Hello fellow english men!
Ive been in oz for 2 years now and life is going great. i have now settled down with my partner and is now on a defacto visa! i worked in broome WA with a plumbing company for 8 months then left for a job on mine site just north Derby WA with me and my partner both getting jobs. money was good but life was sh*t and time went so quick doing 2 weeks on 1 week off 12hrs a day slept 3 days when i was on break:-/ . i plumbed in uk for 8yrs before leaving for oz and found a job plumbing in broome quite easy but from what im reading now was luckly and now thinking i was stupid to leave as they offerd me tickets ect...., plumbing in oz is miles different from the uk, i was mainly fixing main line water leaks which i had no exp doing as water board does that in uk but got the hang of it plumbings plumbing, as my old boss use to tell "all it is mate is just A to B" soldering is different we use hard solder over here and use oxy bottles hard at start off with but easy to pick up, lots of maintenance work and bathroom fitting. i now live in perth left the mines to get back in the plumbing industry, im just waiting for my uk police check and then applying for my tradesperson licence. Im working for a drainage company atm and just poking my nose about at plumbing work, is there any uk plumbers in perth who could give me any advise before doing my tradepersons licence and how about getting my contractors licence, not affraid of cost as like i said have had no life just saving for every penny since ive been working on the mine site. i live in myaree about 15mins from fremantle and perths CBD. Even if you would like to meet and have a drink somewhere would be great and share stories, ive worked all around WA and know quite a few contacts so might even be able to help yous out, Great if someone could help! Luke