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Everything posted by Bobopaulsy

  1. Ali...You are normally a wealth of knowledge......(normally lol)....yeah i'm a cheeky bugger lol....i'm looking online now i reckon its only £20-£30 so for the sake of that will prob get it...I've asked wife to check with her bank as i know some accounts give you it...thats if she can fit that phone call into her hectic schedule !!!!!!
  2. Yeah i know it's last minute but do we need to get this....(stupid question i think off course we do) Any recommendations...we leave Scotland next Wednesday
  3. just found my time line...hope this helps... 27th Feb AHPRA applied for ($380) 15th March – AHPRA Notification documents received and application incomplete 5th April – AHPRA Notification all documents now received 30th April – AHPRA Emailed to say NHS Notification of service complete (£45) ***6th May – AHPRA APPROVED***
  4. ochilgal.....10 days for it to get there and they will email you when they have received it at there office so don't panic yet as they may not even have it.... it takes about 3-4 weeks to process assuming you have everything correct....my wife needed an extra document but after that it was pretty straight forward...where r u moving from in Scotland... just found my time line...hope this helps... 27th Feb AHPRA applied for ($380) 15th March – AHPRA Notification documents received and application incomplete 5th April – AHPRA Notification all documents now received 30th April – AHPRA Emailed to say NHS Notification of service complete (£45) ***6th May – AHPRA APPROVED***
  5. Remember and post updates lol we are behind you and with Singapore on Wednesday next week....arrive on Halloween lol as if the change of life wasn't scary enough have a great trip guys
  6. ok i do realise i am opening myself to abuse here.... Do Aussie's have panto in December time on offer anywhere, even via schools etc !!!!! i currently work in this industry in the Scotland (oh yes i do) And no i'm not beast from Beauty & The Beast and no i'm not an ugly sister (i'm also far from being prince charming)... it's all about a business opportunity i've been asked to consider ...lol And yeah when i started in my job 10 years ago i never once thought i'd be selling panto's for 10 years !!!!!!! (i do turnover £1m a year personally with my team generating £3m so it's shall we say lucrative) ....incoming now.......................
  7. ok so i hijacked your thread so my constructive addition for you here is the link to the WA term dates which i hope may help you http://www.det.wa.edu.au/termdates/detcms/portal/
  8. Can i ask a really stupid question....... Why do people do validation visit's ???? (apart from i know you have a certain amount of time to validate your visa) And here's where i may be very nieve.... If you are like us and a family of 5 with one way flights costing approx £3500..... why would you want to pay that just to go back home to then return later at another £3500... I don't mean to hijack the thread, lol, but i am, lol....i just don't understand the whole validation thingy.... We are arriving at the end of October and thats us...we have no family, have never been etc and are just saying hell yeah lets do it and give it a go.... Our process started in Feb this year and will end when we arrive on 31st October.... There's maybe other people who are asking the same thing (then again maybe it's just stupid scotsman me)
  9. I think you may find no nursing jobs available unless you have 2 years experience after qualification, we're from Scotland and fly out next month and on almost all job adverts we looked at for my wife it was always 2 years minimum...sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I also worked at the SECC Expo on Sunday with a Nursing Agency to help out and the chat was the same !!!! Sorry
  10. Yeah David Jason will now be the owner taking over from his uncle
  11. Does anyone know where i can get prepaid sim cards online. We want to have OZ numbers to leave with friends and family before we leave here so was hoping we could buy online. We leave here 30th Oct. we need to buy 3 for Iphone 4s thanks
  12. End of a saga...... We are going out for dinner with friends last night and when we arrive at the restaurant my beautiful wife produce's 1) Purse and wait for it................................... 2) Handbag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pluck up the courage..... "darling, sweetheart, apple of my eye...... Where did you find your handbag???" In a very nice tone, (as you can all imagine) she replied, lovingly... "In the suitcase WE put all the new clothes in, so you must have closed it when i sat my bag down " O M G..... At least now when we get to customs and they ask did anyone pack your bags for you, "I" can safely say now "WE" packed them ourselves !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . . . . . . . Needless to say my silly mare of a wife does ALL THE BLOODY PACKING AND I'M NOT ALLOWED ANYWHERE FRICKIN NEAR CASES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Elfie....i only edit due to my extremely bad spelling !!! lol yeah a documentary woudl be great...people would be appalled !
  14. OHHHHHHH ELFIE...we do love you but that quite a controversial statement !!!!! I've been in the position of had 2 "minor" stays in hospital and the nursing care i received was fantasic form the nurses in the station where i was, the care from the nursing assitants was every bit as good and as important... my wife is a nurse and i can maybe put your mind at ease but the last thing on her mind is sitting about all day doing nothing. It's crucial she maintains the paperwork aspect of things, it can save lives!!!!! However i also know the role she plays with patients and their relatives is admirable and extremely challenging... She has came home many a time with scratches, cuts and bruises etc (she works with the elderly mental health) At 7 months pregnant she was almost struck from behind with a fire extinguisher by a patient, fortunately the charge nurse on the floor with her and stopped it..JUST And do you know what......She always goes back to her "job" the next day and never complains And in the UK ....extremely underpaid.... Again thats my personal opinion
  15. Bobopaulsy


    Stormy..... You had an 11kg turkey and a chihuahua...... You's must have been hungry :-)
  16. I've got a few friends "Jack Daniels" , "Johnnie Walker" and i do know a very "Famous Grouse" who i'd be delighted to introduce you too...but alas i'm not big on the Scotch !!!! ANYWAY.... I'm in the situation here in the UK that we have commitments that mean i can never move jobs because of my earnings, hence moving to OZ releases me form that life and like you i just want to invest that in my kids. I've learned some hard lessons over the years and our move will be like a total new life for us... Fingers crossed !!!!!
  17. Porty Pal I think you are giving this serious consideration for all the correct reason. One thing to make sure of is that you can live well, and by that i mean pay the household bills and afford the small luxury every so often.... We arrive later this month and one of the biggest things for me is that I do not want to come to Oz to get rich quick, I want to have a comfortable life with new adventures. I am leaving a job where I earn £65-£70k here and i will be unemployed.... My wife will work in nursing and I will hopefully pick up some sort of works maybe in sales , maybe in football coaching or maybe in a local corner shop... The main thing is I want to have a quality of life ...not relying on money... Good luck to you my friend and we must catch up and share a glass of vino or similar !!!!! (i'll pay lol)
  18. I attended one in Glasgow in february and got a lot of useful info. I met one guy in particular who was extremely helpful and in fact i am helping him on his stand in two weeks in Glasgow before i leave for OZ at end of month. There was good presentation by WA Gov which i found helpful etc
  19. Should I be telling you this... SHE KEEPS THE PASSPORTS IN A SAFE PLACE..... I have the Visa's and Flight Tickets..... LOL all of which are no use without the passport i do agree
  20. I DO HOPE YOU ALL GET A SMILE WITH MY TALE !!!! OK so yesterday was the 1st of October and we are now in countdown mode...we fly out on 30th October.... The shipping company have been to our small pokey 2 bedroom flat to collect the remaining goods to be shipped... Remembering we left our big house in April...it's been a tough 6 months... Anyway... My darling wife promised me it'll be fine as she only has the basics left.... I've now been to the dump with 2 big vans full of "junk" not required and not being shipped (however when i wanted to dump this stuff in April "we needed it"..mmm) Moving on..... The shipping company left us last night...my beautiful darling wife how i love so much.....Had 5 estate cars full of journeys to her mums with "stuff" which again "is needed"..... I'm just not sure that it has hit home to her..WE CAN ONLY TAKE SUITCASES ON THE PLANE !!!!!!!!! Anyway i digress a little... My darling wife has just phoned me....Cannot fine her Hand bag anywhere (my reply of "i'm not surprised", well lets just say it wasn't wise)... In this hand bag.... Her Purse... Her spare car keys.... MORE IMPORTANTLY... HER WARD KEYS AND SWIPE PASS which allows her safe passage throughout her hospital wards and access to area's non-public....and she has patients today to transport throughout the hospital.... I do think she should be sectioned to one of her wards .... ........ The outcome is..... wait for it..... SHE THINKS SHE HAS SHIPPED THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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