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Everything posted by Bobopaulsy

  1. Good Point Jamesw my friend....We are looking at probably being in Ellenbrook area or just south of that due to my wife's job..... I'm gonna be a house husband until kids get settled lol
  2. I have a young family and i decided that i wanted a better "outdoor" life for them....my household at the moment has 3 iphones, 3 ipad's, a Nintendo Wii, XBOX360, 2 laptops, 1 android tablet...... Most of which have all come in via xmas / birthday presents etc.... I love being outside and want my kids to experience what i did as a youngster..... So...climate and more relaxed lifestyle is what i'm hoping for when i arrive in Autumn (uk autumn) lol
  3. Guys, just a wee bit of info required....we are just finalising most things over the next 6 weeks hopefully to be coming out end September all being well...... Can i ask who arrange accom before arriving, through who and example costs if poss !!!! We have no family in Oz, no friends lol and i do mean that in the nicest way as we've no "close" friends who we've known for years to stay with... So basically when we leave Scotland we ideally need to have somewhere for the 5 of us... Any guidance gratefully accepted !
  4. OK i'm in....god it's hard to get a team under the £100m
  5. now if you lived in Scotland you'd be sunbathing at 10c !!!!!...can you imagine what we're like when it's now hitting 23,24,25 for a few days in a row......there's naked people every where ....lol (and they're just trying to sunbathe long enuf to get white !!!!!)
  6. It's to peak at 23c today here in Bonnie Scots Land... Unfortunately pre-season for my footy squad so I'll be putting them thro paces 10-1 and then 2-4... Tough love..... However it will be in the sand dunes of Irvine beach park...good for me... Not them lol
  7. Ok straight forward enough just like to get to know everyone.... Edited to add a bit about us as well.... I'm from Ayr, Scotland and hope to be in Perth Early September..... Wife is a Mad Nurse, I work in Sales and coach within pro football club
  8. Oh yeah and to meet people who have been through or are going through the same as me.......all great so far and I certainly don't mind the odd debate or different opinion ..... Mods keep up great work
  9. Pea...no probs... I was "Young Player of The Year" last year for our Over 35's lol....how strange a statement i know
  10. Pea i'm afraid Owen was never AUFC manager....sorry...he was St Johnstone Manager which is Perth, Scotland coincadently lol Jamesw....Think we gonna be in Ellenbrook area....but I will be looking around on arrival...just finished playing 2 years ago...but ended up back playing a bit last season...however be with AUFC at Academy / reserve's now for 5 years.... will stay in touch...due to arrive all being well Sept time
  11. James I'm following you on twitter now (or is it stalking) lol ....footy is my life...hopefully will be coaching on my arrival in Perth. I'm currently reserve Team coach for Scottish League team @AyrUnitedfc & @Ayracademy Bobo
  12. Porty Pal..... I'm with you on the last 2 statements..."acquaintance"
  13. I'm a Tweeter...... facebook drags up ghosts from the past My wife use's facebook Daughter...Everything apart from answering her mobile when i need to know where the h*** she is at this time of night ....grrrrrr....yet the phone always seems to be in her hand....(rant over)
  14. Hi Elfie thanks for that it's just great to see people opinions, i do appreciate that the 457 isn't guarenteeing PR so we are going to look into it early doors just so we are fully aware of what needs done....our plan is to start the PR independently just in case lol We have a young family so are keen to settle and give it the best go ever...however due to the housing market we have rented our house out here long term so we'd have a fall back down the line in case we need to move back.... For me i just want my wife and kids to be happy and i think OZ will offer a better outdoor life for them as i hate being stuck in at home in Scotland were last Tuesday we had summer (lol) fingers crossed all round and time will tell !!!! Bobo
  15. Cheers P......i always let her have the good idea's Bobo
  16. Elfie.....Can i ask why you always knew you were going home, is that a job restriction ???? Only reason i'm asking is we hopefully gonna arrive on 457 Aug/Sept time, wife got job offer just waiting on sponsor number so we can do our bit, however one of the first things on our mind is once we have settled the kids at school etc we want to start the PR visa as well so we know we are sorted ! your opinion would be great bobo
  17. We looked at moving to Oz in 2010 then wife got cold feet..... Woke up one day in January this year and she said AP lets go, i'm gonna look at the Oz thingy again !!!!! (i got my hopes up the first time so this time i just though yeah right !!!!) Risk Taker ?????? (you tell me) She's been offered a job and now just waiting on the 457 sponsor number and we hope to be there end Aug or start Sept time !!!!!!!! We moved out of house in april into a pokey flat to save money.....sort of working (lol)
  18. yeap...sorry....Scottish sense of humour...we obviously share that !!!!!
  19. Hels....mmm now careful....Was that the Brothels you liked but they were too expensive and "crowded".....lol sorry i couldn't resist
  20. how much are the tickets, i'd love to do that when i get there, what is the exact date and do you think it will sell out ?????
  21. When i fly in Sept this year it'll be one of my kids sitting next to me..... my answer would have to be ANYONE ELSE APART FROM MY KIDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. It's funny but i do agree with PL.....we are hoping to be in Perth by Sept. My wife and I work full time and earn quite well. We have 3 kids who have a decent lifestyle and tend not to want for much. They are healthy, we are healthy and it's funny but in April we got an offer from a family who wanted to take out a 2 year lease on our house here in Scotland but wanted to move in almost immediately....we packed up our nice 5 Bedroom house and moved to a small 2 bedroom flat as a stop gap....albeit it closer to work and schools....since we done that we have strangely found that our quality of life is so much better already as I walk with the kids everynight up and down the riverside....it was sunny here yesterday we called that Summer !!!!!! I've walked/cycled to work almost everyday for the last 2-3 months now and enjoy it so much.... I am getting to a point here........ Life will be what you make of it where you are..... I want to move to Perth out of choice for better weather and if I can have a similar lifestyle i'll be absolutely delighted. If my kids are smiling then to be honest that has a huge value to me personally..... I don't think it will be easy but we are both prepared to work hard at it and as long as we have a roof and some food it will be great.... Portlaunay....we should meet for a beer
  23. i was thinking about using paypal when i get there just link my paypal account to my new Oz bank account and transfer money back to my dad's paypal account in UK !!!!!
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