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Everything posted by pegg

  1. Will take a look , cheers ……… wrong ilets was 2 years ago when i booked general but needed academic ! Instead of looking online which one i needed to do - i rang notts uni and they told me for nurseing it was the general i needed !!!!! But yep passed that - but found out i needed academic grrr Ahwell onwards and upwards ;o)
  2. Hi …… after doing the wrong ilets ( general ) then trying the academic 3 more times …… and failing !!! Please i cannot fail 5 times EEK ! So just wondering have you guys any ilets books you can recommend or online guides etc ?? I have been looking at youtube and tried online mock tests ….. But need more help obviously ;o) So, after 4 fails …. any tips / guidance / Help needed !!! Thankyou Lisa x
  3. Further investigation …. Aphra do not need ilets for registration as i comply with there registration requirements for permanent residency ,As of july this year. …..Visa requires ilets - but general and score of 6 in each section. However for permanent residency visa they require skills assesment - hence anmac wanting ilets … score 7! So just wondering is it only permanent residency visa that requires skills to be assessed to work as a nurse ? ??? This is such a crazy process ? Anyhow i wait to see what info i get from my agent . and probably get ready to book another ilets …… ARGHHHHH !
  4. Hi all , feeling pretty low as failed ilets test again for the 4th time ! But this time failed reading and the writing - usually i fail only on the reading !!!! Anyhow just looked at ahpra and from july this year they have revised english test and i qualify to register as a nurse without ilets . But then i checked anmac and ilets still on there ???? Ive emailed my agent as i feel abit confused over the whole issue - ahpra dont want ilets - yet skills assesment for anmac do ?????????? Just wondered if any of you guys could share some light on matter whilst i wait for info from agent ? Also i dont want to book another ilets if i do not need it . Many Thanks in advance Lisa X
  5. Well a family friend of ours who was pretty specialist in the armed forces didnt meet current visa criteria and was in late 40's ………. I know he had to sign some sort of military thing to Australia ( i dont know great details ) and the way he could enter was to have funds or invest founds of £250,000 k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, he didnt go in the end ….. as you may well guess ;o)
  6. mmm yes i supose the food prep area … cooking from home aspect must need some sort of lisencing or fees ……. Or what about the burger van concept that we have here in the UK ? would this work - all about finding the right pitch though i suppose ……….. …………….. exciting times !!!
  7. Just another silly question - why do you want to buy your way in ? tell us please ;o)
  8. bet you can ….. but i bet its lottery kinda money !!!
  9. Or make your own cup cakes …. buy a cute little retro van ….. and sell !!! Surley you are more in control then ? Live the dream and all that ;O)
  10. Yeah ive really got into surfing in Cornwall …. really want to continue - but fear i wont be able to relax as keep hearing "jaws" soundtrack in my head ! EEK
  11. Not heard the word " lurker " for ages !!! love it , And Hi to @Jack Bauer and @Paddymacs
  12. Hi, where not there yet …. but however i was just wondering is it fairly easy to send regular payments back to the UK ? Can i keep a bank open in UK and just set up standing order etc …. Just wondering if its an easy option or what are the options ??? Thanks Guys Paul n Lisa
  13. my mate in Bunbury is doing ok … he was in mining but now doing scaffolding on sites , he keeps dropping on stuff and hes doing ok - Also he keeps his misus and 4 kids , so alot to take care of. But hes in with a lot of Aussies and seems to network quite well. So i say chance it …… wots the worst that could happen ??? apart from abit of sunburn ;o)
  14. better remember to pay my phone bill then ;o)
  15. back now and after so much watching you tube guides on reading part and testing myself on mock ilets ………. i still found the reading test today super hard!! fingers crossed
  16. ……Sitting ilets test today - 4th time lucky ? As 3rd time didnt seem to lucky to me (
  17. Vodaphone chased you all the way to Oz for £79 !! Whoah ! We met so many people that felt hard done to by the UK ….. So basically fleeced the UK once left ! theve never had any comebacks , And also isnt there a law that if they cant find you in 6 years the debts written off ? ( Oooo just for the record im not going to rob a bank …. just a bit of feedback to throw in tha mix )
  18. So sorry to but in on thread @LoopyLauren … but is money corp a bank ? or do you need to set up bank first ? Sorry , always wonder how you go about sending cash over etc .. Just brill that youre at the stage where you thinking of sending cash over !!! yippee !
  19. ilets … happyness and sadness in one thread ;o) Got my 4th attempt next saturday ………….. gotta pass ! please !!!!!!
  20. is your other half working @LoopyLauren once you get there ? And what are you going to do about diploma - degree are you wanting to nurse oiut there ? Have to agree with degree business - i would say that my experience in cardiac paeds and banding etc surley is worth more that a newly qualified nurse with a degree ?!? hey ho , never mind ..... my degree should be complete november. Anyhow good luck and ENJOY x Lisa
  21. Wow ... great news , whats it like then , Baldivis i mean ?
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