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Everything posted by Bobopaulsy

  1. Everyone I hope you don't mind the long post but i know how much help this forum has been to me during the process and i just thought i'd let you all see my journey now that it is almost at it's conclusion... I must add at this point a HUGE THANKS TO "ALI" who has been pestered by my emails and has keep me on the correct tracks...a huge credit to this site...Thanks you so much xxx Ayrshire, Scotland to Perth, WA who are we... Allan – 38 – Head of Sales Children's theatre (10 years) / SFA Football Coach (5 years) Gillian – 35 – Mental Health Staff Nurse (7 years qualified) Charly, 14, Corey, 8, JJ 4 TIME LINE.... Jan / Feb – we both fed up with our employers so we decide we are going to explore the possibility of emigration. 17th Feb – Attend Wanted Down Under Expo in Glasgow. Meet a great guy who works as employment agent and also a big soccer fan, he’s an ex-pom himself. We have a chat about visa’s he suggest 457 the best route for us. 21st Feb attend court to get documents certified 27th Feb AHPRA applied for ($380) 15th March – AHPRA Notification documents received and application incomplete 16th March talk to various shipping companies and agree deal with Bishops Move (£3980 + £300 insurance) 21st March – Attend court to get more documents certified 22nd March UK House up for rental 24th March family view house and agree 2 year lease !!!! WA Health Board website registration, SEEK Registration, various Agency’s registered 2nd April move out of big house and into small flat. 75% stuff now with Shipping Company 2nd April 5th April – AHPRA Notification all documents now received 30th April – AHPRA Emailed to say NHS Notification of service complete (£45) ***6th May – AHPRA APPROVED*** May – couple of Skype interviews and accepted into 2/3 Job Pools by WA Health Board at different sites 3rd May – Gillians gets offered temporary promotion and secondment in the NHS and accepts. June – General Feedback is MH Nursing jobs short on the ground whilst new hospitals are being started / completed 10th June – Email to say they trying to contact 2 of Gillians references 21st June – Email notification of intention to offer Gillian a job in Swan Elderly MHS 26th June ANZ and WESTPAC bank Accounts opened July – Frustratingly now Gillians new job going great and Allan’s job has turned major corner and settled back down ***1st August – Official Job Offer*** 3rd August – Job Offer forms completed and returned 6th August – HR Department interview for 457 visa 6th August – HR forms completed and returned 10th August – HR notify to say no forms received 13th August – email all the forms again 14th August – Police Checks applied for (£45 x 2) 16th August – notification of Police checks received ***21st August – Police Checks received ALL CLEAR*** 26th August – 457 Visa Nomination applied for by WA ***28th August – 457 Nomination Approved*** 29th August – 457 Visa Applied for ($2475) BIG SHOCK as we initially thought only main applicant needed to pay !!!! 29th August – notification 457 Visa application received 29th August - Allan hands notice in at work 29th August - Bupa Health Care arranged ($182) deposit and then monthly 30th August – Processing Officer emails us to introduce herself, very nice touch. 2nd Sept – Only Gillian needs medicals 2nd Sept – 457 Visa further documents required (including the dreaded daughters step father having to attend court and certify 1229 form !!!) Daughter in tears and pleads with him 5th Sept – Attend court to get Allans documents certified but step daughters father doesn’t go !!! 10th Sept – Step Daughters father attends and certifies documents ( BIG HURDLE) 10th Sept – Gillians get medical (£404) 10th Sept – All documents now uploaded 17th Sept – Notification of Medicals now completed 17th Sept – Gillians gets offered permanent move to her current temporary role and has to break the news about her impending move *********18th Sept 457 VISA APPROVED ********** Whats next for us now….. We will book flights this weekend and hope to arrive 3rd/4th Week in October for Gillian to start new job at start of November, or sooner if they need her to. 2nd October moving out of flat into the Out-Laws house for the remainder of our time in UK. 11th October family leaving party booked..... And then i hope the start of a new life for us.... I Also need a job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any questions please just ask and i'll try to help
  2. MONEYCORP FOR ME!!!!! I attempted to open account with torfx.... tried 4 or 5 times with emails etc after they'd phoned me to instigate it.....communication awful.... I decided to click on link here for moneycorp and what a difference...account openend, nice phone call with follow up email..... Keep up great work John !!!!!
  3. I handed my notice in last week after 10 years in my jop.... since then i've been singing.... "Leaving on a jet plane, don't know if i'll be back again" work colleagues are so so P'd with me lol
  4. i just insured with Bupa mate and it says it's included....initially i've only got basic cover but i will be upgrading it once we land in Perth
  5. Ali, not in our budget but you know what we are coming there to change our lifestyle and if there is additional costs we will just have to deal with it, i'm not going to winge about it i am going to embrace it !!!!!!! (painfully lol)
  6. I just knew you were talking about Glasgow there !!!!!
  7. Wow just spoke to the UK OZ Consulate.... 457 visa's changes from 1st July have seen the following change. Whereas Spouse & Children were included on the visa in the main applicants cost which was $650 earlier this year, now each person on the application is due a fee....Our visa price is now $2475.....ouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey ho not a complaint just an observation and a costly one lol
  8. I am just trying to submit our online, we have TRN sponsor number... It's asking to attach Health Insurance, does anyone know if you have to arrange that now before we arrive... Also costs ???? Does each person have to pay the €900 or is it just the main applicant... Anyone going through this now and have the answer would be great] Thanks
  9. I think i read somewhere it was updated normally in July !!!!!
  10. Bobopaulsy


    Guys.....maybe it's old news on here but I use it sometimes here in uk and get some great deals......was pleasantly surprised when I noticed I could change country and what do you know Perth was there and to be honest there looks like some great deals.... Anyone who hasn't used it should look....great for days out etc when needing to watch those pennies lol
  11. Mmmmm Wildlife...... You've not seen anything until you've walked around glasgow at 1am trying to find a cab...... And some of them do bite !!!!! (And I've been stung by a few glasgow females in my time :-). )
  12. Thank God it's temporary.......... Oh sorry I should have mentioned we've been in a 2 bed flat since we moved out our 5 bed house in April .....whilst we wait for our visa to come thro......still in Scotland lol
  13. Tell them you have got a long term rental sooner than you thought and realise you were going to lose your deposit so you are moving your stuff gradually whilst staying in your new accom....there fore if they can rent out the house again sooner you can move all your stuff out, for a refund of the deposit off course...it may help both you out :-)
  14. "Certified as an accurate copy" The above is what my local court official done on ours and it was all accepted hope this helps
  15. OK there is alot of "friendly" debate about the 457 visa, so............ Who has arrived on a 457 and then moved to a PR...... If so how long did you wait and what things would others want to know, the do's and don'ts..... your opinions about it !!!!!!!
  16. Guys from your experience does the whole family have to arrive at the same time on 457 visa... Wife has job and they want her to start ASAP.... One of our thoughts was she can come over get settled, get us sorted and then we could join her just 2-3 weeks later Opinions please
  17. Full time soccer manager....yes I'm easily pleased
  18. Porty.... Yet again what a truly brilliant honest post... Reality !!!! Good luck with interview.... I've got the champagne on ice for you and if u can fit me it .... First drink is on me when we arrive from Scotland in Oct pal
  19. To all those already there as there's been loads of help on here so far.... We are hopefully going to be arriving at start October.... We are looking for short term holiday rental or long term rental... We are 2 adults and 3 kids no pets We are looking between Ellenbrook and swan area due to job locations Thanks everyone Allan
  20. Elfie that's great and I thought you'd appreciate this ....
  21. scary fact is that's one of the things I have looked at online lol........ i done a few of their initial aptitude tests last week and scored almost 100% ....mmmmmmmmm
  22. Just out of curiosity...... A question for the guys (or the gals to answer on their behalf lol) Hopefully when we get our visa it will be in my wife's name as she has the required skills (yeah that hurt to admit) Anyway.... I have worked in sales for 20 years, only had 3 jobs and have been quite successful and earn very well in the UK..... When i come to Perth I will be House Hubby until kids settled ok at school and we have confidently got safe childcare.... Have any other guys been in the same situation and what did you go on to do, did you re-train and go back to your own job type (i.e for me sales) Just curious as i have a few ideas ??????????????????????????????
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