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Everything posted by nikkiwd

  1. lancashirelass, no only put down the work that you are claiming points for and make sure you will have enough evidence to prove those years work for when you start uploading onto visa application down the line. We were claiming 8 years work experience and had a bit of trouble finding some proof that was going back a few years.
  2. Aligard I think once you have a case officer they just look through and start to process the application and check the docs when they come on, some of ours changed to 'received' a couple of days after uploading but the last batch of uploads never changed. I'm sure the next 6 months will go quick enough but I'm just so impatient! been at this malarkey since February so the sun can't come soon enough! It is such a weight off when you get the visa grant email though, you'll see soon enough:biggrin: I'm trying to make sure we get the right flight departure times as I have a two (3 when we leave) year old mischief maker son who will be a nightmare to fly with if tired/bored so I think an evening flight is best so he sleeps through the biggest chunk of flying, that's the idea anyway! Flatpack my daughter has been twice to oz as well and same as you, the first was in my tum! (she was conceived there!)
  3. where are you flying from flatpack? we are dying to book flights too but trying to decide on exact date to go...
  4. wow that would be 240 kilo for a family 4, that would be interesting fitting it in a taxi and moving it around the airport though:eek:
  5. have you done meds and police checks aligard, or are you waiting for case officer to ask for them? we are hoping to go out end of May but sooo wish it was sooner:laugh:
  6. we got a quote from IMO the other day, they gave us a price of £650 pp with 40 kilo luggage per person and thats from london with Malaysia airlines, I believe their standard baggage is 30 kilo anyway. didnt book though as I can get a flight from edinburgh-london-KL-perth for just under £600
  7. aligard, you will only hear from the case officer if they need something, we never heard anything until the email with 'visa granted' on it! that took 7 weeks from lodgement for 190 visa
  8. You must have created a log in password at some point when doing the application? I can't remember but think it must have been at the beginning of application after clicking the link to apply for visa on skillsellect? We got an email once we had saved the application (before lodging it) saying 'your application has been successfully saved' and this is your transaction reference number (TRN) which you will need to log in when continuing, amending or updating your application. Did you not get this email when you saved? I had a problem trying to get on after it froze midway through creating the login and hubby rang and someone reset the link that was sent with the invite as it wouldn't work. If you are not getting the email with the forgotten TRN number details then maybe it is sending it to the wrong email address? I had it resent a couple of times when I forgot it and it came through alright. check this link, https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/inquiry/query/query.do?action=eVisa there is a small print bit saying if you dont know your TRN send a request here for it and a link to click.
  9. if that was the only reason they gave you for failing then you can send the payslips along with the review form but it is expensive($900 i think?). if you dont have payslips then p60s, bank statements, p45's and maybe a stat dec for good measure...Tra are notorious for failing people when anything at all is missing, they dont contact you and ask for additional info, bam just fail!
  10. ours took 21 days, clinic in edinburgh took a week to upload mine and kids onto evisa, hubbys took a further 9 days to show as clear on the online application(still dont know why) then the grant email was 5 days later. Hope you all arent waiting too long x
  11. Yes the price is around that, our family of 4 was $6120 (£3600) on 28/8 but the price went up on 1st September.
  12. I think if you have already had an invite to apply then you are ok. There is another thread by another user 'kezzles' about project administrator coming off.
  13. I went for medicals prepared with best undies on:laugh: , but none of us had to remove clothes, doc just lifted top up a bit to listen to chest at front and back. I do have a lipoma on my leg but as I didnt take trousers off he didnt see it, I doubt he would have said anything anyway. We were graded A and mine took a week to show on the application (I believe its because the visa doc only works one day a week) hubbys took 9 days longer than mine, we were convinced he had been referred. It just cleared one day and he was sooo relieved! If you have an agent debs they may not give you the details to check your application online.
  14. You must be keeping the jet lag at bay! Wow 2 days and found a house already, which suburb may I ask! Hope everything else is easily sorted for you.
  15. Good luck! hope your visa for SA doesn't take too long and you can get on with the move. I also feel for those who don't have a plan B, we were lucky and got in just in time before hubby's occupation was removed. x
  16. good pic ha ha, how long do you have to camp for before you leave?
  17. Tracey you should be ok with your visa, I think its those who haven't been invited yet who will lose out. We have bookings up until May which we have to honour so can't go out until end of May, Im so impatient though, just want to get there:cute: We are heading to Perth area but hoping to have a good look around before deciding where to settle. Bunbury is lovely too. lucky you moving out quite quickly, you'll get there when its still hot!
  18. STTP, we have an outside catering business (I am a pastry chef) so do wedding catering all over the place, he temps at the Scores hotel (St Andrews) quite a lot during quiet season though. He has actually done quite a bit of temping here including the Crusoe! We worked in Perth back in 2005 at Halo Restaurant, Barack Jetty for 3 months and also did temping, hubby likes it and it pays well but I prefer to work at one place. We are glad we got the visa too, cook was taken off the skills list yesteray!
  19. My hubby is also a chef and usually just walks into restaurants looking for work. He is intending to do some temp agency chef work while looking for a suitable permanant job. There may be a local paper with jobs advertised in the area you go and also check gumtree.
  20. hi how you doing on the other side, settled in yet? x
  21. Sorry to hear he is finding it so tough. Would finding a rental in one of the other regional postcodes in the area be an option then commute to Mandurah for work? Maybe less demand a bit outside Mandurah..
  22. Schedule 2 means there are limited places but you have to have a job to go to as well.
  23. Sorry to hear that, the occupation my friend wanted to go on, hospitality manager has also been removed and is not on any other states list either! We just got our visa through 2 weeks ago and my husbands occupation, cook (well the one he got the visa for, he is actually a chef but his quali's were not considered comparable to apply for chef!) was removed altogether as well so we got in there just in time. There have been a lot of changes on the list, a lot of trades are now on schedule 2 which will be a blow for some.
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