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Everything posted by verystormy

  1. To qualify for a visa as any form of teacher, she would need to complete four years of university degree level (as minimum) education. I do not recommend she undertakes it on a student visa as it is a very expensive way to do it. She should also only study to a career if that is what she really wants regardless of if it produces a visa. Occupations are regularly removed and this one is one I would not be at all surprised to see removed. Over 200 occupations have been removed in the last 12 months and the government has made it clear, many more will be. Also, points may be an issue as because the number of places for visas has been reduced, although the technical requirement is still 60, in reality nobody has been getting invited on less than 70.
  2. Be careful of caravan sites close to the city. Given you only have a temporary student visa, don't blow your money as you may need it when you return to the UK at the end of your studies.
  3. Would certainly agree with Maddington as a place to avoid and would avoid anywhere the required getting the train line along there as far too many issues getting the train on that line. I spent several years working fora company that had a facility in Maddington and we were eventually banned from getting the train after too many staff had issues.
  4. I think they are going to need 101 visas, the cost of which is the same regardless of where applied for. But, as Ali mentions, there are significant risks applying on shore as until the 101's were granted, they would have the same restrictions on them as a tourist which can have impacts on things like access to education. I would therefore also recommend you contact a good agent. Camilla from New Life Down Under is a reputable agent who posts on the forum. http://www.newlifedownunder.com.au i am guessing they are all under 18?
  5. My advice would be to wait till you arrive and have a chance to look at different areas as what they seem like in person can be very different. When we were moving we were almost certain of the area we wanted. It was an area that is very popular. We arrived, went to see it and hated it. Also, I wouldn't recommend you immediately buy. Look at renting while you get to know it.
  6. Sorry, but I just try to be realistic rather than positive. For example, only last week, unemployment in WA hit its highest level in 16 years. But, hey, I can sit there telling everyone to move to WA as it is booming and there are 10 jobs for everyone and the streets are paved with gold.
  7. The lack of formal qualification is going to be the issue. It won't necessarily be a bar, but will cause complications in passing the skills assessment. As a result, you will need professional help from a good agent as you will need to go through some extra hoops. Normally, a person does a skills assessment by providing the assessing body copies of qualification and evidence of experience and potentially practical assessment. But, in your case you will need to be assessed by what is known as RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning). The unfortunate flip side being they will deduct a fair bit of your experience for what you can claim for points, usually about eight years, meaning you can only then claim seven years experience which may reduce the points available to you - you need at least 60, but the more the better as at the moment nobody is being invited with less than 70. So, my advice would be to contact a good migration agent. Camilla is one who helps on the forum and I would recommend. He contact details are http://www.newlifedownunder.com.au
  8. The first thing. Visas, as everything else is academic until you know you qualify for a visa. So, fist trade. The two you mention are very different and would be assessed totally differently. Which do you have a trade qualification in and what qualification? How much experience do you have? How old are you? Do you or any of the family have any major health issues?
  9. As Ali says, they will need an RRV and a tourist visa may cancel there PR on the basis that once a new visa is granted it overrides previous grants. They should also be aware that there in no gauruntee of on going RRV's as the criteria is two years in the last five spent in Oz or significant ties and the fact their parents are there isn't necessarily a significant tie in the eyes of the department. The department are fairly lenient with this and I have no issue they will get one. But beyond that may be pushing it.
  10. Never call the department as you go through to a call centre whose staff are not visa experts and they hold an indemnity for bad advice given. The official position of the department is that people should consult a registered migration agent such as the one recommended above.
  11. Camila who runs http://www.newlifedownunder.com.au is an excellent agent and helps on the forum. Be aware the age cut off is now 45 and not 50 - it has recently changed and you may already struggle for points. You should also be aware that the minister is now hinting that parent visas may be abolished - I would not be at all surprised, so if your parents eventually joining you, is a big part of your decision, that is something to consider,
  12. It would be a struggle to get sponsorship even on another temp visa (the 457 has been abolished and replaced with the 482). State sponsorship for WA is also now hard and if they have offered a 489 that is about as good as you are likely to get. Though it will limit your ability to work as you can't work in Perth for a year. Has your agent discussed with you any issues with including your children on the application? The 20 year old and 17 should be ok, but if the 18 year old is not in full time education it could be an issue. Your husband also needs to research job options as his HGV qualifications won't be valid and plumbing is a licensed occupation which means he would need to work as a trade assistant for a period - usually a year - which is a bit like an apprentice and then take college courses.
  13. Ali has pretty much outlined the issues. Your mothers condition is a potential issue as the department will not just look at potential costs now, but also in the future. You would need to gain your visa first and make the move and settle for two years, then your parents could apply. If they can get through the medical, they need to be aware of the costs. This is a very expensive process for parents with costs of about $130,000 for two parent visas. Though this is likely to rise by the time they are able to apply. Also, processing is not quick. At the moment it is taking about three years to process a visa, so in reality it would be five years after you made the move that they could join you.
  14. Have you looked at skilled independent visas as sponsored visas are usually only temporary and come with a lot of issues.
  15. I don't remember seeing many of them. To be honest, I suspect it would not help you settle as it would feel like you are surrounded by other people's things constantly and wouldn't feel like home.
  16. Then that will be mid winter, which unfortunately means a number of things will be closed and beach activities not really happening. My suggestions would be Perth zoo, Freo Prison tour and trip to Mandurah to see dolphins which are actually very common in winter.
  17. Hi and welcome to the forum. How old are your children?
  18. In my years on the forum, I haven't come across it. Is it still on the list?
  19. I can't think of a more horrid flight. Maybe ok in first - though not Qantas first. I would rather swim.
  20. If you are living in Australia when the travel portion expires and you wish to leave and return to Australia such as a holiday, you would need an RRV. In such circumstances it would normally be granted easily and quickly and you would get a 5 year RRV. Once you have activated your visa by visiting Australia within the 12 months of police or medical check you then have 5 years to make the move before the travel portion of the visa expires. If you haven't made the move to Australia by then, there is a risk they wont grant an RRV, though generally they are lenient.
  21. First, as mentioned, do not omit any information as yes they do check. They don't detail check every application, but they do some and not only would it result in a refusal, but loss of fee and a ban from other visas. The 405 is a complex visa and not common so I would recommend you take professional advice. Be aware it is only a temporary visa
  22. verystormy


    Hi and welcome to the forum.
  23. The most important thing is to get a good agent. Camila helps and advises on the forum a lot and has an excellent reputation. http://www.newlifedownunder.com.au/ she is based in Perth but as most communication is via email, that shouldn't be an issue.
  24. In theory you can do this. However, there are a few issues. The first is that if immigration realised your plan on entry you would be refused entry for not being a genuine tourist. The work situation you mention may not be legal. The ATO does not decide on if you are resident for tax purposes based on where the work is carried out. But on a broad test that asks if you are resident generally. For example, I lived in WA but worked in Tanzania. I was in Tanzania for far more time than I was in WA. But I was classed as resident in WA. If they decide you are resident then you would be working illegally which would result in cancellation of visa and a ban from applying for another visa. The next is the risk of a no further stay condition. This can be applied to a tourist visa at any time and could result in you not being able to apply on shore. Lastly, the most likely bridging visa that would come in at the end of the tourist visa is a BVA. This would have no work rights and no travel rights -. You can not leave and re enter Australia. I would take professional advice from a good registered migration agent.
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