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Everything posted by pegg

  1. good stuff - as always @FOL, cheers
  2. pegg

    what to do ?

    Yes @Tab, this is it for now we need to be here for the family and whats going on . but yep will always keep everyone posted ........ and good luck to you Jan 2nd !! whoop whoop
  3. So, im sat here in the UK after leaving Perths mega expensive house prices ..... but things where changing ..... prices where falling . I am a builder/developer and have just bought a cottage to rent out whilst returning to OZ - then with the idea to sell and release funds once settled. Anyhow , so im wondering i like kallaroo area - Then across the highway , beldon , padbury etc ....... hows prices going ? i would love to find somewhere at $399k ??? - $499k . also the banks have tightend up so much overe here - depositwise , you need a massive wedge of casheroo ! But what about overthere - can i get 5% deposit ? 10% or 15%..... I ask as i would like to explore re-training in other work methods ? So, yep hows the house prices ????? And how much deposit ??? Cheers Guys
  4. pegg

    what to do ?

    the biggy was , he went so within himself , he stopped eating and the happiness just drained out of him . he misssed his friends and grandparents so much. However, since going and coming back he has matured a hell of a lot and he does miss parts of our Aussie adventure ! Now is a bad time , as we are are tending to our father-in-law as hes in his last stages of life with his cancer ..... So right now the UK is the right place to be . But i just feel , with us having permenant visa's and my wife having a job over there - its something we cannot ignore ......... well when you swim every morning in the ocean and bask in the glorious sun for a year - yep , its a pretty hard place to ignore . Im a big beliver in fate ...... so i guess what will meant to be - will be meant to be ! I also miss my little chats with the "coles" check out ladies at whitfords with my little girl ...... funny the things we miss ha ha , But yep The UK can certainly take some big tips from Australias freindly customer service . Anyhow , thanks guys
  5. pegg

    what to do ?

    Hey guys , So really struggling on what and when to do it !!! We where thinking of heading back to WA around feb 2019 , however at the moment we are trying to keep it all together as father in law has a stage 4 brain tumour and only weeks to live , sadly ! So, feb maybe difficult . However we need advice regarding our son , He was the main reason we had to return to the UK as he was so unhappy . Sadly we are now the ones that are unhappy here in the UK , but hes settled back in and xbox has once again taken up most of his time. He is at high school and will be sitting gcse's 2020 . So we are now thinking - when do we make the move ? He does not want to go back - we even did say how about he studies his A levels etc in Oz ? Its so hard as my wife has a job waiting back in joondalup , we know the areas we like .......... I just feel we shouldnt have given in and made him stay in the first place . Not sure what im asking ? i just wonder if anyone has been in the same situation as us ? We love the UK and OZ ..... but the pull of the ocean and sun is really really hitting hard . Me ,the wife and little girl would be over next year asap ..... but we just cannot bare our 14 yr old son to be so lonely and unhappy again. Just putting it out there guys ..... i know the forum dosent seem to get the responses it used to , but any advice would be great !
  6. pegg

    Car Import

    response ..... not responce - glad it was the missus that sat the english test !
  7. good luck with it all , take your time and enjoy
  8. pegg

    fish n chips

    i think its the cold water fish and the way chips are cooked people miss. But we where really into the warm water fish . .... But man i did find curry sauce in Oz a fantasic experience lol !
  9. Hey you know , alot of poms we met whilst in Oz really missed fish n chips . Well since weve been back we have had a few portions ........... But you know what we really miss Kallaroo fish bar !!! the red snapper n chips was amazing .... and the curry sauce - wow ! Anyhow just saying ............. And i bet its getting warmer now ! enjoy guys
  10. Are you staying in the same area @FOL ? exciting times !
  11. pegg

    Car Import

    Superb responce , cheers
  12. beutiful @JasonM !!! i reckon the sun makes training easier ?
  13. I know its not much help and below what you do , But a mate of mine went ceiling board fixing - as no one likes plasterboarding ceilings !!! however he got a lot of work and then got him more contacts and got his name around . I know its not easy ..... but good luck buddy
  14. Yep , gotta say bring as much as you can ! and Aussie plug adapters work fine for electricals etc. We wish we had bought more certainly ?
  15. really nice update Jen ! very nice to here a happy / positive vibe on this forum ...... which i feel has lost a certain sparkle over the last few years ! Anyhow , We as a family that tried it for 12 months - returned to UK but now thinking Feb we may return - are so happy you guys are settled and life is going swell ! you certainly dont realise the little things in Oz that are big things here in the UK .... that ocean mmmmmmmmmm lush . Really happy for you guys - Keep living the dream ?
  16. Years old post !!!!! But i do miss the fitness of Perth , the power walkers on the cycleways ..... yoga on the beach ..... paddle boarding ............. Oh and a little surf if the waves are above a foot in height ? But yep , we as a family liked the fitness / wellbeing aspect of Perth
  17. pegg

    Car Import

    Did you ship @HANCOX FAMILY ? just im tempted with a lil jeep i have here in UK ?
  18. Aw , I just remember you where so keen @cocolevi .... on a life down under ! well with the scorching temps in the UK at the moment life is great ! hope alls well for you .
  19. One thing i do find mega mega cheap in the UK - are alergy tablets / hay fever etc ! meds are soooooo expensive down under . just putting it out there guys ?
  20. since returning from Perth ... its taught us that "its just life" and to really explore every oportunity ! We found things werent right in our 12 month stint for us ....... A big error for us was constantly comparing to the UK - Although one thing the UK does have going for it is long hours in the summer staying light until 10.30 .... bliss. But Perth had the ocean ..... that unbelievable ocean, so warm and so so perfect. Not sure what im trying to say , but for us - where thinking of heading back around January , Ok there might be a lul in jobs ...... But im positive the UK boom is going to be short . ............. Life is what matters , memories ! some of the best days in my life where simply spent on mullaloo beach with only enough money for a flat white! Anyhow good look , follow your heart and not your head ...... and enjoy every single moment x
  21. so are you still in the UK now @cocolevi ???? I remeber reading your posts years ago and you seemed desperate to get to Oz ?
  22. My old next door neighbour in Kallaroo was a brickie ..... But times got hard and wages got lower and lower , to the point wages where equivelent to £70 a day - shocking! Anyhow he just asked around , he knew the trade and got onto ceiling boarding as apparantly not many guys like doing it...... but he was making good money. So yep like Ai said knock on doors or consider other aspects of the building trade. best of luck
  23. brill !!! Scabs is one of those places where when we first arrived i really couldnt get on with it .... yet by the time we left - we loved the place ! especially when we watched a mum and calf right whales swim by ..... just good memories .
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