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Everything posted by pegg

  1. Ha Ha Ha ….. i love it !!! i acualy did laugh out loud
  2. Aww schooling is so important ….. really hope all goes well for you . School is deffo top of our list - kids need to be happy at school, so we've decided if we need to pay we will i supose …… but will know more once arrive . good luck though guys ;o)
  3. meds … everything to do with visa process seems so overinflated !!! anyhow rant over …. what will be will be ……. sure a job will pop up soon ! good luck )
  4. No more dramas ….. just tried again - and yep all done !!! YIPPPEEEE !
  5. Yep gonna try again … before i ring them tomorrow
  6. No limit …. i think i will ring them tomorrow , very annoying though
  7. oops , ring them tommorow now. there websites closed for a clean x
  8. from your " worst forum ever" post …. thought id take a peak at original question - sorry cant help though , someone will be able to help im sure. good luck
  9. oh dear …. ive always found this forum extremely helpful.
  10. Hi all …. just trying to pay for visa …. but it keeps saying insuffient funds ? im paying with vis debit card - yet payment wont go through ??? Any ideas ( and yep i do have funds ) ???/ Rang bank they cant see problem …. just wondered if any of you had simlar probs … before i ring em tonight. thanks guys )
  11. what a fab new years day though !!!!! brill
  12. ok bud interesting , splits in the Uk are just rising and rising n price !!! ……. Still cant believe my old t25 pick up i sold ( which was immaculate ) are now going for around £4 - £5K !!!! Will you be getting another V-dub once back in UK ?
  13. wots prices like on v dubs in Oz buddy …. are they cheaper than UK ?? Been thinking of tracking down a squareback once get out there !
  14. Glad he has settled, this is my biggest worry when we come next year, we have a 11yr old boy, and the right school is so important. Well done for your persistence.
  15. what a beaut post , well done guys x
  16. pegg


    Sorry , my humer ! Crocodile dundee and all that …. out in the sticks awhile
  17. So So frustrating for us all!!! Thinking that we all will get visas before AHPRA…
  18. Masive concerns over APHRA …. what on earth are they doing ????? just had email from them saying needed uni stuff ? ….. uni stuff was sent in september … all signed for and recieved be aphra back then …… now in November - asking for it ???? IT WAS SENT !!!!! I wouldnt mind but you pay good money for a decent service - and this is not acceptable , problem after problem ….. i can see ill have visa before APHRA sorted . Rant over - will be ringing them AGAIN tonight
  19. iknwcb…… Weve just exchanged contracts , sold our family home we built 7 years ago ……. So soon be feeling some sun - i hope x
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