If you son would like to play football, Peel United are looking for players for next season. Also, we run a 5 a side get together on a Friday night for anyone over the age of 16
we have just bought one as well, and use Google Sky Maps on the Android phone to assist us. Venus and Jupiter are very bright in the night sky at the moment
Hi all.
Just had a large tree chopped down and been left with 3 piles of mulch. If anyone in the Mandurah area wants some, then bring a bag or 2 and help yourself!
when in the car, 96FM. when at home, either Talksport, 5 live, LBC 97.3, The BBC world service, especially to listen to the live football commentary or 882 6PR
From memory, the beer is around $7.50 a pint. I was going to go, but looking at the score right now, it really isn't much of a game but still will be a nice day to sit in the sun.
I have tickets for the real deal which starts on Friday 13th december.
Another good evening out at the WACA is the 20/20 games witht he Perth Scorchers, first game is boxing day evening
Peel United will soon be starting a Friday night social kick about in Mandurah. Cost $10 which pays for the pitch hire and a beer or two at the end of the session.
Sorry, just seen this post.
We will be holding more sessions over the next few months, i'll keep you posted on here and on the clubs website. Your son will more more than welcome to attend the next sessions.
We did go to the Reef, I was sick as a dog on route to the reef, but once i fed the fish, I felt fine and did a snorkell and a scuba dive. To be honest I was a little disappointed with the reef, I was expecting a lot more colour than I saw.
The trip up to the rain forest and Cape Tribulation was wonderful