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Everything posted by Bibbs

  1. Very location dependant. Shenton Park is a whole world away from Rockingham.
  2. Used Aldi and Lidl in the UK for stocking op on basics (tinned pantry food stuffs). There isn't an Aldi near me, so I won't use them here. Use 'Cash and Carry' here for bulk stuff occasionally.
  3. BWS for the basics as it's the closest, Dan Murphy for bulk buying the better stuff. Then local wineries / Marg River for a run now and again for the local stuff.
  4. Meth or Pokemon Go. Apart from that, I'm out of options for teenagers.
  5. Bibbs


    You know the stereotype of the 2nd hand car dealer? .. they are worse here.
  6. Oh, and one last thing .. not sure if they can help, but how about Hatched, Matched and Despatched in the city? http://www.bdm.dotag.wa.gov.au/ Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Level 10, 141 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 Phone: 1300 305 021 (calls from within Australia only) Overseas calls only: International Access Code + 61 8 9264 1555
  7. Another rule of thumb, if it has a Myer, it'll usually be okay.
  8. Bibbs


    Wouldn't trust them .. I've seen them miss issues before. They don't then offer anything more than a partial refund on their costs, and nothing to cover the actual issue. I'd take someone who knows about cars, and do plenty of internet research on the model of car before you go.
  9. Or the electoral Roll :- Can see Mooney in 1972. http://search.ancestry.com.au/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=AUSelectoralrolls&gss=sfs28_ms_db&new=1&rank=1&gsfn=Diane%20Sarah&gsfn_x=XO&gsln=Mooney&gsln_x=NS_NP_NN&MSAV=0&uidh=000 No Shields. So I'd assume re-married in the 4 years between. http://search.ancestry.com.au/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=AUSelectoralrolls&gss=sfs28_ms_r_db&new=1&rank=1&gsfn=Diane%20Sarah&gsfn_x=1&gsln=Shields&gsln_x=NS_NP_NN&MSAV=0&uidh=000
  10. Oh, and not to put a downer on things .. http://www2.mcb.wa.gov.au/NameSearch/search.php
  11. Few "D Shields" in the phonebook. http://www.whitepages.com.au/residential/results?name=Shields&location=WA
  12. Summer - Beach, parks, BBQ's by the river. Winter - Bars, resturants, friends houses. There are a few late bars/clubs. Try Northbridge. Or Freo has a couple too. I, personally, tend to stay in the city/Northbridge area for Friday/Saturday drinks. It's cheap to grab an Uber home etc. and there are always new places popping up.
  13. Bibbs


    Be careful of Gumtree though, there are a lot of very tired old cars on there. No comeback from a private sale either. Buyer beware.
  14. If you are in Scarbs, go to Karrinyup. It's close and a whole lot better than Innaloo. Garden City is the best (in my opinion) ouside the CBD (which isn't a mall, but has the best shops). I try and avoid Joondalup. Not specifically the shopping centre, just in general.
  15. Bibbs


    Just need *an* address, as that's where it'll be registered (where the government will send your forms). $7500 is on the low side. What you after? http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-cars-vans-utes/perth/carbodytype-ute/c18320l3008303?sort=price_asc
  16. If you are in the CBD, go to 'Durty Nellies' and 'Moon and Sixpence' on a Friday afternoon .. you've be surrounded by other Brits ..
  17. With kids I'd imagine i'd be difficult. All the 'quality' places I like/know are not really kid friendly. Laz suggests the Burger places (V and Grill'd), both chains, but usually good. Better than a Maccas by quite some margin. But in general, I agree, it takes a lot of hunting to find somewhere good.
  18. I could have voted, but didn't as i didn't think it was right. I've no intention of moving back any time soon. I was in the 'leave' camp. But I knew that the result would have had knock-ons, and it appears the racist element is now having a field day. Bit disappointed that Dave has quit (in 3 months) as there isn't anyone really worthy of taking over (Dan Hannan?) It'll be interesting to see what other countries now try and follow? I've a feeling the Dutch are pretty Euro-sceptic.
  19. Bibbs

    bayonets ?

    Don't take things too serious. It's only the internet
  20. Bibbs

    bayonets ?

  21. Bibbs

    bayonets ?

    I think most houses I've been in, that have been built in the last 5 years have both. But your mileage may vary.
  22. Was going to look for my previous post, but it's the first reply in your link!
  23. Bibbs

    bayonets ?

    Yup, Gas heaters. A big 7 burner from Everdure is about $600 in Harvey Normans. Half that on Gumtree. Using ours every night at the moment.
  24. Where about NOR? There is a big price difference between Peppermint Grove and Jurien Bay.
  25. There are .. http://www.realestate.com.au/rent/between-0-300-in-scarborough%2c+wa+6019%3b+/list-1?source=location-search But I'm not sure I'd want to live in any of them. Nothing in Scarbs for 2x2 and under $300 http://www.realestate.com.au/rent/with-2-bedrooms-between-0-300-in-scarborough%2c+wa+6019/list-1?numBaths=2&maxBeds=any&source=location-search
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