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Everything posted by pegg

  1. I thought there were certain rules on cats - just to protect the wildlife . Sure cat must have your details on collar - and are they allowed out at night ? All a bit vague - just, im sure someone was telling us about this in Bunbury, As they had a cat and im sure it had to stay in at night . Sorry cant be much more help really (
  2. im suprised knowone helped the old fella that fell - thats awful ! a lot of folk seem so kind . However i do think alot get home …..like to slide them doors open ….. crack open a cold one and hit that music - LOUD ! our neighbours like abit of a rave …. but never lasts late - so not to bad .
  3. Fantastic @Druid …. just wondered if there was a cafe strip or town centre ( apart fro lakeside ) in Joondalup - as always seems a little artificial , saying that i work at the hospital there - so need to explore i guess ) also i had a coffee at cafe in burns beach ………. Hot weekend forecast - so enjoy the beach )
  4. Fantastic review of your first year !!! Thanks for sharing @benj1980 )
  5. Sounds Fab @Druid ! Are you in Joondalup ? if so whats it like as a place to live ?
  6. Hi @Raychelsb sorry for hijack on post @mwjw ….. But could you pm me name of your bank - a we are havin a mare with ours !! Thankyou )
  7. i thinks coles have started selling british type bacon - but a few british butchers around ……. the worst meat here is Chicken , so im told by many )
  8. pegg


    But yes remember John Hughs - will want you to buy a car from them whatever ! even if you do not like what they have , they will probably all gather like a pack of wolves and insist you take a test drive then buy buy buy ! Very aggresive sales technique …….. Very old school. So, yep check websites and find what you want befor you take a look - car salesmen here are very much like the 1980s UK ! But hey …. exciting times )
  9. Yes, deffo expect to work hard to get a job ! took us 2 months to get sorted so used a hell alot of savings to survive ! other half applied for stacks of jobs but nothing came about. However in shopping mals - alot of job adverts from shops wanting casual workers etc . Goig casual can be good - as it gives you chance to show how good you are )
  10. pegg

    House sold!!

    whoop whoop ! good news )
  11. the aroma of coffee always helps we found …..Oh and your life could be like this if you lived here ! Sell the dream etc etc ;o) Good luck x
  12. Hey nice post though @Gerald Knight …. Sounds fab ! - i think we need to explore more areas )
  13. Honestly dont go home - we have had to chase soooo much , and put our faces everywhere - but its now slowly coming good . We are still struggling but centre link helps , and hey summer is nearly here ) Sometimes talking to folk can ease the situation or just let off steam ! so bare that it mind if you need a chat or even just a pm ……. ……...and yep you could go home and you can go home anytime - but just enjoy that sun a little bit more hey ;o)
  14. i dont think you can get to know a country in just one week ….. But i remember when its December in the UK and freezing , i used to like a bit of wanted down under ) Although did prefer the show with phil spencer - Was it "get a new life down under " ????? Cant remember ;o)
  15. i love the magpies at night though, i find them relaxing
  16. Hey welcome guys !!! i love the Somerst accent ! So this is great ! hope alls well )
  17. pegg

    Safety in perth

    Thats a bit scary , i remember in the UK this happened a few times in our area - mainly convertables !
  18. Ahh thats handy to remember , however its been ok today really …. phew !
  19. would presume the hospital would answer these questions for you if offering you the job and also is it a private hospital ? Anyhow good luck with your journey )
  20. WHOAH @WestHamFan1 ………….. 100 apartments not sold … that is a big hit for the client !!! ouch !
  21. Hi all, So, weve not been here long , and we are not having a whinge …….. And im not sure if this has been spoken about before - if so …. im sorry. Anyhow - today was truly wonderful temp over 30 !!! YES ! But i seemed to have had a problem with flies trying to explore my nostrils , invade my ears and quite frankly abuse my eyes !!! Not having a whinge ( honest ) but if this is the first day of the bush fly invasion …… PLEASE, HOW LONG DOES THE INVASION LAST ???? Ive been told till the end of October …. then till December infact ive not had a real straight answer - unless the locals are used to flies ? So ,yep just putting it out there ) Sarcasm and humer always appreciated ;o)
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