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Everything posted by pegg

  1. Brill….. still cant believe what were all aiming for - a new life down under ! Also still cant believe i was offered a job - so we sold house ….. and now that "so called job" dosent seem to be there anymore grrrrrr !!!! nay mind at least all references in at hospital and another department seem keen so fingers crossed and anmac and aphra now should be going fine ………… Anyhow enjoy interview ! gonna be fab !
  2. Wow stephanie, thats great news!!! Good luck xx
  3. yes time difference is a pain! Hopefully not long now then for us both
  4. My AHPRA is being looked at now as well as ANMAC, so as soon as all sorted then can start visa. Our house sale is nearly complete, just waiting for a job and then as soon as we will migrate!!! I bet it will be mid next yr. How about you?
  5. Yes thats what i sent, now asking for HR letter to tell them hrs i work and dates changed!!! Even though they got that on the professional reference…. they are just being picky i think!!!
  6. Well done stephanie!!! Ive just found out my ANMAC is just being looked at after 7 weeks…. had an email from them asking for HR letters from work about my hours and when they changed! Did you have to provide this or was it just on your reference from your manager?
  7. yeah i did about 6 weeks ago …. will message him again , cheers bud
  8. Hi all … just wondering is jeff ok and still a mod on here ? ive also lost his email ( Now, weve got our sights set on freo - i always like his advice ! Anyhow …. just hope alls well ) Paul
  9. Just spoke to ANMAC they recieved it on 17th August but not yet processed it yet!!!! Argh….. can take up to 10 weeks. Great!!! just my luck.
  10. Spoken to AHPA and they now have everything police checks etc - so that now in progress ( phew ) …… Still waiting on anmac ( might give them a bell ) - just want it all to move a little faster ;o)
  11. thats a good idea. i will thank you
  12. Yup ….. i agree , stuff changing mortgage ….. just rent out and perhaps have up for sale at same time - a few people i know the tenants ended up buying house ! Good luck anyhow ;o)
  13. In my life some of the most amazing people i have met have tattoos - free thinkers ! And also, they where never to shallow to judge on looks and not personality. However back to thread , i dont think money comes into it - you just go for the artist , as if you go down the money route - youll end up with a crap tat ;o) goodluck and keep enjoying the ink )
  14. Hi all - we plan to be in Perth april 2016 on pr ( if all goes well )…. …….. However i suffer with endometriosis , so in time will need surgery - And just to add more stress i have just found out that i have a temporal arthritis - which will need 2 years of steriods treatment !!!! So, just wondering what do i expect ? obviously i will declare illness - but will heath care cover ? What costs could i expect to pay? Any help and advice greatly received ) Thanks Lisa
  15. Will watch your thread with interest …. as we are fancying this ) We just had quick stop in dubai last time but really fancy Singapore
  16. All of a tiz ?????? email is from Aphra …saying ive not submited enough evidence - still waiting on anmac ARGGGHHH
  17. Forget that - just got email …….. saying application incomplete - Aw no , ive not submited it right (
  18. Not heard anything yet !!! grrrr ……… hope mine goes as quick as yours - think i was week n half behind in sending off . Got to ring hospital again this morning regarding job ???? Good news for you though - Fab )
  19. Wow stephanie thats great, i hope mine is as quick as sent mine just after you. Good luck
  20. Yes AHPRA stuff arrived in Australia!!! Just waiting game now.
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