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Everything posted by pegg

  1. yeah well done at squeezing it all in ;o)
  2. Where you impressed with how much you got in the cube @DangerousDave ? as when i look at move cube website it always seems i cant get much in ...... unless im taking the wrong massive items ! When it came did you and chap just try and get as much in as poss .... or what i may mean is do you think you get more in than website sugests ?
  3. let your adventure begin ........ enjoy its gonna be great )
  4. whats a bogan family again ???? i forget ?
  5. pegg


    Aww we love goggle box !!!
  6. pegg


    yeah just a sunday night - beer drinking question ..... weve never tried , but have any of you guys tried a proper ozzy boomerang ? and does it come back ? Random question ...... but i find beer n wine makes us ask questions like this ;o)
  7. good advice / info ... cheers guys
  8. mmm perhaps should have said Perths economic future .... ???
  9. Hey guys its thursday night and im pondering again ........ just thinking of how you think WA is doing and heading in the next 10 years ??? Just thinking of my personal view on UK is - Weve just been through hell for the last 7 years of a recession - only last year to now the midlands seems to be booming! Times were so hard i requalified as a fitness instructor to earn more pennies, But like i say its booming now ,I am booked up with building jobs til this time next year easy ! However , the general election is very soon and i feel its not all over - i feel the world is still a tad unstable , So is this boom in the UK going to be shortlived ? Anyhow thats a thought of mine , But im wondering how is WA doing ? it didnt seem to suffer as much as the UK , yet i read on the internet that Australia needs a recession to bring prices down so it can compete it world markets again ? But hey please dont point out things that i may have wrong , as im just a builder who loves his family that wants a better life ;o) Any comments / thoughts ???? Cheers Guys Paul
  10. thankyou so much @Walkabout x
  11. Hey Guys , just wondering if any of you living in WA have children that suffer from Asthma ? Only asking as our boy aged 10 suffers and hes being refered to hospital as its getting worse.......... But just wondering does the heat efect asthma or have your kids got better ( allergies, air quality etc ) being in Australia than being in UK ? All info welcome Thankyou Lisa
  12. we are going to stop with our friends whislt we get longterm rental sorted ........ sweet idea ! I also know that the typical Aussie garage could home a family of 4 - massive ;o) Anyhow good luck guys x
  13. wow, then really it dosent matter where in the world you are born ............ now you are in Australia you have finally found home x thats how we felt when we came back from Oz , it seemed as we belonged there .
  14. yeah is immigrant the wrong word to use ? im not sure or as we migrate there are we migrants ??? gosh im not sure ..... my wifes the clever one ;o)
  15. Hey guys, just one lil question to you guys living in WA ..... whats in like being a immigrant in a new country ? do you ever feel like an outsider looking in ? Or do you feel propper Ozzy ? Also the Goverment ... do they take care of you needs ? Are your needs treated the same as Australian born etc ? All very deep this question, but just been thinking about it ......... I mean our pals thoughts on it all who live in Bunbury are absolutely smitten by WA - they love it , even said they could never have afforded to have 4 kids in UK , but Australia its been possible !!! They love it ! everything about the country they love .... theve been there 8 years and aint coming back ! Anyhow , any thoughts most welcome ;o) Paul
  16. love it when visa's are granted ............. yippee !!!
  17. "this" is still what is going through my mind ! with you on this one buddy , all sorts racing through mind .... house ownership, hours working, child care ....... im a brickie wifes a nurse and our heads are still spinning ! Our problem is our hearts say go to Auz .......... yet when my head gets involved it sees figures etc and tells us to stay . But good luck guys ;o)
  18. our joiner friend left Oz before christmas ........... to be with his UK girlfriend !!! Yet only after a very mild UK winter ( which he thought was freezing ) - hes trying to persaude her to move back !!! yey !
  19. our friends a theatre nurse in WA and the biggest shock he had was his manager told him " if youre not well go home" .......... wow !!! heaven ;o) i thought crikey ive never heard anyone tel me that in the UK , been virtually dying whilst working many a time - but same old same old , not enough staff to cover !!! Just my lil bit Lisa x
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