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  1. Good luck with it all! The trick with IELTS is practice - there are lots of sites on the internet that can help, or some people buy books. I think that you will need the boys' father to give official permission for you to go. I'm sure others on here can give you more advice. Yes, it's 60 points for the 190 visa. DIAC are proposing to change the fees in the near future, so that you would have to pay for yourself as the main applicant, and also for each of the boys. It's doubling what we were expecting to pay originally!!
  2. Lets just hope the exchange rate keeps improving - that would help a LITTLE bit...........!
  3. Yes, it will double it for us too, as we're a family of four..........
  4. Excellent news! Well done!
  5. Just to say that this thread was started over 2 years ago..........
  6. Well - we are now the proud owners of two positive AITSL skills assessment certificates (teacher skills assessment)!! Have to say that we were a bit worried, as we graduated over 20 years ago, so it was hard work getting the paperwork together, but AITSL didn't query anything, and were obviously happy with what we sent! AITSL emailed on 5th March to say that they had received our documents. By the 21st May the application tracking page showed 'Application complete' for one of the applications, and two days later the 2nd application had the same message. That was 11 weeks since 5th March. It then took a week for the results and certificates to arrive. The reason for the two assessments was one for the main applicant, and one for partner skills points..... State Sponsorship next..........
  7. Hi! If you are the main applicant, then Bricklayer 331111 is on the CSOL, which means that you would have to get State Sponsorship for a 190 Visa. You would have to get your skills assessed by TRA. Yes, bricklayer is on the WA list at the moment. Hopefully others will be able to give you further advice. Good luck with everything!
  8. Hi - I know that other people have used solicitors. We needed certified documents for our Skills Assessment with AITSL, and we asked a local headteacher to certify them - and they did it for free (or a bottle of wine)!
  9. Del70

    Hello from Perth!!

    Looking forward to hearing all about it!
  10. It's what you pay when you apply for a skilled visa....
  11. I think a lot of us are like that, and it's what keeps driving us forward. We actually lived in Oz for a short time, so we kind of know what to expect. We worry more about job prospects and cost of living, and realise that if we do ever make it out there for good, it could be a real battle to make ends meet for a while. Must be mad!
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