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Everything posted by nikkiwd

  1. We pay $190 per month with HCF for basic hospital and good extras package. We are a family of 4 and we unfortunately didn't get any perks!
  2. I remember you saying @Lou8670 so went and had a look one day when the car was in the garage next door. I liked everything lol, it all looks so solid and good quality. Yes one day... :-) congrats on buying your 1st Aussie home by the way x
  3. Pot Mango in Wangara have lovely furniture with some unusual pieces. They also have recycled furniture and some made from old fishing boats! I could spend a lot of money in that shop... A lot of it is indoor furniture but they do have outdoor sets as well. Their warehouse/shop is crammed with stuff and its nice to go in and have a look.
  4. IKNWC but there seem to be some very odd named users online on PP just now
  5. we live up a hill a bit and we can see the orange glow from here.
  6. The Dfes.wa.gov.au has just updated the bushfire advice to Emergency status meaning people in Butler/Ridgewood areas should evacuate now. Scary stuff, stay safe everyone.
  7. Sounds like you are off to a good start. There is a meet up on 8th Feb if you want to meet some fellow PP members.
  8. with the application forms @Keefo, don't stress too much about missing some of the questions if you don't have the info. As long as you have the main details then don't worry. We put loads of 'evidence' in with ours (as others had reccommended it) and when we handed it in the lady looked at us like we were crazy! Also the fact you don't have to worry about schools yet gives you time, if you decide you don't like one area you can move a few months or a year down the line and you don't have to worry about it affecting your daughter yet. Hope things settle for you soon.
  9. I love reading newbie posts. It all sounds like it falling into place for you all. Which area did you decide on?
  10. Wow, 1 year already! glad its all going so well.
  11. I will have to try that Elfie, now to try and find some of these olive trees...
  12. we have got a huge Mullberry tree and we have gazillions of berries falling on the ground now as I am fed up picking them. Jam is all I can think of making with them. We also have 2 big orange trees so I guess I will be marmalade making in a couple of months.
  13. Its what puts me off the new builds, no room for kids to play outside
  14. nikkiwd


    I think most people choose Butler for other reasons ie affordability, not far to beach etc. Its just so happens that lots of other Brits have chosen Butler for those same reasons. JasonM we live in Kingsley and love it but we are finding house prices here expensive too for anything decent.
  15. Have you looked at Stayz, Airbnb and ozhouserentals.
  16. its the central immunisation clinic in West Perth. Just google and give them a ring, you give them your red book and they get the kids on the immunisation register and catch up on any they haven't had. I think you can go to a doctor as well but we had a rude receptionist when we enquired so went to the central clinic as they know what they are talking about and its free!
  17. Not sure Sully but my hubby got an Irish cure gammon and it looks very raw, doesn't even look cured at all. He got to order his xmas meat as a kind of bonus from his work and look what size his boss ordered for him I think I'm gonna need a bigger pot! (there are only the 4 of us for xmas dinner lol)
  18. Hi, yes they do still need it although its only the kids under 6 that centrelink will chase up. I asked about my 8 year old while getting my 3 year old his Hep B and chickenpox and they said she did need it too so we are two jags down, one to go and they will be up to date. I was also advised to get them vaccinated against Hep A but told I would need to pay for it (the others were free at the Central Immunisation Clinic), it must not be compulsory though.
  19. Me too Deb :-( I gave in and said I would work 10-2 as I felt sorry for the guys, 300 people to feed and only 2 pastry chefs on! I will at least be there for the kids present opening in the morning then xmas lunch(late) should be on the table when I get home.
  20. Hi there, I am a pastry chef too. I came with the same idea as you, as I have kids the hours of restaurants and hotels no longer suits me so thought a production kitchen would be ideal as they are usually day shifts. I got a job with a lady who has her own business making high end cakes and desserts for a few top venues in Perth and I lasted a month! it just wasn't me (and a lot was to do with her as well as she was a bit of a control freak). Think it just was the wrong place but I am now working for a big international hotel in the City, I approached them with my cv and said I was looking for 2-3 days a week and couldn't do weekends or evenings and they said fine, they would work around me. I am enjoying it there although it is hard work, its just more what I am used to doing so feel more comfortable. Sorry for the life story lol There are usually jobs advertised on Gumtree or Seek but Miss Maud in Northbridge seem to advertise quite often. There are a couple of other companies it may be worth approaching, The Cookie Barrel and The Cake Factory and Cake Box. You will find work, just put your cv out to places.
  21. I have a friend who lives in Butler and loves it, he is forever telling us to buy up there but as we both work in the city its further than we would want to commute. Cant comment on schools sorry. The Butler train station opened last month so saves a bit of hassle.
  22. drinking and eating out are expensive here as are cars but public transport and petrol a lot cheaper than uk. Utilities are similar but one thing lots of people pay for that you don't in uk in private health insurance/dental. It will help when your girlfriend comes as she can share bills. She should get a job as long as she is willing to not be too limited in what she is looking for. Don't worry, you will be fine!
  23. closer to £500 I would say. Our combined salary here is around 2.5 times more than we earned in the uk and we have the same standard of living. Most things here are similar prices to uk but rent is much higher ( well compared to where we lived anyway).
  24. Hi, that is not a great salary to be honest but if you are single then you should be ok. Rent is the biggest expense here so if you can keep that down by house sharing or getting a small flat then that will help.
  25. have you looked at thejobshop.com.au? its in Northbridge and specialises in backpacker jobs. If you got a rural job it should have accomodation and give you a chance to save some money.
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