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Everything posted by Edzi

  1. Hi all. Moved from UK in July 2014 and now live in The Vines. I am 40 and my husband is 47. We have 3 children, aged 5,6 and 12. 5 & 6 year old go to Ellen Stirling and 12 year old goes to Swan Valley Anglican Community School. Love it here and we both work and have just bought a house in The Vines. One thing missing though it has been a struggle to make friends out of work and meet up with and socialise. My work friends are nice but it is nice to have friends out of work. We say hi to school mums and dads but no socialising with them. It is hard. We try so hard and are friendly. Anybody out there same age who have managed to get a good network of friends out of work and how did they do it!
  2. Hi everyone. Wow. Thank you so much. The feedback has been really helpful and made me sat up and think you are right. It is my life, she made her choices and cut everyone off. We are going to Perth!!!! Nothing is going to stand in our way, we are excited. I think it was just a setback. Nothing has changed with my mum, she is not speaking to me and I have had sleepless nights about it but we are still going. I will have to see what happens with regards to my mum but nothing is going to stop us. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I cant believe posting on here has helped me so much.
  3. Hi, today was horrible. My mum has been aware that I have been planning to go to WA since last year. I have just told her today that we have our visa and that my husband was planning to give in his notice and that we were going last weekend in July. Her reply was that if we go then she will cut off all contact and want nothing to do with me. My sister is already there and she has cut off the contact with her. We have three children, 4,5 and 10 and we have been wanting to migrate for a while since visiting. I am a nurse, my husband is a train driver and she said that we will not manage financially and why would we want to go now when we want for nothing now. I think I will get a job as a nurse but maybe it could be a bit more harder for my husband to be a train driver. He is willing to sacrifice and take a risk though. My mum has been manipulative and interfering for most of my life and can be quite nasty anyway but at the end of the day she is my mother. I am leaving her on her own and she said she will die and no-one will be there for her. The thing is she has smoked 40 per day since being 14 and has copd and she does not bother with her sister or her cousins and she has no friends because she just cuts everybody out. I know I will have all this on my own conscience to deal with but I suppose what I am asking is has anybody else been through anything like this and how did they deal with it because I have just got back home and feel awful. I feel I should stay now but I want to think of my children and how I want to bring them up just like my mum had choices of where to bring me up for the best. I have told her she can come to us for extended stays and we can holiday there and that we can keep in touch electronically by facebook, email and Skype as she is very up on computers but just refuses. Any advice please, I can even take it if you think I am totally selfish for leaving it will just help me to decide, although I have booked flights for july to perth anyway. I booked flights because I knew my mum would talk me out of it.
  4. Hi, Ochilgal, congratulations on your LOE. I am still waiting for mine. Can I ask how long did yours or anyone's on this forum take and which office? I sent mine to Perth. I am so excited, house sold, moved into a rental in UK, I just dare not book a flight until I have got this in case there is a problem. Anyway, here is to 2014 to everyone - have a lovely new year.
  5. Hi I have my permanent visa now and through Airsure my application reached the Ahpra office at Perth. I just wondered if they contact you by email to let you know if they have received it. I just wanted to know because when it is the only thing that you are waiting for before you can migrate I find it stressful in case it has gone missing. I cannot go through getting documents certified by JP again. It took ages! Anyway advice much appreciated. I am going to be going to NOR to Ellenbrook where my sister lives. Thank you.
  6. Hi certified documents now safely uploaded. I am going to take the advice of people on here and start filling out the form 80 just in case. I just wanted to ask that on my evisa account it states the documents recommended but not all apply to me so is it ok to just leave them and also how do you prove your children are part of your family unit? I have already uploaded birth certificate and passport on other titles, shall I just leave it? I think that is all I need to ask for now, no doubt i will be back in touch with problems on the form 80. Also what do i do to inform visa people that i have changed my address? I think there is a form, do i just print it out fill it in and scan it in and if so where do i scan it? Is it to the link at the side under your status? Thanks. Sorry for all the questions. Also what is the name of the form? Gosh i am sure it would be easier with an agent but at least i am in control. Michelle and Paul.
  7. Hi yes, we are going north of river to Ellenbrook with the children. I have just been to scan all my documents at my brother in laws and just got back bit late to attach now though, may do tomorrow. My scanner just would not work tonight. You are right that secondary applicant does not need to prove english language ability as a passport will suffice if from UK. An agent confirmed that to me even though I have not gone with an agent. The buyers of my house came tonight to say they have been to solicitors and signed papers and would like to move in next Friday. I guess I am waiting for my solicitors now to contact me but it all seems a bit too short notice but at least the house is sold and off my hands so that I can go straight to Australia. Keep me updated. Michelle and Paul.
  8. Hi Mithu. Thank you for your reply. I feel a bit stressed now. I thought I would not be getting a case officer for about 8 weeks as advertised on DIAC website which is another 4 weeks away. The only reason I have not uploaded documents is because I could not get into my solicitors until a few weeks after lodging and then I went on a pre-booked holiday last week. I am collecting them tomorrow so will upload tomorrow. I thought though that I could leave the pccs and medicals until after co asks. I am not in a rush to get visa etc with working full time and three kids, I do not have many days to get to a medical so hoping that by the time i get a case officer it may take me up to kids half term where i have a week off so we can all go then. Also I am busy packing for moving. I feel that i would be able to upload anything extra and get medicals and pccs in 28 days if required. I dont think it means from 28 days from lodging does it? Have I just blown £4000? Please can anyone advise if this is all ok what I have done.
  9. Hi I lodged 189 on 6th August. I have not uploaded any documents yet, they are at the solicitors for certifying and I am picking them up tomorrow. I will upload at the weekend when husband is at work and kids in bed as I am not entirely sure how to scan, save and attach. I have not front loaded any medicals or pccs yet as I am going to wait for the case officer to contact me as I have a lot going on with moving house at the moment. It has been four weeks tomorrow since I lodged and so I hope in another 4 weeks we will get a co. Not done a form 80 I thought I would wait to see if i am asked. I am a nurse so i need to register with ahpra and i was going to wait until i had my visa but now getting a bit excited i might do it now because my husband has to give six months notice at work so i dont want to wait any longer than i have to. We are heading to Ellenbrook, Perth where my sister and her husband live. What about you? Where are you heading?
  10. Oh thank you so much. That does help a lot. I can chill out now.
  11. Hi, going to get my documents certified in 3 hours time and i just remembered they asked me for the exact wording they have to write on it as each company/organisation can require different wordings. I am absolutely stressed out because i cannot find anything on the diac website telling me what has to be wrote when my documents are getting certified. Please help! My kids are playing right up so i cannot properly look and i cannot get through on helpline.
  12. Hi, I have got to my ahpra cv but I am just struggling with it. Can anyone help:- For clinical procedural skills I have put - Clinical/ProceduralSkills Assessment,planning, implementation and evaluation of care. Wound care,administering medications,( including IV, topical, sublingual, subcutaneous,IM, oral, rectal), male/female catheterisation, removal of sutures and staples,manual evacuation (bowel care), tracheotomy change, Picc line flush, documentation,communication, venepuncture, falls assessment, must tool, maelor scoring, IVIfluids, monitor vital signs including blood pressure, pulse, temperature,saturation levels, administer blood transfusion including autologous blood,removal of drains, monitor fluid electrolyte balance, remove vaginal packs,bladder irrigation tubes, pressure ulcer prevention, administering enemas,oxygen therapy, health promotion, gastrostomy tube flushing, blood glucosetesting and administration of insulin, venous thromo-embolism assessment, PCA. (this is only in rough yet). But then it asks me for work history and then my responsibilities so what do i put there then because I thought that was the same as above. Anyone any help or advice please.
  13. Hi, I am a nurse. Received my Anmac in June, sent in my EOI and now lodged just last week for 189. I am off to get my documents certified in a few weeks and then will organise a medical and police clearance when a co asks me as I cant be doing with too much going on at once. I therefore have not looked at jobs yet. I think I will wait until I get my visa and then will send off for AHPRA. My husband is a train driver and has to give 6 months notice so i thought when we got to that point i might start looking at the jobs that are going. It is all exciting, I cannot wait. I just dream everyday of going to Oz. House is sold and we are moving into rented so at least that is sorted. Good luck everyone with your applications.
  14. Hi, submitted 189 visa and fee two days ago. there is a list of documents to upload but it looks like a generic list for all. Does the list change shortly to exactly what documents are required or do i just send anything in that is on that generic list? Also can i use a solicitor to certify docs or does it have to be a jp.
  15. Well done that is fab news ACPC200. Did it come to your normal email address or on the skillselect correspondence? At least someone is getting nominated, I thought it was all a bit quiet. Maybe they are working their way through date order. Hurry up and get to the 15th July eoi.
  16. Hi, I applied on 15th July so will keep posted if I hear anything. I was wondering the same.
  17. Hi I have completed my IELTS and skills and last night lodged an expression of interest for a visa 190. I understand that now it is past the 1st July 2013 we cannot apply directly. I wondered if anyone had any experience from the 1st July how long it takes for western australia government to contact you to say that they would like you to apply for their sponsorship. Thank you.
  18. Also can I clarify. Is the visa 190 a permanent visa? I have only just decided to go ahead with this so I have not read up fully on this. I was all for going with the visa 189.
  19. Hi, please can anyone help. I am thinking of updating my eoi as I failed to get an invite this time round due to occupations being reset on July 1st. I have requested a visa 189 but pondering as to whether to chose 190 for WA. I just have two questions:- 1 - When I have a visa 190 granted is it the same as 189 as in that you get the visa validated in the 1st year and then you have a further four years to emigrate? 2 - Do I have to get a job for this state nomination whilst I am in England? I was not sure by something I read. There was talk about having an offer of employment but I think that was for if people live in Australia. I am a nurse in England. Thank you. I was always going to go to WA but wanted to be open to moving anywhere so that my husband could be a traindriver as he is here in England. We have talked about it though and are prepared to stay in WA as it is the largest state and hope he gets a job. Thank you.
  20. Thank you. I am hoping to get an invite on the 1st July. Did you get your invite exactly on the 1st or 3rd monday in month or was it a bit later? I read on the skillselect site that there will be invites this month on 1st july and 15th so just wondered if it was 1st July, should I have heard today because it is 1st July in Oz or tomorrow?
  21. Hi I submitted my EOI on 25/6/13. When will I get an invite. Is it on 1st July midnight (australian time) or can i be a few days later? I know there was a shutdown for maintenance and I know it is only the 30th June today. I am just so excited. Or do you think I might not get an invite this time as I only have 60 points? Any ideas?
  22. Thank you very much for replying. I have now submitted my expression of interest now. I now am not sure whether I will get invited this time around or whether I have left it a bit late. I have got 60 points just. I will have to wait and see.
  23. Can anyone help. I am taking my husband and 3 children with me to Oz and I am unsure of the question about how many people would the client like to include in a future application. Do I put 5 including myself or 4. I am not sure with how it is worded. Also my qualification is a bachelor of science with honours in clinical nursing. Do i choose from drop down menu bachelor degree (other) or bachelor degree of science, technology and business. I am just not sure, I know my qualification states science but if you can clarify. Thank you. I can then submit in a couple of hours.
  24. Edzi


    Hi, Cossy family My assessment was finally completed last Tuesday and they have sent my LOD in the mail so am awaiting that before I put in my expression of interest. Hopefully it wont be long now for you. I know the waiting is awful. I also cannot believe that the visas have gone up, it is going to double in price for us too. There is me, my husband and 3 children aged 3,4,10. Nothing is going to put me off though, I just cannot believe it is so close to the 1st July and in fact knowing my luck we will be invited on the day (1st July) when the prices go up. Whereabouts in Australia are you wanting to go?
  25. I know what you mean and I do not think you are missing anything. My skills has been assessed as a surgical nurse because that was my previous anzsco which ended September 2012. ANMAC said it would be ok not to declare my current job as 19 months is enough to pass an assessment. Now it has come to it I am wondering whether to do eoi for my previous job and not declare i have worked since last september but would i get an invite? or should i put all my work history on including my current one with a different anzsco code. I have looked at the eoi and it says to put anzsco codes on for each employment so at least my last employment would relate to the anzsco code. Sorry it is so confusing but my boss is a bully and i just cannot ask her yet. I dont need points for work experience.
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