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Everything posted by nikkiwd

  1. Lou maybe the crickets in your roof, we have that problem
  2. have a search through old posts and threads as the name rings a bell.
  3. sounds like we were lucky with iinet then, ordered phone/broadband/fetch tv bundle online and next day had confirmation emails etc. they sent someone to switch line on and a few days later our kit arrived in post and we had internet another couple of days later. All in all took under 2 weeks. Our only issue is the fetch tv is a waste of time as you have to upgrade to be able to watch anything, we just used to use the built in freeview on our tv.
  4. have you tried iinet, it was pretty simple to set up online and it didn't take long either.
  5. busy few days 7cdb. Congrats on getting married and have a good trip down to this side of the earth.
  6. about to go to work, 3pm start on a Sunday arvo just feels wrong
  7. If there is an army of them Keefo they are very polite and take it in turns to make the noise I told hubby to get up there but he refuses, he's scared what he may find and also the hatch looks pretty small...
  8. got a cricket in my roof, drives me demented making his crickety noises all night especially when he is above our room. I am hoping he will die soon through lack of food or loneliness or something!
  9. I drove past it at the weekend, looking good and in a nice spot too. Wishing you success and happiness in your venture and I will be in, maybe even on the 19th if I'm not working.
  10. YKWYIPW -The noisy birds tweet day and night -People have number plates on their cars with the likes of 'Bimbo', 'Yeah Mate' and 'Awesome' (in fact we have made a bit of a sport out of spotting the best ones) -A rain shower is welcome so I don't have to hand water my lawn (retic broken and agent useless) -Rental agents are pretty useless and try to get away with doing as little work as possible -My kids play outside every day and they actually ask for the suncream now rather than me having to chase them down -Everybody drinks coffee -A LOT of people don't wear shoes -In Spring you see people cycling with cable ties, branches or sticky eyes on their helmets
  11. I think all the garages in Wangara go hit with the hail, ours was from Mitsubishi Garage but there are independant used car garages there as well as the big named garages.
  12. We have the pass for Yanchep too, we like it as its nice and peaceful with free bbqs, roos and Koalas. Also the wierd cafe that sells lots of chocolate and apparently the pub there (Yanchep Inn ) does a good Sunday Carvery although haven't tried it myself. Another nice place is Araluen Botanic park, I think its near Roleystone in the Hills. Lovely and peaceful too and there is a little train/tractor that you can ride on that kids love. Its bit of a drive if you live NOR though. We have a lake near us (Lake Goollelal) with a good cycle path all the way around it so took my son for a walk yesterday, he had his trike, and we were warned by a couple about the snakes...well what did we come accross...a snake, right by the path! I think we are going to try a day out at The Maze soon so will post if its any good.
  13. Some good deals to be had at the car garages in Wangara if you don't mind a few hail dents :-) If you buy from a garage you get a bit of warranty as well as haggling the price down. We got ours last week from the Mitsubishi Garage and got $3000 off due to hardly noticeable hail damage.
  14. Only once you have lodged and paid. You then log back in to your application and start uploading docs.
  15. probably going to one of the big hotels in the city....(to work though )
  16. Not sure if you would be interested but all the car garages in Wangara got hit with the hail storm last week so have loads of cars going cheap as they have some dents on bonnet. We picked up a nice Mitsubishi Outlander and got $3000 off the list price. Ours is white so damage hardly noticable but the darker colours show up more so are even cheaper.
  17. there are a few in the swan valley at some of the wineries.
  18. not sure why Keefo, just paid another one and it was $282 but was for 6-8 weeks so not as bad.
  19. If you are on a p.r visa and only earning $50-60k in your household you would get a bit of help from centrelink (if you have kids)
  20. thanks guys, mine is nice to look at but yours look yummy to eat. My daugters birthday tommorow so have to make something but I am all caked out after around 20 hrs making the last one!
  21. it was nice to meet you too Bean as well as a few others, the weather wasn't that bad in the end and the sun even tried to come out. Kids had a great time too, as usual.
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