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Everything posted by verystormy

  1. No and no. It doesn't matter how long you worked in the UK, if you were resident, then you pay tax. 9 years of NI would not be sufficient to claim a state pension. You can though continue to pay NI to later qualify for it. If you are a British citizen
  2. No, they won't want 24 years of evidence. In fact they rarely go back more than a year. At most three years.
  3. We used a small move cube when we moved back, which holds plenty for what you are looking at.
  4. The main job site is seek.com.au which should give you an idea. Do you have visas?
  5. verystormy


    Hi. If you mean you want to use a migration agent to help do your visas, then http://www.newlifedownunder.com.au/ is highly recommended. I am assuming you have don't some initial research to look at if you qualify for a visa?
  6. You can not be family sponsored for an occupation on the short term list. Occupations for family sponsored 489 have to be on the long term list.
  7. The question would be do you qualify for a visa? You need to check the occupation lists at homeaffIrs.gove.au to see if your occupation is there. Then check with the assessing authority (which would be listed next to the occupation) to see if you can pass the skills assessment
  8. All you can do is apply. Though you might want to check vevo first to see what is the current visa status in case the visitor visa has cancelled the partner visa.
  9. The first thing to think about are visas and to ensure you are eligible. I am guessing you would be using your skills? In which case, go through the skills assessment for social worker to ensure you can pass that. With points, if you are including points for English language, you will need to take an exam to claim them such as ilets. For jobs, you can look at seek.com.au to get an idea of jobs available. While I don't think your husbands condition is likely to be a problem, when ever there is a medical condition I always recommend running it past a specialist migration agent just to make sure such as George Lombard
  10. I have never come across a situation where a family were considering living apart for years before. So, this is only a best guess answer and hopefully a migration agent will post. But I would say the department would question if you were in a genuine relationship.
  11. Temporary visas all require employer sponsorship if you want to work. The only ones that don't are working holiday visas, available to people under the age of 31 and they cannot take dependants. If she is able to apply for a PR visa now, then I would recommend it. There is no guarantee she will be able to in the future. The government have recently removed over 200 occupations from the list and announced it wants to see most medical occupations removed. The only real benefit of a temp visa is that it is slightly cheaper as the visa fees are paid by the employer and at the end of the visa the employer has to pay for the flights home. But, given the overall costs involved in migrating, this is a drop in the ocean.
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum. Generally speaking, I advise against temporary / business sponsored visas as they come with a lot of catches. These include the fact it is a temp visa and by the time you may want to apply for anything else, they may no longer be able. These visas are tied to the employer, so if she were to lose her job for any reason, she has 60 days to find another sponsor or leave the country. There is no government assistance available for people on these visas including for things like childcare and the state will actually charge you for education. At the same time, the partners (you) can have issues finding work as employers are not keen on someone whose fate isn't in their hands. I am a,so going to give a note of caution on persuading your wife. This is a very risky thing to do. Migrating is incredibly stressful on a relationship when it is easy and both are wanting to do it. When one isn't as keen, I have seen more than one couple land in the divorce court as a result.
  13. Gaining sponsorship is not simple. First you would need to check you have an occupation that is eligible for sponsorship. The lists are on the homeaffairs.gov.au web site Then, you need to check the other criteria can be met such as being able to perform the role. For example, a lawyer would first need to be admitted to the legal professional for a state. You would also need to be able to meet criteria such as a criminal history and medical. Then, today, very few companies now sponsor.
  14. Besides being only a temporary visa. If you are taking a family, the partners can have trouble finding work as companies are not keen The visa is tied to the employer, so lose your job for any reason and you lose the visa If you have children, WA state government charges temp visa holders for education and if the children reach an age to go to university they are international students which means no government assistance and international fees. On returning home to the UK , they need to be resident for three years before they are eligible for university as a home student or are treated as an international. Yourselves are not entitled to any form of government assistance while in Australia and on returning, the UK imposes restrictions on assistance to returnees.
  15. As others have mentioned, you can be sponsored for a 482 temporary visa. Depending on which list your occupation is on, will dictate how long it is granted for. If it is on the short term list, then a maximum of two years, if on the long term list then a maximum of four years. You should also be aware there are a number of issues with this visa.
  16. You can't just swap her on your visa. You will need to sponsor her for a partner visa. You can only do this once you are living in Australia and the process takes 12 to 24 months.
  17. Hi and welcome to the forum. You can get an idea about jobs on seek.com.au However, visas are the big thing at your stage. First, yes there is a skills assessment for painters. If you look at the skilled occupation lists on the homeaffairs web site it will show the assessing authority. It will also establish which list it is on, which in turns determines which visa (if any) you can apply for. With points, it is important to not over claim points as that can result in a refusal. For example, if you have calculated points for experience, you can only claim experience that is after you became qualified (level 3). So, if you have calculated your points including English, you would need to prove this by taking an English exam such as ilets. On the flip side, it is important to get as many as possible as that affects your chance of getting an invite to apply. At the moment, people are not getting invited with 65 points. With regard your girlfriend, if you want to include her in your application, you would need to establish she is your de facto. This is normally done by proving you have lived together for at least 12 months.
  18. Before you cancel the holiday visa, I would check the status of your RRV as the holiday visa may have cancelled the rrv.
  19. First, are you aware that sponsored visas are usually temporary visas which expect you to return to the UK at the end of it? They also come with a number of issues such as being charged thousands per year for your daughters education. Have you spoken to a good migration agent to see if there are any permanent visa options?
  20. IT potentially does if you are willing to go down the road of a 489 visa. This isn't family sponsored visa which does add more points. However, the big thing to note with it is that it is a provisional visa. So, it would mean complying with the visa conditions for two years before obtaining a permanent visa. My advice would be to speak to a good migration agent to get some grounding on which visa is best for you.
  21. Visas are based on skills, so one of you needs to have a skill that is on the skilled lists. Note, only one of you needs it. However, in order to be deemed to be skilled, the main applicant needs to pass a skills assessment, which is an assessment of formal qualification / training and post qualification experience. So, one of you will need to pass that. The next bit is points. You need to score a minimum of 65 points. Points are awarded for a range of things such as age, qualifications and language. The later is a bit of a funny one, as if British, you don't need to pass a test to prove you have the required English, but, if you want points for it you do. Hence, most people find they have to pass an English exam such as ilets to boost their points as the more points the better. Then, check you pass the other criteria such as age (maximum is 45), health and character. A good starting point is https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au In particular, look at the 189 visa.
  22. Hays is probably the biggest. For others it depends on what you do.
  23. All the big agencies that are in the UK also exist in Oz. However, they generally won't look at you until you arrive. We always recommend people budget to arrive and take a minimum of three months to start work and ideally a budget for six minutes months.
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