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Everything posted by Lauren05

  1. Good to here we aren't the only ones thinking of making the move this way, I would imagine after 2/3 months without work with 2 kids 6/8 in toe it could quickly turn into a nightmare.
  2. We are going in April to activate and have a holiday, we are going thinking if my husband gets a job he will stay If not he might go back later on in the year on his own.
  3. That's what we were thinking in regards to cost, what worries us is if we go and don't get work our savings are going to disappear rather quickly but if my husband goes finds work and house first then when me and the kids go we can concentrate on settling the kids in to school and there new life.
  4. Hi everyone, We are a family of four and have our visas, we are debating on my husband going first to find work, house ect before me and the kids go has anyone else done this? How did it work out? Spent so long hoping to be in this position now we are terrified.
  5. Thanks for the replys. Can anyone tell me a rough hourly rate the cleaners are taking, am I right in thinking 30 / 40 dollars an hour?
  6. Hi, I am looking for some advice and opinions on window cleaning in perth is there a demand for the service the same as the uk? is there any window cleaners on the forum? Is there anyone using a window cleaning service how much do they charge how long do they take? Are you happy with the service? Any feed back much appreciated.
  7. Thanks everyone for there help x
  8. Yes we are about an 40 min to an hour from fife
  9. Congratulations, what area are you planning to move to? We have two children too 7 and 5
  10. Yes it would be, we are a bit scared now that it all seems so real as we are both leaving good jobs possibly to start again but it's an adventure are you making the move in November or just activating?
  11. Hi thanks, we are in west Lothian, what about you?
  12. Thanks for the info flatpack appreciate it. Its so hard to pick somewhere when its your first visit.
  13. Hi, looking for some help has anyone lived or lives in Carramar in Joondalup? thinking of staying there when coming over to activate our visa. Just looking for a bit of info on the area. Any advice would be great. Thanks x
  14. Hi Visa granted now looking for some advice, we are coming over in April next year to activate it anyone have any advice on the best place to rent? Has to be good for kids and good starting place for exploring. Any advice would be great thanks x
  15. Hi fifi69, I currently own a salon as well as working for an education company in hairdressing, I have been in the industry for for 12 years and love my job, would probably like to work for someone until we got settled. We were thinking of the Mandera where we saw a house to let. This would allow us to check out other suburbs before settling somewhere we have two kids too so we want to look for good schools any input would be good thanks
  16. Hi yes ours is a skilled nominated 190 visa we have been going through the process collecting all the evidence for about a year and it just seems to have hit us now, good luck with yours
  17. hi, getting scared now seems to be moving fast now visa lodged on the 15/4/13 migration officer emailed on the 23/4/13 got medicals booked for the 13/5/13 and police checks sent away. worried about jobs now as we are both leaving good jobs behind whats the prospects for hairdresser and labourer are we mad? Any info would be good
  18. hi we have searched some websites was just wondering if anyone in same position or been through similar situation could maybe offer advice or success story, new to all this. Thanks
  19. Hi this is my first post, I am currently applying for my visa just at the sate sponsorship stage, hoping to move with my husband and two kids. I am a hairdresser and my husband landscape gardener does anyone know what the job prospects are like at the moment for these trades? Any info would be great thanks x
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