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Everything posted by pegg

  1. @saveyard i work as a paediatric nurse in Perth too ! we live in mullaloo and have a 12 yr old boy and 3 yr old girl ….. Oh and a bored house husband at home haha !
  2. Well, everything that our three year old was into in the UK - is available here in Oz , and priced the same too really .
  3. Hi, We have been here since June - have a 12yr old boy and 3 yr old girl. Would be great to meet up. Im working mon,tues,wed next week. Lisa
  4. pegg

    landed today

    Yes deffo dont try and do everything in the first week ( like we did ) ……… chill , grab you bearings and enjoy )
  5. pegg

    Time to go!!

    @Keith may i ask …. will there be a certain meal you cant wait to have once arrive in the UK - anything you really crave ??? ;o)
  6. I reckon we will deffo make the trip …. Nice to put a few faces to the comments )
  7. Crikey @Bibbs i do like like your " no prisoner" attitude , does make me laugh ) Ohh and i also love your "grammar" and your "written content" @Rossmoyne ……. Beautifull ) Just love it all guys )
  8. pegg

    Time to go!!

    What a nice post , good luck Michelle and Keith ……. and hey at least you tried it x
  9. crikey a decent hairdresser in Perth ? is there any ? mmmmmmmmmm
  10. pegg


    we keep telling everyone weve been sold a Dud !!! its been flipping freezing especially at night brrrrrrr )
  11. again good advice @FOL , cheers guys. I think really we just want to start getting a history of a credit rating - so obviously wouldnt max a card out , just use for fuel pay off end of month etc …. just to build up a good credit history , ready for the day when we can get a mortgage ) But cheers guys - And whats with this flipping weather !!!!! rain rain rain cold nights rain ;o)
  12. Cheers @elfie and @ali ….. my other half just told me its 6 months for credit card . forgot to inform me ;o) I think its just a worrying as were trying to save bits … then bills come etc etc. But to be honest we never had credit cards in the UK , so perhaps well just keep adding to savings . thanks again guys
  13. Hey guys, So weve been here for around four months now. We have rental ,schools sorted , job sorted ( and now employed - not permanant temporary )etc etc. However since being here we have pumped £15k into the WA economy so our "safety buffer" in cash is pretty lowish at the moment. Anyhow , we bank with NAB and to be honest - we get nothing, no overdraft, no credit card etc - So we are just wondering if any of you guys get a better deal with your bank ? We are on a permanent residence visa ….. So may just have to work 6 months minimum , not sure. It would just be nice if we had credit card - incase anything nasty comes our way ! Also we bought a car on arrival , its ok …… but in time we will prob need a bigger and newer vehicle . So yep , just wondering is it just a waiting game ? or did any of you guys get a better banking deal ? free cigars etc ) thankyou you are all wonderful !
  14. How is the job hunting going @mazey ? did you guys sort anything ?
  15. Oo not sure , will ask the other half )
  16. yes exactly what i thought - not worked - not paid any tax - so therefore cannot claim what hasent been paid ) Guess it was just a sick idea - just incase i was wrong ………… goodbye surfboard ;o) And thanks for reply @Rossmoyne
  17. Hi , prob irrelevant post …. but we arrived just befor tax year ended - however , we only started working in next tax year ( fipping ahpra ) . But in that time we bought a few bits and also a $8000 car . So obviously we where not earning - so paid no tax , however just wondering if we can claim anyback or is that just lost cause now ) No worries either way ….. just if we had a bit back i could buy a new surfboard ;o) cheers guys
  18. again cheers stormy ! and enjoy Scotland - I spent many a childhood holiday there in a remote village , Absolutly stunning scenary … Enjoy )
  19. Hi @Robin23 …… i thinks its good to think different ideas/plans etc - As helps to keep you grounded . For us , we built our own home in a lovely village -from the outside it looked as though we where living the dream ! But the recession had hit hard and our business was going under - mortgage payments - others bills where overwhelming . One of us then became very ill - infact if the stress continued then it could have had very bad life changing consequences . The only times we seemed to be happy was when we where heading down to Cornwall for holidays !!!!! So we decided - thats it we need to get out - start again …… And be near the sea ! However, this is where we have and keep disagreeing - One wanted Cornwall the other Perth ) So, here we are in Perth , and yes its been lovely but my other half still compares to Cornwall ( at least twice a day ) ……. But we are both happy - and we always listen to each other and weigh up the pros and cons - But we are willing to journey together , we only get one life - so why not try as many experiences as you can ) youre only 24hrs from home and nothing has to be forever ……… So, yeah back to your question - i reckon we all have our differences )
  20. Like @Deb says enjoy your next chapter ….. Your books certainly going to have many chapters ) - good luck @verystormy
  21. yep …. will have too ) nice bit of land near me !
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