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  1. mwjw

    Reccie help..

    Hiya, Coming to activate our visas..2 weeks today, cant wait. We have made plans of what to see and investigate, as need to look for areas we want to settle in. What have other people done, have you looked at houses, potential employment etc. We were thinking of visiting estate agents to get ideas of rentals, talking to recruitment agencies, that sort of stuff. Cheers Mike
  2. Hi, We just scanned ours and sent them as a PDF, didn't need to certify anything! Mike
  3. Hi There! We submitted ours last year, around july time and got it all through by Jan this year...doesn't take long at all. Going to activate them in August and making the permanent move nxt year. Good luck, hope you get it Mike
  4. Hiya, We used go Matilda as well, really great. Friendly and really efficient Cheers Mike
  5. Hi Andy, Were experiencing the same worries, we have to live in certain areas as part of our visa conditions. We have looked at Byford, Oakford and Serpentine. Trying to find somewhere with decent links to the CBD and opportunities for employment. Got a massive list of post codes sent to us by the bureau giving us ideas on where we can live, gotta work our way through em!! What visa you on??, ours is the 190 i think, they keep changing the codes!!. If you want i can email the post codes we were given to you?. Send me a private message with your email and i will attach the docs Cheers Mike
  6. Hi, Thanks for the help. Its re-assuring to know that we may have options. I know our uk credit history dosent count for anything, as long as we have a chance then thats something!!
  7. Phew, thanks for the info. Weve both got a clear credit history and know that in oz it counts for nothing. Its good to know that we have options when we get there, may have to sell our house to get a bit more behind us!! Thanks Mike
  8. The wife and i were thinking about renting when we move out, later this year to find an area we like. Bit worried as at some point we may want to buy somewhere, but we wont have any credit history and if were lucky we may have a deposit!. Are lenders in Oz flexible with these kind of things, or is it tough you have to build a decent credit rating first? Any help greatly appreciated! cheers Mike
  9. Thanks everyone for the advice...them seem to love the taste of my pale, Scottish blood for some reason, the wife never gets one single bite!!!
  10. Hi, Im starting to get a little concerned about the mozzies out there. Few people i work with have said, when theyve been in Perth, there were loads of them and theres this nasty regional disease they carry?. Im not one for flapping..but HELP!! Are they that bad? I know we should do the norm on our reccie, spray, use plug ins..dont go out at night!! Is it really that bad? Mike
  11. mwjw


    Hiya, The wife got regional sponsorship on the 489 permanent visa, valid to 2017. Took around 6 months to get it approved, quicker than we thought..need to save loads now!! Been through it all, so and help i can give, let me know Cheers and good luck! Mike
  12. mwjw


    We didnt pay it all up front. You pay per stage of the application, dont get a nasty bill upfront or at the end!!. The were very helpful and friendly, highly recommended!
  13. mwjw


    Hiya, We went with Go Matilda, they were brilliant. Visa took around 6 months in total and they kept us upto date all the way. Cost around £4500 for the visas for the wife and me. We contacted them initialy and got some free useful advice. If i can help with anything send me a message! Cheers Mike
  14. Hi, Im thinking of remortgaging to fund our move to Perth, but im worried about what happens 2 years down the line, when the secured loan product ends its fixed rate. Will i be able to carry this on and choose another rate when im in Australia?. Im really worried if i do this and make the move, we wont be able to carry on the secured loan as we wont be uk residents. Has anyone else done this, think this is crazy?! Cheers Mike
  15. Hi!! Newbie on here..hello everyone!! Me and the wife Steph are on our way over, mixed feelings of excitement and complete panic!!! Just signed up and in need of help!!. Just been granted our visas and will be coming over, in August to activate them and check out places and jobs. Does anyone know of any good accomodation, have any available or know of websites to check out? Cheers Mike
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