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Everything posted by pegg

  1. stephanie, when trying to make payment to anmac it said credit card!!!! did you pay by this? as i only have a visa debit card!
  2. stephanie you are a children's nurse arent you? did you put anzsco code registered nurse (paediatrics)? as there is another code for child and family health! i presume thats for the community? Just want to make sure
  3. WHOOOP WHOOP !!! ……. well done )
  4. go to you tube on learn with emma - she then has website called engvid.com. I found this very useful and made me finally pass!!! Good luck
  5. the verification form will go from the nmc with you accridication letter, they put it on one letter to them - mine should go off tomorrow. Having trouble with Uni finding a accredication to my deploma course as it was so long ago they cant find it!!! They are just sending degree stuff off and the other bits they have, i hope AHPRA doesn't need it!! They are looking in locked store cupboards!!!
  6. Great well done.. we were going to use an agent but i seem to be doing more than what they have so not going to use them now, save us some money….. i am getting my documents certified next week then all good to post off. References for perth children's hospital have gone off then just waiting for an interview date!!! Good luck with all your stuff! Exciting but stressful times.
  7. Hey , enjoy your adventure starts here !!!! yey !
  8. wow scarborough sounds fab !! will have to add it to the visiting book !
  9. nice idea ….. nice sun !!! thanks for sharing x
  10. I am at that stage too, ive got my initial statement of entry to the register too, to certify. Didnt think about family birth certs!!! stephanie are you going through an agent or yourself? Are you waiting for ANMAC to come back before sending AHPRA off? then doing visa? Or all at same time? Want to do as much as can in one go to save delays.
  11. wow wee!!!! Well done you…. so pleased for you.
  12. It took me many attempts, you have to get 7.0 in all categories reading,listening,speaking and writing - i kept getting a 6.5 in writing and reading - it could be a question difference between a 6.5 and 7.0. You dont need to get books, look on you tube - loads of help on there- i felt learn english with emma, liets ryan and eng vid website - i just watched them over and over! That really helped. Good luck
  13. WOW ! what a week ) beautiful thread …. enjoy !
  14. Hi Loobylou, I am a peadiatric nurse, i have just finished my top up degree and finally passed ilets test. I would say wait till you have finished your degree as hospitals wasent interested until you have the degree. We have looked at both visa's and for us we think we will go with the PR visa as schools would be cheaper, mortgages available. I have been offered if pass interview stage a 457 visa but unless they offer PR after 2 years then we wouldn't go with it. Good luck with it all, i know doing degree is not easy with 2 children!!! Exciting times.
  15. Hi , yep will pm you there details later today )
  16. could your banking experience help you to go freelance … finance advisor ??? mmmmm i'll keep the thinking cap on )
  17. Sooo thanks guys ….. ive got a couple of notaries at prices im pleased with dearest £250 and next is £7.50 per doc . Cannot belieive that £1080 price we first had !!!! Yey !
  18. Back again…. sorry not weird honest ;o) But do we know if a retired JP could sign docs ? thankyou
  19. ooo sorry @FuryBear found it ….. silly me
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