnt want us to go home and think ….. ! really high presure selling , simlar to UK in the late 80's etc. But had a really bad experience , could go into more detail - but not good guys - not good ! However a car ive been looking at for a few days - i thought we would take a look ……Subaru garage osbourne park , And wow what a good experience …. no pressure , and they couldnt do enough for us ! infact they even lent us a brand new car whilst we are having windows tinted. So where happy and would recomend this garage to anyone . But all good in the end guys ;o)
  16. Well we bought one today … And really pleased , got a subaru forester …. so plenty of space in boot and roof when we get surf boards sorted. But yep as we dont have 3 months wage slips yet - we bought an older car - but one that should hold value …. Anyhow where chuffed )
  17. So, visited South freo high …. wow what a lovely school , and big plans i see are happening …. our boy was really impressed too ! fab )
  18. Hows it going in freo @Jay Cross ? we visited the school today …. and now house searching in area ;o)
  19. Hey @JaseandAnne ….. did you get your head round "rego" …. my question is - if i buy a car with 2 months rego remaining - is it same price for all cars to put on again ??? i think ??? Sooooo confused (
  20. Hi @cutchibear did you manage to get a car sorted - north of the river ? Where searching at the moment ;o)
  21. cheers @JaseandAnne ….. brilliant , will do some research
  22. Cheers @ali we have sent email to view school and south freo high , hopefully take a look next week ….. exciting times ;o)
  23. Hey guys loving it here …. but we need to find a base , we love south freo so thats in the running and have email school there….. But also we have came across Floreat , wow what a lovely suberb and the catchment school seems ideal also . So can any of you guys give us any advice / views on shool or floret ? Thanks )
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