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Everything posted by pegg

  1. Weve been toying with the idea of emigrating to WA since we stayed with our pals in Bunbury........ in that time we changed our minds so many times , advised on wrong visa's , did the wrong ilets etc etc !!! But now we are so determined on the move , and yes its driving us mad ! we keep talking to our pals over there and they talk about places they go to .... where we visited ie margaret river , cetain beaches ......feel so jealous ;o) I just hope we havent left it to late - i pray i will get a job - and all will be ok . But yep @rpakey we know how you feel )
  2. Ah , so do ahpra except academic transcript until you get degree ? So confusing
  3. Hi All, With starting my degree i wanted to find out how long after finishing my degree do i get my certficate!! Uni have told me that you recieve your results and report on a system called HEAR tool, when thay are on this then you print them off.... i wondered if this is what anybody else has had to do??? and do AHPRA accept this print out??? So confussed.....:ssign16:
  4. 18 months to two years ..... if i have to wait for degree paperwork it'll prob be 2 years for me too ;o) Still a little anoyed at whole degree thing - as like you i have alot of years experience etc , never mind ........ sure well get there .............. one day !
  5. Hi , another quicky ! Currently working through modules to pass degree - last one in October for degree! Anyhow i was asking about how long till i get degree papers and was told not until next July ?????!!!!! surely not ? So im going to bell uni tomorrow and find out abit more , i will be fuming if this is the case grrrrr Any of nurses worked towards degree and if so how long till you get degree ??? please help !!!! Thanks again Lisa
  6. Ok , so after finding out that i needed degree to really get things started - i will finally finish and complete degree end on November/December this year. So, in mean time im going to nail ilets (2 weeks time) and get all paper work sorted to go with degree etc etc - as been told untill i have degree i cannot go much further. House goes on market next week - so that'll be sorted.............. .............. However my quetsion is to any nurse's out there - how long will the process take until i maybe offered visa ( permanent residency ) from date i submit all paperwork inc degree etc etc ?????????? Our agent has said give it 12 months .... But could it be quicker ? we have the cash so theres no waiting on saving. Absolutley sooo ready to feel the sand on my feet !!! So any info would be fab - especially if you got a mega quick visa ;o) Thanks in advance Lisa x
  7. a sneaky trip to margarat river would be nice for you ) bit of wine tasting ,olive oil etc etc mmmmmmmmm
  8. Amazing news ..... love it !!!! " brilliant time ahead - your adventure begins " Yey
  9. im not in peth YET ! But how easy is it to start your own business in WA ? As my better half will be main visa applicant - i fancy trying somthing new ..... bored of building ;o) But yep prob need to start a new thread nearer time we arrive but guess i was just wondering ?
  10. This is all sounding pretty good ...... although i do fancy a change of career once in Oz , i could just about manage one last build ;o) Cheers guys
  11. Theres a saying " it never rains - but it pours " ( somthing like that ) ...... but yeah sounds a bloody nightmare - always something grrrrrrrrr chin up ..... and all that ;o)
  12. aww @Keefo i do feel for you .... here in the UK my parents are never seen and we get no help at all , so with kids somtimes you think "how we gonna get over this" and lack of sleep i think is the biggy !! Makes you not think straight . But hey hang in there ..... i cannot coment on missing family as im here in UK still - and i dont see my family here , so once in Oz i dont think it will bother me to much . but i know it must be horrid if youre missing people . Good luck and hang on in there ;o)
  13. Ah , ok guys cheers ...... sounds funny having to prove that im competent in building since ive been doing it for so long , hey its easy ;o) But did think that obviously these guys get the materials at the right price and so on ...... but wonder if i could do a deal with a company and i would do all brickwork ? Anyhow not there yet but gives me something to think about ) I think when you build your own house and youve always built bespoke properties for people - i just get twitchy and a bit obsessed with quality etc ....... perhaps just let wife deal with it ! Thanks again guys Paul
  14. Hey guys, just a question regarding land ..... i know in Oz it seems the norm - that you buy the land and then you source which firm to build house / or land and house package etc etc However is it possible to buy the land - stick an airstream on it ( or prob cheap caravan ) and basically build house yourself ? Being a builder i built our house here in the UK and im sure the building process cant differ that much . But just got thinking that i maybe able to do it abit cheaper and take alittle longer in building it to keep costs down . I supose i also need to look into self build mortgages too ! Any thoughts greatly recieved ) Paul
  15. Except all polish workers on my sites have always been lazy, never skilled, crap english and totaly incompetent - thats why they wash cars now ;o)
  16. pegg

    my first week

    lovely thread ..... enjoy the sun )
  17. Yes a misunderstanding via agent ........ i do need degree , so think will sell house now as after election should be a good time also get rest of paperwork in order and smash that ilets ;o)
  18. Hey claire why do you have to do ilets twice ? youve passed academic so why general next ? will keep in touch - good luck ;o)
  19. Hi Claire , thanks for reply .... yep so anoyed - but even more so is that im paying for an agent - but we cant do anything until i get my degree in december !!! And even more annoyed that this agency is one everyone recomonds on here - Not a good start! thanks for reply though ;o) Lisa x
  20. Hi Ali ( pm'd you also ) ..... I am qualified here in the UK band 6 deputy in cardiac with 14 years experience , but as for getting registered im booking in to do the dreaded ilets ( after failing 3 times already so needed a break from it ) - but then getting all paper work ready for skills assessment ? is this to be recognised in australia ? and is it for aphra or amnc ? EEK i dont know ! We chose an agent because weve been messed about so much trying ourselves ...... and im still as confused as ever ! I was told that the degree was only needed when you start work or you can do a bridging skills test in WA - but that costs a fortune , feel so let down again by it all .... we just want to get ball rolling ! Also our house goes on the market in a couple of weeks - and beacuse we will break mortgage we have to pay redemtion fee of £7k - but if wait till get degree in dec/jan we may as well sell next year and theres no redemtion fees . Gosh , sorry for my mega moan ! Thanks so much for reply Lisa x
  21. Hi all , just had a conversation with my migration agent and feeling a little stressed! We are going for PR visa and initially where told that because my degree will not be passed until christmas - i dont have to worry as it wont effect skills assesment all i need is usual paperwork , ilets etc etc . So we paid our cash and wanting to get it all sorted asap ................ However now this other agent has just told me that for skills assesment i DO need to include degree ?!? I told him that chap who tempted us to go with this migration firm that i didnt need to include degree yet , so hes going to check and get back to me. Sorry if this sounds confusing - its confusing me writing it ;o) Just annoyed that paid alot of cash - that if this is the case i didnt need to pay until after Christmas ........ feeling abit cheated if this is the case! So any nurses out there that can help i would be most gratful x Kindest Regards Lisa
  22. we are hopefully coming this time next year @Deb as just starting the process.... Exciting times though...
  23. Just found your post !!! wow emotional and truly wonderful ) So pleased Perth has turned out well .
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