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Everything posted by nikkiwd

  1. I see it does say that the additional criteria needed if you have studied outside Australia is an offer of employment for 12 months. not sure how to get around this, short of actually getting a job:confused: I agree with Ali, worth asking a migration agent...
  2. hi amanda, if your occupation is on the same list as your husbands, next, see who is the correct assessing authority for your occupation. you will have to meet the assessing criteria with them and apply and pass the skills assessment to be able to claim the points. not sure you would be able to pass a skills assessment if you never sat the exams
  3. hi there, we have a 2 year old as well and recently flew to italy (not with emirates obviously!) we just pushed him in the buggy up to the check in desk and put all the bags in, we asked if we could take the buggy to the plane with my son in it and she came round and put a luggage lable on it. it never got weighed or anything. when boarding we just folded it up and left it at the door. i think most airlines do this.
  4. I just thought I would mention that TRA are increasing the price of the skills assessment from $300 to $1000 on the 6th May. This is a massive increase so worth letting people know. The website says that any money orders dated 6th of May or after must be at the new fee rate. Reviews of failed applications will be $900. Not sure how they can justify such a big increase, but what can you do!
  5. Caz, did you have to send all the evidence of work experience off with your visa application for the points you were claiming, or did Tra say how many points you could claim based on the evidence you gave them? ​
  6. yes we are currently self employed( for the last 3 years) so had to put a ridiculous amount of info in as well as the stuff for jobs done previously. must be so easy if you have had the same employer for a long time...
  7. just about to book the test for my husband and a bit worried now! are all the general tests the same or does it depend on what you write on the form(which country you are going to and what reason you give for sitting the test)? can i just put 'other education reasons' or 'employment' down on the form?
  8. you should check whether your occupation is on the SOL on the immi.gov.au website. if it is then there will be the body which assesses your occupation written next to it. for example some trades are assesed by TRA, some by Vetasses and so on. once you find the assessing body then look on their individual website for the process you will need to go through.
  9. loved reading this, very informative and reminds me of some of the reasons I love perth
  10. hi there, the first step would be to look at the visa wizard on http://www.immi.gov.au/visawizard/ and that should tell you which visas you may be eligible for.
  11. hi there, we arent at that stage yet but someone posted on here before about using a freight forwarder instead of a removal company which was supposed to be cheaper, i think you either pack yourself or some offer a packing service as well. maybe worth a google?
  12. thanks for your reply, yes he has all the evidence of training so will put all in, it was really because some of the jobs are going back a long time now so it difficult to track down managers who no longer work there, so was just wondering the minimum work evidence required on top of the 3 years self employment evidence we have. I think we will just gather as much as we can. There is such a ridiculous amount of stuff to gather!
  13. Hi all, me and my husband are new to this! We are just in the process of getting all the documents together for his tra assessment and just had a question so wondered if someone on here could help. He has 15 years work experience in his field after qualifying but the last 3 have been self employed. Gaining all the evidence needed for the self employment part is fine but do you have to include all the evidence from all the employments before as well? from what i understood it was just 3 years evidence of employment so if this is the case would just the 3 years self employment be enough? it all sounds so complicated! any help would be appreciated.
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