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Everything posted by millar.wall.1985

  1. We'll be out there then!!! excitement !!!!! N theres a little Wall with us aged 5, Keep in touch would love to meet up with some of my cyber buds! lol Oh uncool does that sound .....
  2. Take her out for a nice meal your treat! you can both get dolled up and have some vinos and some laughs xxxx
  3. aw huni we were guna move in with my mum but as much as i love her it would have been a disaster. my mother has no boundaries bless her and I think my hubby would have erupted at some point. so to save our marriage we decided to get our own place while we save just sumet cheap! we still have out goings but were still managing to save while were both still in decent jobs. Its delayed our move out there but will hopefully be worth it! Maybe something to consider, may take some pressure off you xxx
  4. Hmm I might have to condense things further and hopefully we can get a movecube rather then shared container. Ha yeay my addiction has finally paid off. Thanks Nikki Lauren:)
  5. hey huni, that price is way lower then our quote, do u mind me asking how much you can take over with that? We are looking at taking 16 boxes a sofa n a king size bed. xxx
  6. aw give them both a few months and am sure theyll both be really strong swimmer:0)
  7. My names Lauren wall and I'm a poms in Perth addict! Ha ha
  8. oh its gorgeous! my friend goes every year on holiday! she loves the gorilla experience lol xxx
  9. Oh thats really pretty Lou86! where do u live? aw I love middlesbrough really, its my roots
  10. Oh I loveeee loveeee loveeee this post! Hmmmm I must be mad wanting to leave this grey gloomy industrial town....... NAAATTT!
  11. I know no one will care but my little girly(4) swam 25 meters under water on sunday! We taught her to swim our selves so its cheesy as but i couldnt be prouder! Ha been training her up for our new out doors lifestyle!
  12. Isnt it awful but I have found a similar response. Ive been shocked to hear some of my family/friends being so negative (some also taking pleasure in telling us were going to fall flat on our faces). This just makes me all the more determined!
  13. Fab idea! Looks great. Very impressed with it
  14. Its a satisfying feeling mind, even though the contents of my loft got transferred to my mams. Couldnt bring myself to part with all my daughters baby outfits. An all my old uni work. (Thats a thought, have any nurses took their PDP out with them? I havent even attempted to swap pin over yet? Maybe I should look into this lol) guna do a boot sale when billys back off next trip off shore. Hoping the weathers broke by then. How exciting!!!!! Haha can u imagine how burned out with excitement Im guna be by the time we make it there?:wacko:IN AUGUST lol Keep em coming though ! Lauren
  15. Yea were there for our recci, defoes meet up:) Ill pm you. Quite a few people we know out there from Sunny Teesside
  16. Oh Im not there yet cant really advise , but just wanted to say good luck with what ever you decide xxx
  17. Oh my husband and his family are from Hemlington. You might know him.Richard Wall, although he goes by Billy (dont ask). N strange you should mention the teal, but we live just over the road from it. Were hoping to go out August we were guna wait till October but just guna wait until our daughter finishes reception and the leave lol. We got our visa within weeks of our medicals. Im sure youll have em soon. Let us know how you get on Lauren xxx
  18. Hi moss20z: ) We sure are, we are living in the lovely spam city!Ingleby! where u from? Cant wait to get out. are you living in oz or just family? Ha I might bring the parmo over to perth, in a parmo van on scarborough beach lol
  19. Hi Yep they were issued in August. We are coming out to activate them in 5 weeks:) So hoping to find secure work, as it scares me not having an income with a little one with us. I pass on the website, thank you
  20. Your right deb! I had these feelings after my wedding lol. N Not cause I was unahppy with my hubby (hes a gem )haha but because I missed being Bridezilla! Exactly the same Im a nurse too Ive been constant since I stated my training from diploma to advanced to degree and then 5 other modules 4 years in lol. haha but I too am currently a poms in perth addict lol. Haha and for the first time in my life Im actually addicted to exercise (if anyone ever sees me dont expect a skinny mini). I anticipate some of these feelings too though Cumbria! I suppose UK is where our roots were but I want ozzy for my little girls future. Best of luck xxxx Lauren
  21. 8 weeks and that was over the xmas period! so you could be out sooner:)
  22. Hey just wanted to say thank you to you all. This is great news:) Lauren
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