Hi nursejules,
my skills assessment has gone in today yippee, so all been well it should go through! Yea I would say you could enquire about your transcript. It needs to be quite detailed, I already had one but it didn't have all the info required so I had to get a cohort nursing leader to write one and send direct to ANMAC in Australia.
Dont send off for your verification of NMC as it only lasts 3 mths. I have found my references were what delayed my assessment getting sent off. References last for 12 months so you could start collecting them in a few months.
PPI would also use this time to start collecting old p 60's etc as if you are missing one ad you ont have the march pay slip you will need to contact payroll to get a statement of earnings.
You will also need an up to date cv.
If you need ny further info I'm happy to help. We are using an agent for various reasons but after seeing the form they completed for the skills assessment if your organised you can definitely do it yourself.xxxx