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Everything posted by pegg

  1. Aww im sure we are going to be fine ..... just think its important to ask these questions....... here in the UK we built our own home ( at the wrong time - lost thousands ) and think i would like to do this again ............. weve got stacks of ideas and i think its all gonna be ok ;o) Thanks again all you guys for response - you really DO help with all your bits of info ...... ....... Thanks Again Paul, Lisa, Jack n Boo x
  2. Were average .... and im sure were gonna be fine ... as im sure you will be too ) Cannot wait to be able to walk on those beaches and stare at those stars ............. Fab times are comming !!!!!!!
  3. Hey guys , you are all so helpful so thought i would just run another little question by you ;o) So weve sent all paperwork for p/r to agent to get us started yet we are now thinking would we ever be able to buy a house in Oz? We would have a minimum deposit ..... im 39 oh 37 ....... wages to start would be £80k-£90k. So just a question for you guys ..... have you bought ? and if not do you worry what will happen when you are 65 years of age if you havent bought? how would you afford rent etc ? Or is it easier to buy house in UK and rent out - so have an income when you retire ??? Lots of random questions ...... our minds are racing , sorry ..... but any thoughts as always really gratefully recieved ) Thanks in advance
  4. Whoah ! This is all getting kinda scary .... so just to clarify - basically 180k is a very low wage therefore entitled to full benefits ?? this is throwing a right spanner in the works ....... ........ but as ever thanks for feedback
  5. hey jot1974 we are thinking of mandurah perhaps .... but hey i grew up in the bronx so not much would put me off other areas ;o) Although my wife may not agree !
  6. oooh dear ..... getting abit worried now !!! wifes a peadiatric cardiac nurse ( sister, band 7) and i am a bricklayer , nice little business in Uk built my own house etc - also a gym instructor / self defence coach ....... however we just have a feeling that Australia is for us ..... I am not shy of hard work and will do anything - however our little girl will be 3 and our son 12 , so i will need to take in consideration looking after them - no family like back home ;o) Any thanks for the posts guys .... it really does help , like to hear the negatives and positives to get full picture ..... thanks again
  7. Oooo but also wages ive allowed 80k -90k that would be gross ...... so what deductions are off that ( cardiac nurse ) is it 20% tax pension etc or 30% ???????????????????? cheers guys ;o)
  8. this is good to know ..... but also would like to put roots down and buy a pad , would this be a cheaper option than renting
  9. Hey guys, after ages of contacting hospitals false promises ........... we have decided to go with a migration agent with a permanent resident visa, weve wasted enough time!!!! Anyhow just need our minds putting at rest once more - i reckon that i would be getting a salary of 80,000 but other half will be attending to kids etc but is thinking of getting part time work . So can we do it ??? we dont want a big house or a big car ...... just want to enjoy the lifestyle. As usual all comments so welcome - dont hold back !!! ) Thankyou
  10. theres negatives to everything ..... if you look hard enough , i say well done ! youre nearly there ....... enjoy x and dont forget your sunnies x
  11. No work !!! Get to the midlands guys .... it is booming , i have never been so busy and money going up all the time ! confidence is definatly coming from the south and people are spending again ( happy days ) . Or , you could go to OZ ;o) Enjoy
  12. Gosh ,i reckon goodbyes before airport ...... eek !
  13. quinns always looked nice to us
  14. signiture i think.... yes we have a 10 yr old and a nearly 2 yr old that doesnt sleep!!!!!!
  15. arghhh sleep deprivation !!!! thats where we are .....urgh ;o)
  16. thought bogans where boy racers ?? whats this about shoes ? - i never where shoes so im i a bogan ? ;o)
  17. Aww thanks guys , was getting a tad worried
  18. Hi all , since change in rules i am topping up my diploma - working towards a degree. Which is without hons .......... .......... So since trawling the net im starting to panic as should my degree be with hons and disertation or is basic hons ok ???? All abit complicated - advise needed please as really in a muddle and quite frustrated . hons with disertation or just hons ??????? Help !!!! Lisa
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