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Lisa VCH

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Everything posted by Lisa VCH

  1. I think the cost is 4k per year, per family now for undergraduate. Masters students get free education for their kids. However the university allocates the school and it may not be the one nearest to you. I was told that potentially I could have 3 kids in 3 schools! Then there is the tie of living fairly close to the uni. This is my plan C but currently working on plan B to save myself the student fees. The university should be able to give you the answers, you are paying for their help. Good luck :-)
  2. Thank you for your replies, I think that when you have kids you want to have it all sorted ASAP but it's probably better to have another look when we get back and relax a bit. I think I will put their names down for MBC and just see what happens... Thanks again :-)
  3. We are just on our last day of two weeks in Perth. Realistically it's going to be two years before we can secure a visa, but we were hoping to narrow down possible suburbs and put names down on waiting lists (you never know). All the suburbs with good public schools seem to be very expensive and I calculated that it's cheaper to send the kids privately and live further out. Before coming out our focus was on Baldivis, which we did like the look of. There's Tranby College but I don't know what the local opinion is on the new high school. We also liked Lakelands, but have been warned that Mandurah is a mixed bag. But when we drove through Joondalup I thought it looked fab. The school, Lake Joondalup Baptist College looks amazing (online). The problem is that house prices up there seem very high, as well as the school itself being more expensive. Does any one have any knowledge about any of these schools? I've had a fab holiday but feel like I've not made much progress! Thank you for your help.
  4. Hi everyone. I'm thinking of starting a pgce specialising in ages 3-7. My concern is that aitsl define an early childhood teacher as some one who is specialising in ages 3-8. Now would they be picky enough to quibble over this? I understand you need 4 years at uni in total. Has anyone had a successful assessment as an early childhood teacher? Thank you :-)
  5. Oh no, you must be gutted. I fully expect a bad reaction from certain friends but it must be awful if it's your spouse. Could you afford a holiday? Maybe if she doesn't feel pressured, in a few weeks she will realise why she wanted to go in the first place? Good luck :-)
  6. Amii I have two dogs (1 is a cockapoo) and I intend to take them. there seem to be a lot of rentals on reiwa that will take dogs, more so than in the UK. My dogs are nervous and I will enquire with the vet if they can have some kind of sedative. The children will be leaving so much behind but they can take their furry friends with them. Good luck
  7. Oh no how frustrating. We are only two years into this snacking head into brick wall business and you've done five. Have you tried ringing the place or going in there? Chin up, you can't fall at the last hurdle!
  8. Thanks everyone. Portlaunay, the job is the problem. He has been told by agencies in perth that he shouldn't have a problem getting a job as a HR manager when he's out there, but has to go as the project thing to get there. This brings me to another question, are you allowed to look for work whilst on a holiday visa? :-)
  9. Thank you all for the replies. On the official website it says that list 2 occupations need a 12month or more contract/job offer; (I've tried to copy and paste from WA site) Subclass 190 visa ■ Have a contract of employment 6 for full-time employment 7 for at least 12 months in Western Australia in the nominated (or closely related 3 ) occupation. ■ Very stormy, the occupation is Project Administrator. To add to the confusion, the migration agent emailed saying that my husband's experience needs to be POST qualification (he's spent the last year finishing off the required qualification but has 15 years experience). However, on the vetassess website it says; Program or Project Administrator (ANZSCO Code 511112) This occupation requires a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Diploma, in a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation. In addition to this, applicants must have at least one year of post-qualification employment at an appropriate skill level completed in the last five years in a field which is highly relevant to the nominated occupation. If employment is not post-qualification, then three additional years of highly relevant employment are required. So (forgive me if I'm stupid) I think this is telling me that it doesn't matter if the qualification is after the experience as long as he has more than three years experience overall which he does. Who should I believe, the website or the migration agent? To be honest I am getting a bit frustrated with this migration agent and am thinking of contacting George Lombard instead. Thanks again :-)
  10. Bestie is your occupation on list 2?
  11. Hi Richard I'm no expert, but I have noticed people mentioning that you have to notify WA of any changes of address. Also I 'heard' somewhere that they send out regular questionnaires checking on where you are living and working. It's only two years, then you could live where you like
  12. Hello lovely perth pomers We have had a chat with a migration agent and still aren't sure what to do. We now have a realistic chance of passing the vetassess assessment (hurrah) However we will still need to get a 12 month job offer to apply for the 190. It seems like a lot of stress to go through and not be able to proceed without a job. Getting a job in perth from Norfolk seems tricky, but then I think that there are so many jobs on list 2 that surely this must be what lots of people are achieving? Have lots of you managed this? Thanks
  13. If anyone's interested, new series of wanted down under started this week. Yesterday was perth and they showed butler, Quinn's rocks, alkimos and Kinross. Something to keep you going if you're still scraping the ice off your car in the mornings :-)
  14. Hi, I've just sold my house to fund even beginning the visa process. The house sold in two days and we're now renting.The equity was the only money we had, and if we don't get into oz we'll just buy another house. Plus we are now able to afford a holiday to Perth in April :-)Good luck.
  15. This is so hard. My own mum has made it very clear that she will not visit us or make contact online. This hurts and makes it easier to leave to be honest. I have a friend who would like to go but won't go against her mother, she is now having marital problems and I think this is very selfish of her mother. As a parent myself I would be proud to have raised a child with the guts to do this thing. Heartbreaking maybe, but you raise them to let them go, good luck.
  16. Thanks everyone, for any others that are interested, here's what I found out: Government schools will charge these extortionate fees for children of undergradute students, but nothing for postgraduate students. Private schools are entitled to charge double their usual fee but often choose to charge just the normal fee. 457 visa holders have to pay 4k. :-)
  17. Will try not to be too confusing... I understand that if I go over on a student visa I will have to pay fees for my kids in government schools ($36k for all of them!) But if they go to private school, will they pay the standard fees, or will they have to pay the same as a child going over as a student themselves (perhaps with a parent who will not be allowed to work). This is generally twice the normal fee. Please advise if you can, thanks so much.
  18. Tracey, it is confusing! If your husband has a degree you are halfway there. Could he go as a recruitment consultant? I thought they were crying out for those? I have seen jobs advertised offering 457 sponsorship for Rec. Con. on SEEK, that would get you over there. I've read conflicting reports about whether you need a job offer for schedule 2, so I can't comment. Good luck
  19. Hi Kezzles You may remember that we're in the same position. My husband is doing a HND (which is the first 2 years of degree) in 11 months, online distance learning. He will then do a HND top-up in 12 months next year which gives him an honours degree. This may be in time before the next big birthday otherwise we will lose too many points (depending on vetassess processing time) Try not to lose hope, there are ways to gain the lost points (regional area, positive skills ass. by your bf, etc). You can bet your life that as soon as my husband does all this the CIPD will be embraced by vetassess
  20. Hi Camilla Thank you for the advice. Realistically we should wait a couple of years until my husband is in a position to pass the skills assessment. Thanks again
  21. Can you get a 457 without a skills assessment? If so I might be temped to send my husband to perth for a week. I just thought there was zero chance when there must be hr applicants out there with pr?
  22. What disturbed me was the friends and family bit, every person said don't go. I thought that was so unfair. Was it Friday's episode where the family went to Perth, and his uncle and aunt that had raised him refused to speak to him anymore!
  23. I have noticed that 2 occupations have already come off the new WA list for sponsorship. Does any one know if they ever add to the list, or do they just take away? Thank you
  24. hello every one I've just noticed that project administrator is on the csol list on the official Australian immigration website. Does this mean they haven't updated it yet, or that it's a different list to the wa one? It also says that it's an annual list valid from July 2013, so what's the October wa list all about? sorry to be stupid, and thank you.
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