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Everything posted by Monkeylloyd

  1. The link is http://www.australia-mining.com. Thank you for your reply its worth knowing. I think we will stay clear. But thought it would be worth mentioning so it my make others be wary. Xxxx
  2. Hi my husband and I have being looking at jobs in Australia, we are currently in the process getting skills assessment done etc. while we were looking I e mailed an Australian companies about electrical work in the mines. This company Australian Mining claim to be able to recruit however they require money. Approximate £100.00 ish. I'm a bit dubious, as I have read that the down under tradies take money from you but don't secure you a job. Just wondering has anyone used them and was experience good or bad? thank you in advance for any replies?
  3. Hi OMG you are in exactly same boat as us. I am a nurse and my husband an electrician. 2 boys aged 3 and 1. We are looking to move in approx 12 months plus. Where in Britain are you? We are in north Wales. We are applying for a visa through me as it is easier and cheaper for the skills assessment to ANMAC ( Australian nursing council). We are going for either a 189 or a 190 with state sponsorship. My skills assessment was sent off last week and just waiting to hear back. Ideally I would like my husband to get work first so I could settle the kids in then I would look for work. The skills assessments for electricians are quite complicated and they still have to attend college when they get to oz to get their licence. Plus my hubby is rubbish at keeping important documents like p60's etc whereas I have all mine. Let me know if you need any further info I would be happy to help. It's nice hearing that people are in the same boat!!
  4. Hi thank you for reply, we are going for either the 189 or 190. Although we are now considering not going for the state sponsorship as we have enough points without. However we keep hearing mixed reviews about job opportunities for electricians in WA. So we may keep our options open for job applications for my husband. We really want to find work for him as it is due to lack of construction jobs in Britain which has pushed us to take the plunge!
  5. Hi, I am a nurse in Britain but my skills assessment was sent off last week! Yippee! The process has started. What's it like working as a nurse in Australia? I currently work in a community job however would consider going back the wards once we arrive in oz. I used to be a medical nurse. Our plan is to get visa through me, then hubby to try and get work as an electrician. Then once we are settled nd kiddies settled I would start work. I can't wait to get visa validated as was hoping to try and arrange a look around a hospital to see how things run. Do you think that's a good idea? any replies greatly appreciated.xxxxx
  6. I would book onto the IELTS test which is the international English language test. As a nurse the Australian nursing council require you to get level 7 in all four categories. Speaking, listening, writing and reading. Without this you can't apply for your skills assessment and the result lasts for 18 months.
  7. P.s I have just read that your iELTS test can last 18 months. You could book on this and start your revision.x
  8. Hi nursejules, my skills assessment has gone in today yippee, so all been well it should go through! Yea I would say you could enquire about your transcript. It needs to be quite detailed, I already had one but it didn't have all the info required so I had to get a cohort nursing leader to write one and send direct to ANMAC in Australia. Dont send off for your verification of NMC as it only lasts 3 mths. I have found my references were what delayed my assessment getting sent off. References last for 12 months so you could start collecting them in a few months. PPI would also use this time to start collecting old p 60's etc as if you are missing one ad you ont have the march pay slip you will need to contact payroll to get a statement of earnings. You will also need an up to date cv. If you need ny further info I'm happy to help. We are using an agent for various reasons but after seeing the form they completed for the skills assessment if your organised you can definitely do it yourself.xxxx
  9. Hi neep and tatie, if you are a home owner and looking for a second reference I have read that your mortgage provider can write a reference then you could get your friends to do a character one. Good luck with it all.xxx
  10. Hi Colin mac thank you for your reply! That has put me a little at ease. Better get a move on with our visa! Hope it's all worth the hassle!xxx
  11. Hi everyone, my husband is a spark. We are getting a visa through myself (nurse) which will allow both hubby and I to work in Western Australia. The plan was to get visa accepted. Then find work for Dave while I settled the kids in. We were aware that Dave would need to apply for licence etc. we were expecting him to have to work as an apprentice while he went to TAFE college? However it's looking a bit bleak. Should we go for state sponsorship? Or are there difficulties getting employment in wa. Would Dave need to do anything o quicken up the process. Any help would be much appreciated as we need to make a decision regarding state sponsorship before visa is applied soon. thanks jody and Dave.
  12. Hi guys, I have being reading your thread and its got me worried. My husband and I are currently applying for a visa through my nursing, however my husband is a spark. The plan was when visa granted we would apply for jobs for him to work as apprentice while he got his licence! However after reading your thread it sounds like this may not be as easy as we thought! We were under the impression that Western Australia were crying out for sparks. We are contemplating the 189 visa or 190 with state sponsorship however it sounds like the job search would be considerably limited if we go for the sponsorship. Would you advise that he gets his license prior? Or work and go to TAFE college. Bearing in mind that as I am the visa applicant that he will not have done vettases! Any advice? Please help!!!! Many thanks jody and Dave.
  13. Hi guys, I have being reading some threads and its got me worried. My husband and I are currently applying for a visa through my nursing, however my husband is a spark. The plan was when visa granted we would apply for jobs for him to work as apprentice while he got his licence! However after reading your thread it sounds like this may not be as easy as we thought!We were under the impression that Western Australia were crying out for sparks. We are contemplating the 189 visa or 190 with state sponsorship however it sounds like the job search would be considerably limited if we go for the sponsorship.Any advice? Please help!!!! Many thanks jody and Dave.
  14. Hi guys, just want to introduce ourselves! We are currently in north Wales and hoping to move to Perth. My husband is an electrician and I'm a nurse. We have two boys, 3 and 9 months. We have just started the skills assessment and I've just found out I passed the IELTS. Yipee! We are applying for visa through me but my husband will want to find employment first! Does anyone have any advice about good websites etc for domestic electrical jobs? He is aware he will have to work as an apprentice while getting his licence. I have heard mixed reviews about own under tradies! So excited, any advice would be much appreciated as I am new to using these forums.xxxxx
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